Trump is controlled opposition!

Behind closed doors at the Jackson Hole meeting the push is on for a digital dollar by next year:


Please do NOT upload your "digital ID" to operate in this coming digital dystopian nightmare:


We are already in the 3rd year of this timeline folks so prepare accordingly!:


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Yes, they are going to put 3rd temple Trump in there and he's going to usher in the Digital ID. Quick Greg Reese video here (problem, reaction, solution), where you see Zio puppet Trump talking about the biometric entry/exit visa program--and of course the MAGA cult cheers for its own enslavement. Trump is the ultimate conman, and the MAGA cult will buy whatever he sells


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Many say the Fox News is also controlled opposition.

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Yep I agree hence the reason they promote Trump while the other main street media promote Biden!

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Brought to you by Phizer

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No, it is just state run media, as are many of the entities currently involved in the Trusted News Initiative. The number one thing any dictator needs to control the masses is state run media. Hard to have a democracy when tweedism filters out legitimate candidates, and two major parties can guarantee no other party can win; along with all the other fraud that goes on.

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... even sleepwalkers know Faux News is a sick as their secrets. You got this Randall!

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Looking for an honest discussion with all members here on the following:

How do people feel about Trump’s Executive Orders and Continuity of Government having been activated. The whole 3-gunshot salute during Biden’s inauguration/funeral. The XOs are on the books and on the official White House.gov website.

What about the Federal Reserve of Boston documents and Bix Weir’s hypothesis that the Federal Reserve will be bankrupted by printing into infinity resulting in a backing by gold.

Just looking for people’s thoughts on this…

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Well, when you look at the only two candidates that can win, and you have to choose Fascism, or Communism, then that is not really a choice. Fascism may do horrible things, but they are typically organized around a central leader, Communism on the other hand is a descent into madness, with diminishing ability to live, or respond to daily problems. Its a path to annihilation because whoever happens to be the bureacrat at the time decides, and leads all those sheep to their slaughter. Voting for either is no vote at all.

As for the Fed printing forever, bankruptcy is the wrong term. I believe you intended to say abandonment of the currency, and yes that is already happening.

Ponzi's have two to three stages depending on how you look at them. A moonlighting period where benefits are provided upfront, cash is easy, and exuberance sets in. Then a slowdown of diminishing returns, and then a complete collapse after the outflows exceed the inflows. When the rate of debt expansion exceeds the GDP, legitimate business will fail and shut down; the ones that remain will actually be government even if they don't say so. Any bailout or government loan is an objective indicator of nationalization, which is a conversion of a democracy to communism when it occurs across business sectors (as it has). The inevitable outcome of communism/socialism is shortage (which we are already seeing at the grocery store), but this will not be a temporary shortage; it will trend and self-sustain.

There are several core pillars of the economics that must be met for business to function, some are more important than others (hard vs soft). Those were noted by Adam Smith in his well established book, Wealth of Nations. Producers must make sufficient forward looking profit in terms of purchasing power. Individual's must make sufficient wages to feed themselves, and care for three children and a wife (in terms of purchasing power). None of these hold true any more. Adam Smith is still a good read, but he was wrong (in hindsight) about his labor value theorem which has been thoroughly refuted by Carl Menger, (subjective value theorem) and further by Mises (Socialism, 1930s).

The overall system in place normally wouldn't really matter, if these systems actually worked; but unfortunately there are several well known structural failures in communist/socialist countries which cause them to fail, and these problems are not problems that can be solved, they have been intractable for over 100 years, its safe to say they are impossible to solve.

When societies fail they either revert back to feudalism/autocracy or the failures propagate and the civilization vanish when the dependencies for survival are not met. Jared Diamond writes about this in his book Collapse. It varies, but ecological overshoot (and its dependency on increasing food production) is an important factor. The US reached this milestone in the 1970s, if the means of exchange fail, production fails; and everyone starves.

Forcing slave labor with coercion, makes the environment intolerable to the point where people stop having children, where existing children are killed (by their parents or others), and acts of terrorism and violence become common, absent drugging them into a stupor. With the latter, you can find numerous events like this in the media, mass casualty/shooting events are most likely the result of ongoing but subtle torture; bullying/harassment meets the structural elements of torture.

