You are responsible for your national debt. Don't you know that you are a corporation literally owned by the umbrella corporation called the United States of America? You're not too bright. Did you ever go to school?
There is nothing Nazi about it. The Nazis in Ukraine are fake. They're backed by jews. Trying to conflate real Nazis with jews is truly absurd. Real Nazis despise the NWO.
Nazis are neither satanic nor NWO. Anyone making such claims is trying to deceive. This must be news to you, but please understand that satanic jewish communism won WWII, not Christian National Socialism.
You can consolidate that list to the tip of the spear and one sees the Jesuit Masonic cabal serving the Roman Catholic Church/Jesuit Order( the military sect of the Sun cult psychopaths) Pope and Superior General...All Roads lead to Rome. DC/City of London/Vatican the NWO headquarters.
Fed Chair Talks About Possibility of Trackable, Non-Anonymous Central U.S. Digital Currency says Jerome Powell.. Source Breitbart News a few minutes ago..
Psychopaths are fundamental liars.Their sense of honor bids them to cheat and revile that ‘other’ (normal personality = human) world and its values at every opportunity
It took bidenstein 40 years in politics to finally become president and he got the most votes ever of all time such BS elections were rigged but they won't be able to do it this time and Democrats are going to pay
WHY/how wouldn't they be able to rig the next election? Allowing the voters to count the ballots, right after they've watched all the ballots being collected in a transparent container, count them as many times as it takes to reach consensus, and doing this all before those ballots leave their direct oversight, is a scenario which is ILLEGAL in about 80% of the country. And even if every polling place counted its votes this way, how would all the polling places' totals across counties & states get safely tallied?
Greg, clearly this is just a problem of semantics. You see while Powell actually said coordinating he was really referring to coordinating. I mean he actually said coordinating but in reality he really didn't say coordinating but if he actually did say coordinating he didn't actually mean coordinating. I'm sure you can see that now
All owned by same 13 families.. a giant crime syndicate to enslave humanity with their fiat junk currencies they debase
The bankers and the corporations are responsible for our National debt because that is who our corrupt and tyrannical politicians work for.
Our corrupt and tyrannical government that has been taken over by the satanic NAZI NWO has not represented We The People in decades.
You are responsible for your national debt. Don't you know that you are a corporation literally owned by the umbrella corporation called the United States of America? You're not too bright. Did you ever go to school?
as in ashkeNAZI ?
There is nothing Nazi about it. The Nazis in Ukraine are fake. They're backed by jews. Trying to conflate real Nazis with jews is truly absurd. Real Nazis despise the NWO.
Research Operation Paperclip and read the book The Rise of the Fourth Reich by Jim Marrs.
Washington DC London England and the Vatican are the heads of the snake of the satanic NAZI NWO
Military - D.C.
Financial - London
Religious - Vatican
Nazis are neither satanic nor NWO. Anyone making such claims is trying to deceive. This must be news to you, but please understand that satanic jewish communism won WWII, not Christian National Socialism.$/discover?t=europa%20-%20the%20last%20battle
We could ask ourself who financed the nazis and why. By the way: naso instead of nazi would be a correct abbreviation but sounds to 'warm'.
Thanks you for sharing. I was looking that shareholder list 👍👍❤
Ya Rothchild sent his Children to all continents to create the rot we see now. ROT-CHILD, same as Amber Turd's lawyer: ROTTENborn 🤣🤣
You can consolidate that list to the tip of the spear and one sees the Jesuit Masonic cabal serving the Roman Catholic Church/Jesuit Order( the military sect of the Sun cult psychopaths) Pope and Superior General...All Roads lead to Rome. DC/City of London/Vatican the NWO headquarters.
Too late for them your list is going to be on the front page of every newspaper
Fed Chair Talks About Possibility of Trackable, Non-Anonymous Central U.S. Digital Currency says Jerome Powell.. Source Breitbart News a few minutes ago..
Psychopaths are fundamental liars.Their sense of honor bids them to cheat and revile that ‘other’ (normal personality = human) world and its values at every opportunity
It took bidenstein 40 years in politics to finally become president and he got the most votes ever of all time such BS elections were rigged but they won't be able to do it this time and Democrats are going to pay
WHY/how wouldn't they be able to rig the next election? Allowing the voters to count the ballots, right after they've watched all the ballots being collected in a transparent container, count them as many times as it takes to reach consensus, and doing this all before those ballots leave their direct oversight, is a scenario which is ILLEGAL in about 80% of the country. And even if every polling place counted its votes this way, how would all the polling places' totals across counties & states get safely tallied?
Biden is a demon I hope he realizes that there is no ice cream in hell he is going to miss it too bad
French revolution... Russian revolution... Chinese revolution... American revolution v2.0
Thanks so much Greg for your up to date important information, as always.
Greg, clearly this is just a problem of semantics. You see while Powell actually said coordinating he was really referring to coordinating. I mean he actually said coordinating but in reality he really didn't say coordinating but if he actually did say coordinating he didn't actually mean coordinating. I'm sure you can see that now
The criminal syndicate at work
Yellow stain reminds me of a blow fish!
Greg, do you trade the markets anymore or just comment on them?
Greg, Greg, are the ultimate owners of every Central Bank the same people?
" They " Lie like they breathe !!!! EVERYDAY !!!
Poll ::: Will there be an event that prevents the midterm elections?
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding / Elvis Costello