I don't listen to The FED. Nothing they say is the truth. Eeeeheheheheheheheeeee! 😂 🤣 😃

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Look what's happening in the news folks. You have some US House Reps saying Reps and Senators should be able to wheel and deal in stocks unless in a blind trust which was the old

way of people investing while in office. Then the "NEW SENATOR" out of the deep south

says today, "It's absurd elected officials shouldn't have the right to buy and sell stocks only

to be double downed again by the final news of the day, Reps and Senators Push Back at

any trading stocks or other things while as an elected official representing "you and me"!!!????!!!

Listen, in the old days even with the old crony politicians, they set up blind trusts for their

investment firms to invest their monies in and with. The magic word is "blind" trust which

infers and truly means the investors were investing "without" insider information from the

Halls of the US Senate and US House of Representative. This is all now flushed out the window

and people can't figure out why corruption spews out of every blow hole?? So, I'm a Senator

or Representative and I sit on a Defense Budget Committee and I "know" LMT is going to

get a billion or more dollar defense spending contract or NOC and so I call my "buddy broker"

and say "He buy me 500 shares of LMT or NOC before the contract information gets out to

the outer layers of the public. The stock goes up, I then sell the stocks make the profit and

walk away from the train wreck before the public dolts without the insider information can

figure out that I have already taken the profits and ran while they piggly wiggly go on buying

springs at the higher strike price. Conversely, you know due to a retard disease stocks will

tank during committee hearings and so you sell the stocks at the higher strike price prior

to the dolt public getting this information before the stocks tank thereby locking in the

profit before the stocks dive. This is what they call ethical and moral standards above our

plebian moral values yet if you or I do this same thing with insider information we get indicted

and thrown in the big tank for some time plus penalties?!!?? I remember President Harry

Truman saying "The Buck Stops Here!" meaning the responsibility for any policy or decision

making stops on my desk. President Truman didn't mean that as President he would use

insider information to gain profit on stock transactions or commodities due to insider information garnered by the President/Executive while in Office so truly the "bucks would

be on The Resolute Desk". Do you see how far gone these folks are. You then extrapolate

the markets and the world in those markets and you see beyond defecation on the public

investors heads but utter grotesque corruption to the "nostrils" in the Heaven and nothing

ever is done. The SEC should be kicking people's asses cheating so that everyone make sure

there not going to be probed and then indicted in corruption schemes. The Rating Agency's

need to be policed as well because they will sell their souls to the highest bidder for rigged

rating results so they keep making their greens. This type of structural reform is not only

needed but it was called for an no one in the market had the "ba____" to get it done for the

survival of the larger investment community as well as the Whales on The Beach! Now you

have CME's not caring about spoofing, fraud, etc., Greg says the Fed has been insider trading

on information as to the Fed's own investment portfolio and everyone thinks this is just going

to be fine and dandy? You know when my brother, Jeff, was graduating from High School

and my Dad was dying of cancer at the same time, they played a song at the end of his

graduation ceremony. It was the Eagles singing "This is the End of the Innocence" and that

is and of itself quite cutting to the bone to say the least yet no one ever fights for anything

anymore and we wonder why the World is turning into a venerable collapsing Black Hole

around all of us? That's because, we all let it happen over time and that should put some

tears in your eyes like in the song, Man In The Mirror, by Michael Jackson.

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The TNX continues to climb. Hehehehehheheeeeee! 👏 😈 😈 😈

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Couldn't get any clearer than that - Ed Burgos seems to be taking the opposite trade on this one.

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From article titled "Whispers Of An Emergency Fed Rate Hike As Soon As Tomorrow"...


Here's what's in the article...

Why is this notable? Because the February contract expires on Feb 28, more than two weeks before the March 16 FOMC decision. This means that someone is preparing for an intermeeting rate hike, some time before March. And plugging in the numbers, the 13bps in the Feb contract means that there is now a 30% chance of an emergency rate hike.

Impossible? Not according to Fed watcher and SGH Macro strategist Tim Duy who writes that he would "not be surprised by an intermeeting move either tomorrow Friday or by Monday. I know, this is crazy aggressive."

Aggressive? yes. Crazy? perhaps - after all the Fed is still buying bonds as part of its ongoing QE which is expected to conclude in late February/early March.

In other words, we may soon face the monetary paradox of the Fed hiking rates even as the Fed is still easing monetary policy through QE, and the biggest joke here - the Fed would be tightening conditions to contain inflation that is almost entirely supply-driven and which the Fed has no control over.

Of course, the Fed has done crazier things - like backstopping the entire corporate bond market and effectively nationalizing it during the peak of the covid crisis. So while we don't know if the 30% odds of an emergency rate hike are accurate, be on the watch for an emergency Fed declaration tomorrow and Monday at 8:00am ET which is the Fed's preferred time for unexpected pre-market announcements.

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So how to play this options wise?

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