The former parts are well established historically with the South American Natives following the Conquistador Expansion by Spain, while the inquisition was going on at home. How bad did it have to be for the government who was engaged in the inquisition at that time to make a proclamation that the natives were not to be used as slaves. You can read more about this in the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Landes.

Getting back to the core of your question, the most impossible to solve problem is known as the economic calculation problem. This is what we are facing now, and it applies to any inflationary economy (ponzi). It is mathematically chaotic similar in form to an immeasurable/limited visibility n-body problem with arbitrary and changing constants. Contrary to the 3-body problem, this type of problem is largely considered an impossible to solve problem because the constants are not constants, and you have more unknowns than constraints.

If you measure a Communist nation by Marx and Engels own words, the USA actually objectively meets 7 or 8 of the 10 pillars of communism. This wasn't always the case, it started around the 1880s with the UCC and the Fabians, who likely were responsible for founding the Federal Reserve and acting in the shadows through various shell companies; the globalists today are likely members of this group.

When a currency fails, no one trusts a new currency managed by the same people. There is no credibility, and as coercion increases to try to force people by various means, be it subtle torture (which also is used almost everywhere today), people will either give up, or they will have a psychotic break, or violently react. This too is common in torture.

So we have an intolerable world of unimaginable suffering that was created with intent and design by the Baby Boomer generation. If you look at the political majority, the majority of them are baby boomers who have burned the bridges, changed the laws, violated their oaths (through corruption), and will likely die of old age before utter collapse and destruction that will take their now grown children, and their children. This sounds horrible, but it appears to have already happened, because cascade problems can't be stopped after the point of no return.

Food for thought, most people today are quite evil, and they don't even know it. They have been raised and indoctrinated that way to be blind to the evil acts they commit; where to survive they must engage and accept evil.

The defining characteristic of evil people is they are willfully blind towards the destructive actions they take, and you become evil through repeated acts of self violation (i.e. false justification and false reasoning).

Perception guarantees they will continue until someone else stops them. Most laws today promote nihilism, sentimental morality, and pacifism following Tolstoy's philosophy, and a live and let live, turn the other cheek under, tolerance. While this is true of many things such as differences in personal beliefs (that do not cause destruction), many deceitful elements have overgeneralized and corrupted this narrative.

It is well known that if you let evil grow and promote it, then it will corrupt and destroy everything it touches as a matter of time, but people ignored this claiming it was traditional beliefs which were no longer relevant.

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I have several articles on my substack regarding all your inquiries if you're interested.

-Dillon Critique what's THE DILL? (substack)


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Don’t you remember the patent for the operation Trump warp speed vaccines were 6666. The bills that were passed during the lockdowns the shut downs that Congress passed was 6666.

We have to bite of the apple we have the web we have the net we have the block chains on our ankles crypto It’s everywhere it’s called a mockery ritual in plain sight.

Remember Biden saying six days six weeks or six months whatever it takes. They always tell you start talking about the major genocide in Palestine. Hell Jared Kushner is selling the Palestinian land to the Jews only in New York City after it is totally wiped out and slaughtered you can’t make this stuff up when Trump comes back. it is going to get so so horrifying. He is the master of everything that’s happening. All of this chaos globally his first four years as president. Everything was behind closed door meetings around the world to kick off what we’re seeing today. Remember if you’re not at the table you’re on the menu he is the greatest deceiver ConMan demon Liar it’s all prophecy. Do people know that the word fentanyl means swamp in all the word Fent means Swamp….

The same people who put all the drugs on the streets in the 60s 70s the 80s the 90s are the same people doing it today it’s not coming out of China and it’s not coming out of Mexico. It’s the power of the television programming MK ultra propaganda TV, actors, deceivers, CIA wake up America. January 6 was all set up by Trump to set an example. If you even think about coming after us and having a revolution this is what’s going to happen to you he takes everything off he’s not the victim he’s the master it’s how he does it it’s the art of the deal

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Good observation but I don’t buy it. This time around we have RFK jr. and Tulsi on the train and they will oversee the truth. The swamp tried its best to stop Trump this time he has help and more to jump on the train at the next stop. As an American I have seen what we can do if we are united. If Kabalama is elected it is game over the swamp wins.

