What you are dealing with Greg, are a great number of stupid people indoctrinated by Marxist professors that believe everything they are told by the propaganda ministry. Imbeciles!
We all know this to be true.The masses will be in the streets looking to hang anyone involved. I would have patriots close the airports and ports. If needed, eliminate anyone who tries to stop them. Its about time the country is taken back from these criminals and that summery judgement executions be made for there crimes.
Yes Greg! I don't like Bitcoin and I don't believe in Bitcoin but you are 100% correct, you told all to buy it at 17k and it is at 70K today but the the dumbed down brainwashed sheep don't want to hear the truth=Fact
Social Security is 175 trillion dollars in the hole. There's some risk for you. All of you who continue to snivel about Greg are idiots, cowards or both. Either way, you will be destroyed first. The rest of us, who take the information Greg puts out and use it to gain experience, will have a chance to survive.
The way you worded this was spot on. It comes down to finding opportunity and limiting risk as best as you can in the central bank system we're all forced to participate in. Simple as-period.
I’m pretty sure any rude comments are from paid trolls- I do also love silver and I buy a tiny every payday- however can someone answer this question… “If Chase currently controls prices of precious metals- how will this ever change?”
It seems it will always be undervalued- even if I gets to $100 an ounce it will never get to its true value relative to the dollar- I just buy it so I won’t be totally broke when the dollar fails.
The system will eventually have a catastrophic failure. Will Chase still be able to control anything then? That's when the values of things with utility in such an environment will skyrocket. Basic survival necessities will then be of high value.
What you are doing is a great thing Greg! Don’t ever let sheep steer you in another direction. Appreciate all your work that you do and for those who want to bitch, go pack sand!!!
It is very prudent and wise to warn people about the probable coming collapse.
Bottom line:
1 Most people are afraid to buy gold and silver because they are fearful of being scammed and do not know how to check these commodities for validity when obtaining them . Maybe you could educate us on how to buy such commodities in a safe and worry free manner? That would be really helpful.
2 Most people do not own gold and silver. Most of us know when the SHTF that there will be total anarchy and chaos within a mad max world. Most of us don’t relish staying home every day guarding these commodities while 98 percent of the other people who saved their money their whole lives roam the streets in desperation.
3 I hope all the people who exist within this financial bubble of a world realize that people are fearful now and don’t relish the end game of the central bankers, the Wall Street fraudsters and the corrupt cabal politicians and what they are ushering in. Most people live in a totally different world than Wall Street.
This constant state of crisis and fear doesn’t benefit anybody but the ones who promote it daily. Although the warnings are valid and indeed real, most people exist within a world where they are working every day and just can’t grasp what is coming.
Best of luck to all who feel they are going to be safe and secure by just owning precious commodities in the future. I feel the world they are hoping for and planning for won’t quite wind up the way they perceive it to be.
I believe you are a sincere and caring human being Greg but sometimes you do not realize what most US citizens are currently encountering in a world gone mad. God bless…..
Although your perspective is not wrong, what Greg and many others are trying to do is give people the information they need to try and do better in the financial system of their future. He can’t cover everything, others are helping with that.
The propaganda fake news needs to be taken down. That is the corrupt cabal’s biggest weapon and how they brainwash the people, (Operation Mockingbird),look it up.
More people who see what is coming need to speak out even though many do not want to know. They do not understand how bad it could get.
They think it’s just gonna be another recession….. they just want to be good, to be happy and this administration/ government is saying harshly, fuck you to the people!!!!
JM Bullion has a good track record for me. They will also buy back the silver/gold no questions asked, minus the markups, of course. There are many reputable dealers out there. Do your own research. There are some good deals to be had.
No one is going be safe or secure for any reason. You never will be. I do not expect to be so and neither should you. Nothing is risk free. Storing gold and silver is not either. It's safer buried somewhere than in any financial institution. Capital Controls are on the horizon in my opinion. Good luck.
No one is ever 100% accurate, and I don’t always agree with Greg about things outside of the market, but I have to say that Greg has been nailing the action in the market and why it will happen way before it actually occurs.
No one does it better. If you listened to Greg you would have made a lot of money.
There will be riots outside the Capitol Building and White House, but never outside the Federal Reserve Building
Ain't that the truth.
Your average citizen is so brainwashed as to not realize who issues the cash has the power.
“GIVE me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” - Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Great Point, your right edto many un-educated people.Ed
Sources say #TrustYourGovernment
Fuck our existing government
Possibly classified sources, one might surmise.
What you are dealing with Greg, are a great number of stupid people indoctrinated by Marxist professors that believe everything they are told by the propaganda ministry. Imbeciles!
