It's sooooo satisfying watching America go down her pitiful spiral down into THE PIT OF HELL 🔥🔥🔥👍😃🍿 And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

Hahahahahahaha 😃😂🤣😂😁😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Wake The Hell Up! It is not just the US going down..................The entire G20 is a sinking ship. Have you seen Lebanon and Argentina lately at their interest rates? We are not immune; but we crash land better than Japan, China, or even Aussieland.

Andorra is one of few FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE countries in the would because they have no printing press. WHat does it take to actually live AS A FREE MAN today?

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Thank you Greg!

It works, I have done it, and I try to spread the know how around me.

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Did you happen to go over your credit limit with interest and fees and if so easy there a hassle with that?

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*was there a hassle

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After you did it... how did you recover your credit score or does it even matter?

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Thank you Gregory!

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Thanks so much, we are already self made wholly debt free mortgage paid off minimalists. In fact, as a retired holistic practitioner, I am the Vet caring for our rescue cat sanctuary, built by hand, going on nine years ago. But also…this is why, when opportunity affords it, we support some among the tragically local struggling working class, when applicable. Thanks again, you are a walking talking gift to society at large, a one in a million man. Kat & Scott…

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Great material as usual

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Thank you Gregory!

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Thank you Gregory!

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I just figured out that some banks have a new trick they use where they do not sell your account to a collection agency; instead they retain ownership and hire an outside collecting communication dog. So if/when collection people call ask 1. who owns my debt? 2. if the bank still owns your debt ask the collector to send you contract verification (if they don't have this with your original wet ink signature then they cannot collect). 3. if the collection bought your contract then never ever sign anything with them - they don't have a valid contract with you. I don't believe a image of the wet ink signature is good enough. Maybe someone here can enlighten us more.

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Thanks Greg, great practical advice and nicely motivational as well.. Been a fan of yours for years now.. With the enormous amount of information stimuli bombarding me I lost touch with you for the past 6 months.. Glad to be back.. Keep on doing what you do.. It is appreciated 🙏🏼

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Thanks Greg, great practical advice and nicely motivational as well.. Been a fan of yours for years now.. With the enormous amount of information stimuli bombarding me I lost touch with you for the past 6 months.. Glad to be back.. Keep on doing what you do.. It is appreciated 🙏🏼

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Hi Greg I've been a big fan for a long time and admire and appreciate your work. I just watched your video about getting out of debt. Could you tell me what happens if the interest and fees puts me over my credit limit with the company? Can I still go along with your plan?

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I just figured out that some banks have a new trick they use where they do not sell your account to a collection agency; instead they retain ownership and hire an outside collecting communication dog. So if/when collection people call ask 1. who owns my debt? 2. if the bank still owns your debt ask the collector to send you contract verification (if they don't have this with your original wet ink signature then they cannot collect). 3. if the collection bought your contract then never ever sign anything with them - they don't have a valid contract with you. I don't believe a image of the wet ink signature is good enough. Maybe someone here can enlighten us more.

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wait them out... eventually they will cancel your account and drop the interest accummulating.... later a year or so later they will offer you 1/4 of your balance from when they cancelled your account... it's going to trash your credit and then you have to fix that.

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Thanks for the reply and advice. I'm maxed out on every card right now and just wanted to see if going over my credit limit would negate the benefits of doing his plan. I'm sure my credit will be wrecked but at this point whose isn't.

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nah, don't worry about that. mine was maxed... i followed greg's plan... during the first 90 days you don't skip payment you just pay online like $20 bucks or whatever the lowest the system will let you enter... then around 60 days they start calling you, go ahead and answer, confirm identity, but don't give any specifics on your situation, just say 'i'm not willing to give you specifics or answer other questions, i can only pay $20 bucks for the foreseeable future' they jabber a lot about options and credit counselling... just say oh, a lot... in 90-120 days they lock your account, close it, stop interest and probably penalties... they will third party it eventually at about a year. when the third party calls you, talk to them... ask: 'did you purchase my account from xyz bank?' if they say yes then you can play a game; ask them to mail you your contract with you and third party signed that has your signature and remind them that this never happened, then just say thank you for buying that contract from bank because you really needed the help... you actually don't ever have to pay them. But greg doesn't mention that... greg says pay them $10 a month when they call, do it by phone (never sign anything with them). after a year or two of this they will get don't to settling for 25%. you can sign and pay that if you want... i am at that point now on one and i am thinking of just letting it run on forever. but if you need new credit or loans then probably need to settle and do credit repair like greg mentions.

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Thanks Greg for all your wisdom. I was a single mother once. My husband left when my daughter was 1 year old back in the late 70's. At that time there really was nothing when it came to child support or alimony. I was very lucky. My parents were still alive. They watched my daughter while I went to work and I worked 2- 3 jobs at a time. I had a great full-time job, plus I worked as a coat check girl in a catering hall, and made home made chocolate to sell, etc. I worked hard for many years, I do not regret one minute. I am now retired for several years. I never carried any debt, I lived within my means, and sometimes it meant holes in the bottom of my shoes. But my daughter was always taken care of, by myself working several jobs, and my dad and mom helping with picking up my daughter after school, and feeding her dinner, and my dinner was in the micro wave for me to eat when I came to pick her up after work. I am now comfortably retired, and I am so glad of the lessons my parents taught me early in my adulthood and helping take care of my daughter.

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The link from the original post for the downloadable version is gone (lulu I think?). Anyway to post that again? If not, that's fine. Appreciate the video. I'll just watch again and take notes this time.

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Thanks, Greg❤

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Greg what happens if the IRS is the creditor and we explain to the agent that $5.00 is all we can pay? Will they accept this like a credit card company might? Will the $5.00 stop IRS seize and/or garnishment?

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How to get into debt? Follow Gregory Mannarino's stock picks

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