trump has lost a HUGE amount of white voters.


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Trump gains Latino, African-American and Asian voters, while white men chose Biden. Interesting stuff (from RT though)


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Yeah, that is kinda crazy huh?

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Hey Greg, my father and I were going to go to the party but unfortunately I'm too young. Could we say hi at least before the party or something?

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But FED is ineffective. They are not printing enough for gold and silver to move, Silver is down 50% since 2011

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Oh, believe you me, they are 100% effective at implementing their plan and it's happening as we speak.

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Effective in what ? DXY is up what it was 30 years ago. Gold and silver down from what the price was in 2011, stocks are up, living standard on average has gone up, home prices are up, wages are also up. In the mean time we hit hard in foreigner's ass by paying them in papers for their hard work. Even a burger flipper drives a car here while the lawyers/doctors in other countries use bicycle. So FED is doing a great job if you ignore the hoopla of negativity to get clicks

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Effective at what Greg tells you they are doing every day. He tells you every day and I tell you at least twice a week. Effective at DESTROYING AMERICA! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheehheeheeeeeeeeee!

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but if they raise rates and stop printing, everything will be destroyed in one minute.

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You're right. That would destroy the bubble they created which would be good good for the economy. That's why they will not stop printing because they want the bubble to keep inflating. Raising rates would be good for the economy and crash the market down to normal price discovery levels. They are out to destroy America, not to save it so they will keep rates near zero and keep the printing press rolling 24/7/365. That keeps the stock market inflating, but the economy suffers because of inflation and soon hyper-inflation.

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After all doom and gloom, King dollar is higher than what it was in 1990. Yup. That tells me it will never go down. How many trillions we print is immaterial. Foreigners will keep buying it forever. Can you imagine that 30 years ago dollar was lower than what it is now! Gold and silver are down since 2011 !! On the weekly chart, we have a double bottom in DXY and it is looking bullish !

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