Good morning..

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Hotel California = You can check-out any time you like But you can never leave!

Bitcoin = You can buy it anytime you like But you can never sell it!

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You need lots of education

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I have 67 years of true and real education from the street and from real people but you got your education from CNN, Fox, etc. and from your corrupt lying politicians...Fact

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No from Russia 1989 china cleaning out the metal from USSR companies from having sino American partnership with china and heading china textiles in the Americas from Africa west Africa a place we use Bitcoin in trade we also buy jet charters and fuel with coin I got my education in places called hell usually street guys kiss my ass I fought on most of the streets this war crap goes on Bitcoin is a barter tool I would learn to use Bitcoin and light coin soon. Folks like you should learn about web 3.0 also you may get your visors and be warehoused in it.

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And in my 67 years I can spot and American Loser and Liar a mile away and yes you are a loser and a liar and are full Bull Shit....

You have been dumbed down and brainwashed since birth....Fact

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I guess so a boo boo knows it all

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I don't know it all but what I do know is that you are full of Bull Shit and you are only fooling yourself....Sad

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People need to start migrating away from You Tube. I was banned from commenting for 24 hours why? I am a danger to the community, but only for 24 hours. What triggered my ban? I have no idea, I do not comment much on You Tube, except in video's of folks I follow and mostly along the lines of the video subject matter. I can think of two things that triggered the Tube.

1. I suggested someone look for "The Great Taking" book online that is free to download and speaks a lot about the same subject matter as GM.

2. Some lib moron tried to play the 2020 election denial game, I pointed out how we had to endure 4 years of Russia! Russia! Russia! election denial after the 2016 election. I am pretty sure that got me banned.

I am over You Tube, I go to Rumble for my free speech content, I miss Gregs videos, I am not patronizing a platform that does not want people like me on there, I hope one day content creators like GM and other good guys will eventually come over the Rumble. I am so annoyed by the Tube right now, I am not even clicking on embedded video's anymore.

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You are right. I can't stand YouTube myself. I only stick around for about 5 accounts (Greg is one) that are very good quality. Otherwise, I'm gone........

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While also realizing that Greg wants to grow his channel, YouTube is likely the best option at the moment.

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As long as he plays along and does not say the wrong things, or openly participate in wrong think then maybe he will grow a base. Until You Tube decides they do not like him and ban him for saying the wrong thing.

I was going to start a channel, I had some idea rattling around, I am very much in tune with the housing market, especially since I am a Land Surveyor and see what is going on before the masses do. i.e. Builders hitting the brakes or, Title Companies seeing a drastic drop off in closings / homes sales.

I was just on a site yesterday where they were clearing 2 wooded lots for new homes, there were 20 people running around like ants there. I happened to notice the surrounding neighbors all taking pics and shooting video and realized I take for granted some of the things I see. I was impressed how they were pulling palm trees out of the ground effortlessly, using straps and pulling straight up on them, it was like they were picking carrots, except they were huge.

I digress, my idea was to start a Tube channel, I cannot bring myself to patronize Google anymore. I have gmail, I am in the process of hosting my own server and firing up my own email server.

I think over the next year and over the next few years especially our freedom of speech online is going to be greatly hindered. Especially when it comes to steering a Government endorsed narrative.

If I launch a channel, it will most likely be on Rumble. I suspect that platform is going to grow immensely over the next few years.

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Excellent video!

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Most people have only heard and believe the official narrative of WW2.

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Yes, and like other official narratives, it's a pack of lies.

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So true.

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Loved it and our only help is from God

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Be kind to each other is a swelling refrain coming from the right corners including Greg, this guy, and World According to Briggs. That could be the most important delivery from God that we are hearing at this dark moment in our history. It will be the miracle worker.

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Makes several excellent points. God is in control and all the “stuff” we chase after in this world is going to fade away and be destroyed. But instead of going after our Relationship with the God of the universe, we chase after the stuff.

That is my point in a previous comment I made the other day. God’s Word prophecies exactly what is going to happen. “Wars and rumors of war”. He tells us in advance to both prove He alone is God, that He knows the end from the beginning, and to prepare and comfort us as we see the day approaching.

We all need to wake up. Jesus Christ is calling you.

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Hi brother . . . You're right on. Thanks for sharing this truth. If only the masses would hear your message and turn to our Creator God their lives would be far better. Thanks for replying publicly.

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I like this guy!

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After 20 seconds I had to quit watching before throwing up.

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I know that feeling. I'm so tired of people using Hitler and the Third Reich as a dumping ground for accusations of things that never happened.

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November 9, 2023

Verse of the Day

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

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Spot on.

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GOLD and Silver is GOD's Money they can't take it from u!!!!!

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Greg sent me here. Thanks for a beautiful message! Amen! 🔥

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