Greg, maybe you can talk to Celente about getting Judge Napolitano to have you as a guest on his show. He has tons of anti-war guests on his show, and it drives me crazy that nobody talks about the connection between the constant state of war and the financial system. And his channel is big- maybe 440K subscribers. Plus, lots of antiwar people listen, probably some from the left--and they really need to learn about the financial system- they have no clue!

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I wonder, does it even matter if anyone wakes up anymore?

Has it all gone too far already?

The harder choices are upon us, I do believe. I have read estimates that it would take about 4% of the population to take the necessary action to effect real change.

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Well, when this all collapses, it would be better for team humanity if more knew who the true enemies are. Plus, if he wants to do this lawsuit, it would also help to have more numbers.

But I get what you're saying--we're so far gone now.

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Good luck with that

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Yes, Sandra I agree.

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Kim Iverson's show would be great too- she has over 550K subscribers and is anti-war, but never talks about the relationship between the financial system and all the wars. Probably has lots of left-leaning followers who need to learn as well. I've recommended Greg as a guest in the comments to her y/t and on x, but who knows if she even reads those.

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You cannot reach left-leaning people no matter how hard you try.

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Yeah, same for the Christian Zios

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The Cheneys have.

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She probably does not. I don’t watch her show too much now.

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$3.6 TRILLION Bull Shit!

All fake money....

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In response to all this doom and gloom, I decided to buy myself a Gibson Les Paul Supreme. It's in the Grey maple burst color. Totally pleced by Gibson and again at Sweetwater with a buttery smooth action. The neck has a dream like feeling and is so playable. Plugged into my Marshal 1960 slant/straight stack with a Mod 4 head, I will, like emperor Nero, Jam out while Rome burns 🔥

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Laundry mats are very expensive these days!

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Climate cultism has resulted in literally trillions of dollars in waste and trillions more dollars in hidden cost burdens. All this misery being caused by massive regulations which have been put in place which always seem to result in a constant demand to change and upgrade so many products in cars, homes and businesses. This grift has even affected the banking system forcing many banks to invest in ESG banking which has incurred heavy losses in such banks.

The American middle class is being attacked in so many ways, we don’t need to be burdened with this climate hysteria agenda right now. The amount of ways this captured tyrannical government has destroyed American citizens ability to just survive is mind boggling.

We have approached DefCon 1, the wars, the medical tyranny, the open borders, the destruction of the currency and the climate cult agenda, all have caused so much unfair burden to American citizens. But sadly not one of these important subjects rarely ever gets addressed.

I don’t know how many more lies and fake illusionary narratives a society can absorb before totally imploding into total anarchy. Yes the scamdemic is a huge factor Greg but nothing is more destructive than climate cultism, it’s a bottomless pit which has so many hidden costs.

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study


The Electric Vehicle PsyOp


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... the climate cultists in the solar power industry sure have made it tough for the silver market riggers to keep their crimes from penciling-out... I hear footsteps, did someone just open a window?

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Normalcy bias is the tendency to underestimate the likelihood or impact of a negative event. Normalcy bias prevents us from understanding the possibility or the seriousness of a crisis.

Majority of Americans suffer this and therefore can’t handle the truth.

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Good morning everyone

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Is that your grand entrance?... and btw can we call you Ray?

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You wake us up, which is good. But that is only half the picture.

What are your recommendations so we go into this New World Order safer?

Where do we go from here? What do you recommend for each person? Pull our money out of IRA's and 401(k)'s and spread our retirement between silver, gold, bitcoin, and cash? Buy a smaller house in Florida and stock it with food good for 25 years? Buy weapons? Put it into a boat and live on the ocean???

Can you be more specific, please. Thanks!

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... did you shuck next year's corn? Pull the remaining Fava Beans off the stalks and put the seeds in a dry place?... dig up the potatos...dry your tobacco... plant a cover-crop to Winter-over you and the dog? In hard times seed prices inflate too - might even get a little 'hard to come by' - just like most metals... and when you tell a man he can't have something - he wants it even more.

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Ze Bugs Eat!

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Sign ze paperz old mahn!

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Why will you not sign ze paperz?

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Yes good old fashion Fraud using the fiat not the crypto

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Exactly right, con-vid was like a world war because the majority of countries went into debt to their privately owned central banks all at the same time.

As a layperson, I think weaponized bird flu is next, because it was already developed with funding with Fauci's NIAID, just like con-vid and it's predecessor SARS.

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Greg. You're goatee looks good. The content of this commentary is on point as always. Debt until death and after. Death to future capital gains which you haven't received by taxation. 💣✌🏾💩💃🏾🙌🏾

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Indeed we know what is going on, we can only hope someone is putin an end to this load of CRAP!!!

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Very few understand this system. They can't believe there is NO money in this system. If there is NO money there can be NO loans. They can't believe that!

What it means is when they get a car loan or a mortgage, they didn't borrow it, they created it when they signed the promissory note!

If you want to know what it is to be a central banker just go use your credit card! The difference between you and the banker is you have to EARN it where he can just make an entry in his checkbook and pay for it!

Here’s an exchange that hits a lot closer to home. It took place in 1941 when Representative Wright Patman (D-Texas) demanded that Marriner Eccles, the governor of the Federal Reserve System at the time, testify before the House Committee on Banking and Currency. Patman was the committee chairman and he wanted to know where the Federal Reserve got the money to purchase $2 billion worth of government bonds. That led to the following exchange:

ECCLES: We created it.

PATMAN: Out of what?

ECCLES: Out of the right to issue credit money.

PATMAN: And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our government’s credit?

ECCLES: That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.

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Hi Greg,

The only con part in COVID-19 is the billions of profit BigPharma made and yet even with the shots 7,010,681 died worldwide as of tonight and 1,219,487 in the U.S. That part isn't a con - - just ask the relatives. Without the shots would the dead be more less. Only God knows for sure. No one else knows.

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