But of course. This is pure theater and The FED/IMF can do only one thing from here....keep inflating this bubble🎈regardless of how bad the economy gets.

One thing will survive quite a bit longer....The Stock Market. Heheheheheeeee! 😄😁😃

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Everybody is filthy rich, rolling in dough, diamonds and pearls all over the place. Unprecedented prosperity and utopia. Guys are loaded with cash


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That's good to hear where you're at, but down here in the swamps of Louisiana we're experiencing quite a different reality.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

Depends where to focus on - wealth or poverty. Lions are trembling with fear because they are afraid that they won't be able to buy tomatoes from Netherlands for $1 a piece or they may have to cancel Netflix subscription, or God forbids they may have to wash salad rather than buying pre-washed ready to eat at $7/bag etc

in the mean time, here are Afuckan. Islam has destroyed their country and they want to bring the same philosophy to USA. They think only hope is USA for their future but they won't leave Islam


However, after being pounded by dooms day forecasters all over the media about the impending calamity, most hide inside under the bed.

Yet the fact is that I see people are becoming richer and richer. Quality of life gets better and better.

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Manna, they say sanity is over rated and you make that clear. Think for yourself and keep away from the MSM info that'll lead us over that cliff. Thanks for strengthening my confidence over these past few months of nail biting uncertainty. Imagine if you got no criticism. That would be a sign you're a mediocrity like so many of the "experts".

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War time means it’s time to act responsibly with a solid plan and a combination of strategies and investments for your financial future. War and high inflation run together and the war could last a long time. That means inflation could last a long time.

I’ve noticed that some people with home mortgage debt are choosing to move to cheaper areas due to inflation and higher monthly payments so they are trying to lease their house.

Grateful for Greg’s daily updates.

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Thank you Greg 😎

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Defying all the natural laws of economics this market does....Well Greg at least we got one hell of Captain leading this ship to still water's..🙌🙌🙌💪

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Thanks a million Greg, prefer to listen to a truthful up-front guy like you. There are a lot of sheep & puffed up people who have no basis or concern for the truth. May God richly bless you

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