Lions and friends, this thing with the SEC for me is a problem- (thank you to the person who reported me….) I cannot directly answer any personal questions about stocks/positions/etc. until this is resolved.
Many people are writing to me asking about specific positions, stocks, etc… I cannot answer these questions.
Please bear with me for now on this…
You must have been "over the target" in your reports and advice. "The person" was likely representative of an agency or a banking concern that has been watching you, regularly, but did not "flip the switch" until the time was right...and crucial. Worth relistening to your recent videos, though, to glean important information that "the powers that be" do not want shared to the public.
With very best, always, to a hero "in the game," Gregory Mannarino (and family)!!
The timing of this happening does raise an eyebrow