The Fed. has floated out BullTARD/Bullard to reassure the market that rate cuts are coming.
I do not believe in coincidences.
So, on the same day that Trump is now agreeing with the Fed pause, after a three day tirade BLASTING the Fed. for not cutting rates…. all of a sudden Bullard is floated out to say; "the Fed believes that inflation will fall allowing for rate cuts moving forward.” Really? Just a coincidence?
Come on. We ALL know that the Fed, along with other central banks will proceed with rate cuts moving forward and therefore we will see currency purchasing power destruction.
Here, Trump KNOWS the Fed is going to cut rates! This is just a continuation of THE GAME being played on We the People.
There is a hole in global debt markets that no sweet talk or money printing can fix
I should have loaded thr boat on the dip today fit a quick trade
Almost did but thought we d have a few days to acweek plus of down days
Negotiations with Mexico had been going on since Saturday. Insiders probably made a killing today on the tariff news