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They are all actors. They are all deceivers for these times RFK he is pushing the mark of the beast system of cryptocurrency slavery. His whole family is probably still to this day the most powerful politicians in America and you don’t think they know about JFK personally, I think the JFK assassination was a hoax just like the moon landing and just like the gulf of Tonkin, because the reactions from his wife do not add up after seeing her husband‘s head blown off with a rifle supposedly and brother being The attorney general of the United States of America and saying case closed two days later this is the story and that’s what it is. Makes no sense to me. The wife would’ve been taken away in a mental hospital immediately if she seen her husband, head blown off right in front of her face not walking around with the blood all over her dress saying it’s for the whole world to see and swearing in Johnson right away two hours later just really think about it but we saw it on the TV.

It’s a ritual, witch craft, Hollywood. It was on TV just think about it the brother, if that really happened being the top police officer in the entire country would have never complied and said Case closed we still. Get the crazy entertainment, conspiracy saga stories till this day it’s all bullshit.. It was on the TV for the whole world to see to be traumatized. We must stop communism go to war with Vietnam, they’re communist and Cuba. They did this the communist.RFK It’s for the slaughter of Palestine and I ran. The TV is the mouthpiece of Satan.

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Still amazed how many still think trump is some savior "outsider" when trump continues to showcase he fully supports the 4th industrial revolution and move to full digital enslavement that klaus slob talks about. Come get your brain-chip!

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A decentralized cryptocurrency can work on a blockchain with no government intervention possible.

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Greg, I don't want to be disrespectful. I actually have great respect for you and all that you have done. I've been following you for years. You talked about going with your gut when it comes to Elon Musk and I agree 100%. I feel the same way you do about EM. My gut tells me that Gregory Mannarino knows a lot more about this subject, the headline. A lot. I wish I could ask you directly, but I just don't want to piss you off. Thank you for all you have done.

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The "analogical" threats of walking away from 'Free' Masonry are pretty strong at the third level... imagining that at the 32nd level ... pretty serious, which may be why GM doesnt comment on that

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Yeah, I can't imagine it, that's just the thing. I don't know what I don't know. If he were on the blue level, I would not feel so strongly. But 32 is a very high number.

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Very high. I would love to know if the Founders worked their way there or 33rd was given to them honorarily ... and how much they were involved after such. Going to

research that

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He doesn’t!

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5 g means pentagram Doesn’t everybody remember they call the 5G system the beast they always tell you a mockery ritual these waves from the cell towers. Do you see the word the word cell like a jail cell?.. cell phone net web blocks chains They tell you they let you know the entire system is pure evil. It has been resurrected and unleashed. God, buried it all archaeologist resurrected it all unleashed it. This system has been here before many of times.

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Trump and Musk are controlled opposition when it comes to the elites plan to enforce everyone to upload their digital ID to access the internet in 2025 as Whitney Webb proves in this short video:


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Yes, they are going to put 3rd temple Trump in there and he's going to usher in the Digital ID. Quick Greg Reese video here (problem, reaction, solution), where you see Zio puppet Trump talking about the biometric entry/exit visa program--and of course the MAGA cult cheers for its own enslavement. Trump is the ultimate conman, and the MAGA cult will buy whatever he sells


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We already have an internet global id. It ends with Gmail.com windows 7 and below

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That "ID" is NOT being used to control who can buy and sell:

Revelation 13:16-17  And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead;  (17)  and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, even the name of the beast or the number of his name.

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The Digital ID has to be an implant. The Digital ID will be Musk’s Neurolink. The conditioning has already started, when Trump and his followers had the ear bandage post-“assasination”

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ID can also be jabbed in a vaccine. Who can control us first is the winner. Apparently brainwashing only goes so far but not enough.

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Musk's granddady was one Joshua Haldeman. A man of "colorful" background and a leading voice in the newly established Technocracy, Inc party in Canada. Founded by engineers who believed that to improve peoples' lives, energy must be centrally controlled and rationed. Remember, food is energy. A Technocracy, or scientific dictatorship, is what the cabal has planned for us. Haldeman was even arrested for his writings on the subject by the RCMP. When the Tech Inc party supported Stalin, he focused his efforts on the Douglas Social Credit League. These ideologies are generational, so no, I do not trust Elon Musk.

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And then the fact we now have Zombies in the graves......

