Mhm just like you told us to pay attention to this yesterday.

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If you allow society to tolerate stupidity, then the people in power can get away with anything they want....because one wrong move or action by the people in power will be seen by the public as (it's) supported by ignorance not thought out by design.

The people in power are playing stupid...

"inflation was an accident"- Janet Yellen.

...and the "stupid society" tolerates it.

Now we have Federal Reserve presidents coming out and saying "we need to fight inflation", while at the same time, they are suppressing rates and keeping the yield curve flat around 3%.

Months later, the people in power will play stupid again, society will tolerate it.

These people in power are not stupid, they are just pretending to be...while they continue to kill the people.

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Playing stupid,if your stupid you can't be blamed

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Pretending; exactly

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What is this “market” you speak of? All I see is a rigged casino that has no intention of allowing you to leave with your winnings.

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If you know how it's rigged...

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Holding my oil producer stocks and oil ETF.

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https://twitter.com/i/status/1536355534290489344 got to watch here are some amayzing predictions.

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Funny how this stuff always happens on weekends. Naaahhh. Just another coincidence, I'm sure it is.

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When you have a banking system based on NOTHING more that fiat paper currency WORTHLESS every day, AND you engineer it as the world's reserve currency AND you take away any tangible standards such as GOLD (Breton Woods 2)essentially Keynesian Modern Monetary Theory on STEROIDS, this is the result over 95% debasement of the US Dollar since the SECRET creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Now the BIG question is this: is the next capital market crash BY DESIGN???? Answer: It does not matter as it will end VERY VERY VERY badly and Wall Street will be rocked to it's very core.

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This whole capital market will be coming down like a house of cards..It has already started.

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Natural Gas and Nuclear is now GREEN ENERGY in Brussels!

All part of the depopulation regime game since WW1 and Spanish Flu and Bolshevik Revolution!

You do not try to catch a falling safe. You wait til the dimwits try to catch it and then take the gold when it cracks open.

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I thought the 10 year yeild was going down because the FED was buying the market. But now it is going up ???

So is it because the FED ran out of funny money, ha ha...

So what is the deal now?

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I love hearing your take on things related to the FED, IRS, Central Banking, NYSE, NASDAQ, etc. But I am out of the market all together and strictly sitting on cash and silver. I have been out since January and will not risk my money on the willy-nilly stock market that is being played by the SEC, FED and elitist investors and wall street crowd. I mean does anyone really trust the Resident and his phony-cronies? These goons would all sell their mothers to the highest payer. But again, thanks for your perspective and being bold enough to share it albeit on a platform I will not support ... uTube.

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Prepare to crash dive! (Claxon heard here)

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Damn !

We’re just living in their world.

See y’all at the END.

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Sold my junior miners. Waiting for sell off

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Nat gas is "green" now...

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