lol, the politicians are probably being blackmailed by diddy- your tax dollars at work. Stay safe in Florida.

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P Shitty

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Greg, here’s a quote by Founding Father, Elbridge Gerry, who served as VP under President Madison : A standing army is like an erect penis. It's an excellent assurance of domestic tranquility, but a dangerous temptation to foreign adventure.

Our nation has become an international whore for all things war. Truly a sad, and wrong, endeavor.

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Be prepared - be safe - weather-warfare is real... Jeff Berwik and Max Igan got a taste of it.

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Worthless Government/FED fiat money.

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I believe you are right Greg. Next year is going to be a disaster. Banks need to repay the government assistance they received, and wars are brewing around the world.. Bad debt will be a major issue especially commercial loans. The consumer is broke!

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Praying for you my friend

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Greg thank you. I got my spot in the chat room earlier this month. Thank you for everything your doing for us man. 💜

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Spot on Greg

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Stay safe, Greg. The 1st hurricane I was in as a kid was in Miami, and that one didn't hurt anyone. Praying that is the result for you and yours.

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Capital controls are incoming like a hurricane.

"It is dangerous to be right in matters about which the established authorities are wrong"

- Voltaire -

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Thanks Greg stay Safe !

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When’s the next dip?

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2025 could be the year everything collapses. If not things will be worse. That's for sure.

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I have a friend, since childhood, who now lives in St. Pete. She'll be OK; she's on the 2nd floor of an apt building.

I would hope that people SHOULD/WOULD KNOW, by now, that Our weather, on this planet, is no longer Natural.


Whether storms are steered, weakened, strengthened, dissipated or even CREATED.......Our weather, like EVERYTHING ELSE, is ENGINEERED!

Yes, Greg......PLENTY of $$$ for.....



The Surveillance State

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Lookie here, what was JUST posted!! lol

Geoengineering – The Threat to Humanity and Our Earth – Conversation with Dane Wigington – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 36


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No one has called out the fed……No one!

Except maybe CIC Trump, Greg and many others

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