Zombie Blood - COVID19 Embalmed Blood For Over 2 Years Shows Continued Self Assembly Nanotechnology Replication, Nano and Microrobot Activity

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Sep 4


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And apparently, they've also found nanotech in dental anesthetics

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Yeah, I read that too.......makes me wonder how long ago they have put that in dental anesthetics as I had a tooth removed a few years back and now have a constant variable ringing in both ears......thought it was tinnitus, but now not so sure

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All of this is absolutely terrifying.

I have no idea how long they have been putting this stuff into injections.

Apparently, all injections (shot schedule for kids) contain nano metals and more (maybe nano particles of all the elements on period table).

Years ago, Italian scientists (experts in electron microscopy? ) bought up all the shots on the market and saw these nano particles in all the shots. Later their lab was raided by Italian police, and their computers were confiscated.

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DO NOT GET YOUR KIDS JABBED!....PERIOD....!.many many doctors will attest to the hazards of vaccines, 99.9% contain heavy metals........aluminum is the biggest contributor to ADHD and Alzheimer's, and it just so happens the main stock holders in the Aluminum Industry are on the boards of ADHD and Alzheimer's charity's and foundations

Fact, I had my last 'vax' in 2004, was a Tetanus Jab (I thought this was just basic protection against my 6 inch cut from a rusty license plate on my leg)

I was sick on and off for 6 months, and I eat healthy and takes 30-40 supplements a day

Never again will I get a jab!, especially knowing what I know now, and I knew quite a bit back then

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And on that leg cut, I did take extreme car of it and doctored it accordingly myself, no infection and healed well in about 2 weeks

Oreganol (North American Herb and Spice Brand), Oil of Oregano is the BEST natural Anti-Biotic you can get......one bottle will last well over a year, only need a few drops under the tongue, works as well as Amoxicillin in my opinion

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Yes, we have to be our own doctors now.

Thanks for the recommendation on Oil of Oregano- I've heard others say the same.

Also good site here:


And earthclinic is also good, though a bit disorganized b/c it got so popular. It's just people sharing natural remedies and how it helped cure various conditions.

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Sandra, awesome info, thanks so much........good sources for vits and supplements are also here




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For this who say the digital ID or mark of the Beast is coming with crypto id say you’re a bit late . DARPA have already tied your biofield to the cloud .

Sabrina Wallace shows all the information including patents. I know you’re going to say she’s a looney but it’s hard to deny the data.

She has some videos also on rumble as Screwtube don’t want the truth to come out .

Greg is 100% correct on these fake politicians. Two wings and we’re the bird in the middle along for the ride .


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It's all a scripted movie to keep us distracted and in need of control. Step out and observe...who is preparing for their future with food and land and metals? The time to claim our sovereign selves is here. Don't be fooled by the show.

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Neuralink mark of the beast

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Apparently, they want to hook our brains up to the cloud


Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots -- tiny robots made from DNA strands.

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We are already hooked up to the cloud. Sabrina Wallace has all the proof.

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The Book of Revelation explains, that approaching the end of the World Age, Satan confers his authority to the Beast (Revelations. XI: 17, XIII: 1-10, XVII: 7-18).

A second Beast, variously described as the False Prophet, then forces humanity to abandon God and adulate the first Beast. (Revelations. XIII: 11-18).

Although conveyed in coded allegory, the identity of the second Beast is further conveyed via the numerical code number 666, i.e., - 'Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man, and his number is six hundred and sixty six.' (Revelations. XIII: 18).

To understand this coded metaphor, one then needs to refer back to the Old Testament, where it can now be seen, that the number of the Beast was identical to the weight of gold which was received annually by Solomon in the Temple, i.e., - 'The weight of gold in which Solomon received yearly was 666 gold talents (22 tonnes of gold).' (1 Book of Kings. X: 14).

In sum, the allegorical number of the Beast, appears to be an early Christian coded reference to the concentrated power of gold, or in other words, - centralised economic power.

This is precisely what we are witnessing on a global scale.

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Job openings fall to lowest level since January 2021 according to Yahoo Finance

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Trade gap hits 78.8B??? God this is huge Greg! Thank you for this data!

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The Mark of the Beast is getting closer and closer.

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Will be “Biblical”!

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 KJV

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until "he be taken out of the way".

👆The Rapture/Snatching away of The Bride of Christ

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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