We all know this to be true.The masses will be in the streets looking to hang anyone involved. I would have patriots close the airports and ports. If needed, eliminate anyone who tries to stop them. Its about time the country is taken back from these criminals and that summery judgement executions be made for there crimes.
U R 100% correct sir
We need eachother now more than ever 🤗
They want us divided. We need to stick together.
Yes Greg! I don't like Bitcoin and I don't believe in Bitcoin but you are 100% correct, you told all to buy it at 17k and it is at 70K today but the the dumbed down brainwashed sheep don't want to hear the truth=Fact
Love you work Greg. Your detractors can eat shit and choke.
Welcome to America there Greg!
Welcome to the dumbed down and brainwashed sheep, and yes, the truth hurts them all...
I just saw RFK-2 speak in Oakland. He's probably better than Biden and Trump -- but only minutely. YOU need to be in the White House, Greg!!!! https://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2024/03/genocide-joe-bibi-butcher-sitting-in.html
Oh, and abc news is good. No
Gun grabber and militant Zionist, hard pass!
Greg is so right on the corrupt central bankers
Social Security is 175 trillion dollars in the hole. There's some risk for you. All of you who continue to snivel about Greg are idiots, cowards or both. Either way, you will be destroyed first. The rest of us, who take the information Greg puts out and use it to gain experience, will have a chance to survive.
The way you worded this was spot on. It comes down to finding opportunity and limiting risk as best as you can in the central bank system we're all forced to participate in. Simple as-period.
I’m pretty sure any rude comments are from paid trolls- I do also love silver and I buy a tiny every payday- however can someone answer this question… “If Chase currently controls prices of precious metals- how will this ever change?”
It seems it will always be undervalued- even if I gets to $100 an ounce it will never get to its true value relative to the dollar- I just buy it so I won’t be totally broke when the dollar fails.
The system will eventually have a catastrophic failure. Will Chase still be able to control anything then? That's when the values of things with utility in such an environment will skyrocket. Basic survival necessities will then be of high value.
What you are doing is a great thing Greg! Don’t ever let sheep steer you in another direction. Appreciate all your work that you do and for those who want to bitch, go pack sand!!!
It is very prudent and wise to warn people about the probable coming collapse.
Bottom line:
1 Most people are afraid to buy gold and silver because they are fearful of being scammed and do not know how to check these commodities for validity when obtaining them . Maybe you could educate us on how to buy such commodities in a safe and worry free manner? That would be really helpful.
2 Most people do not own gold and silver. Most of us know when the SHTF that there will be total anarchy and chaos within a mad max world. Most of us don’t relish staying home every day guarding these commodities while 98 percent of the other people who saved their money their whole lives roam the streets in desperation.
3 I hope all the people who exist within this financial bubble of a world realize that people are fearful now and don’t relish the end game of the central bankers, the Wall Street fraudsters and the corrupt cabal politicians and what they are ushering in. Most people live in a totally different world than Wall Street.
This constant state of crisis and fear doesn’t benefit anybody but the ones who promote it daily. Although the warnings are valid and indeed real, most people exist within a world where they are working every day and just can’t grasp what is coming.
Best of luck to all who feel they are going to be safe and secure by just owning precious commodities in the future. I feel the world they are hoping for and planning for won’t quite wind up the way they perceive it to be.
I believe you are a sincere and caring human being Greg but sometimes you do not realize what most US citizens are currently encountering in a world gone mad. God bless…..
U speak the truth sir
Although your perspective is not wrong, what Greg and many others are trying to do is give people the information they need to try and do better in the financial system of their future. He can’t cover everything, others are helping with that.
The propaganda fake news needs to be taken down. That is the corrupt cabal’s biggest weapon and how they brainwash the people, (Operation Mockingbird),look it up.
More people who see what is coming need to speak out even though many do not want to know. They do not understand how bad it could get.
They think it’s just gonna be another recession….. they just want to be good, to be happy and this administration/ government is saying harshly, fuck you to the people!!!!
Greg is helping “ THE PEOPLE “!!!!!
JM Bullion has a good track record for me. They will also buy back the silver/gold no questions asked, minus the markups, of course. There are many reputable dealers out there. Do your own research. There are some good deals to be had.
No one is going be safe or secure for any reason. You never will be. I do not expect to be so and neither should you. Nothing is risk free. Storing gold and silver is not either. It's safer buried somewhere than in any financial institution. Capital Controls are on the horizon in my opinion. Good luck.
No one is ever 100% accurate, and I don’t always agree with Greg about things outside of the market, but I have to say that Greg has been nailing the action in the market and why it will happen way before it actually occurs.
No one does it better. If you listened to Greg you would have made a lot of money.
Greg has been 98% spot on on everything. = Fact