Charities are a scam!

90% of the money that is donated to charities goes in the pockets of the organizers....Fact

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I remember the scandal when William Aramony was CEO of United Way. He diverted charity funds to himself.

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Wounded Warriors

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Yes, here's what Google's AI has on that:

The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) has faced several scandals, including allegations of lavish spending, selling donor information, and suing small charities:

Lavish spending

In 2016, CBS and The New York Times reported on allegations that the WWP spent money on lavish company retreats and personal enrichment for its officers. The WWP denied these claims. However, the WWP's CEO and COO were fired in response to the allegations.

Selling donor information

In 2015, The Daily Beast reported that the WWP sold donor information to third parties.

Suing small charities

In 2015, The Daily Beast reported that the WWP sued small charities that used the phrase "wounded warrior" or soldier logo silhouettes.

Better Business Bureau review

The Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance found that the WWP's spending was consistent with its programs and missions, clearing it of scandal accusations.

After the scandal, the WWP hired a new CEO, retired Lieutenant general Michael Linnington, in July 2016. Linnington increased scrutiny on spending and the WWP no longer holds lavish events.

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Yes; the 'Mainstream' charities ARE, indeed, criminal organizations.

Just to name a few.....

Red Cross

St. Jude's Hospital

ANY 'CANCER charity'

PETA (the shit they do to animals, will make you THROW UP; same with Humane Society, et al)

The Humane Society

ANY 'Catholic Charities' (these are just ONE of the Orgs that are bringing in the ILLEGALS)

and I can go on, with a list that is a mile long, of so-called 'charities' that are CRIMINAL ORGS.

People should give to their LOCALS; MOST areas have small 'animal rescue' places that actually DO take care of animals.

Then there is GiveSendGo......which is like GoFundMe, but is Christian and NOT CORRUPT CRIMINALS, like GoFundMe (STAY AWAY FROM GoFundMe)!! With GiveSendGo, those who are raising money, for their cause, gets to KEEP ALL OF THE $$$$ RAISED!

So, if people don't want to give donations to the Mainsteam CRIMINAL 'charities'.....go to GiveSendGo and find something that one deems 'worth while' to donate to.

But, AS ALWAYS......one should VET (ie LOOK INTO) the charities that they want to donate to. Otherwise.....you're just handing over YOUR MONEY, to CRIMINALS! And, your donation helps NO ONE in need!

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Yea, I'd rather devote time, treasure, and talent to local people than donate to some globalist charity like UNICEF, bug Greg has the right idea on not being overly concentrated on money. A well balanced life includes being modest and charitable.

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Hi Boo Boo- You are 100% correct.

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Pre born gives all money to charity not to administrators.

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I wonder what the trump people are thinking since the market is at all time highs and he told them a high market means the economy is great ! , And I wonder if they will call the next wave of hyperinflation "trumps inflation" or will they still blame biden? How can people be this stupid? Left or Right we all get screwed both sides clearly want to take us into transhumanism and full digital enslavement

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Better release SARS-3 and send another $9 trillion in veto-proof CARES Act bills to Trump's desk in 2025 then blame him for inflation while he drills for oil and natural gas instead of closing up current plants and replacing them with Chinesium wind power.

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By all means vote for Kamala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why? Do you think she can outspend him?

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Love this one. They are all on the same team.

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If you look around, it seems a lot of trans human on show now.

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Pay it forward 100 percent spot on. In fact our resources belong to God we are just the handlers for a minute

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Our Father, who art in chaos

Hallowed be thy tweets

Thy circus come, thy BS be spun

On earth as is it is on FOX news

Give us this day our daily cringe

And forgive us our sanity

As we forgive those who keep drinking your Kool-Aid

Lead us not into rational thought

But deliver us from reason

For thine is the tantrum, the con and the circus

Forever and ever, amen

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If peeps are worried about charity rip-offs, which is a legit concern, if time allows, buy food and deliver it to your local food bank. Also find most local animal shelters make good use of donations. The point is to pay it forward, however you can.

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My experience, local food banks (while they have good intentions) are being 'ripped off' by people who do not need charity. I see NEW cars, Excladies, Tesla's, etc etc All lined up to get FREE FOOD from the food banks. Really? those people need charity??

give your food to your local church or better yet, to someone YOU KNOW who is deserving.

all institutions (in one way or another) are corrupted. BECAUSE PEOPLE are CORRUPTED.

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Death to the door that opens to the stock markets.

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Great work as always Greg!

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ASPCA… Amnesty International

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Love your “ Happy “ shirt Greg !!!

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HI Greg, anything anything from Australia .

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This is all so criminal. But it is going to happen. I hope all of your lions do the best that they can to protect themselves. Real things.


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Greg Mannarino warned Americans.

The Globalists Will Force You To Pay Through The Bloody Nose for Their Endless Wars!

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