Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Your video this evening is epic!!!!!! My savings account statement looks pathetic when I receive it! Today I watched three financial videos earlier and no one knew about this bond deal or tool but you did and have told us what to expect Yea you’re the best Greg! Now the others will all know. Have a great week end

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Chuck Barone has an interesting video today as well and he has something to say about silver so you should watch it. I like silver. Chuck has an excellent way of explaining silver and the investment potential.

Every investment has some risk just like every rose has a thorn but I still love to smell the roses and I still love silver as a hedge. Those who know why we hold silver just know.

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I thought we already had a unlimited bond buying program called "The FED".

I am downloading some videos from YouTube entitled......."The Liberation of Europe". Nah. Wrong. They need to change the titles to....."The Enslavement of Europe". America went to war WITH the Central Banks to destroy Germany. America would have done well to be allied with Germany who was fighting against the banks. America needed to side with Hitler who knew WTH was going on.

America fought on the bankers' side to destroy Germany, now the banks are DESTROYING America.

America.....you are getting what you deserve.

Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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The DOW futures 20 and 50 M.A. are now under the 200 M.A. It's looking like the DOW is about to WATERFALL 🌊 Hahahahaha 😃

DOW Futures Daily Chart


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Americans had the sage advice of Charles Lindbergh to stay out of the war. The cabal murdered his one-year old son for that. The intelligent decision process would have been to carefully consider the costs and benefits, the rationale for war, and then stay the hell out of it. Oh, but no, intelligent decisions are rarely made by the masses. The utmost stupid thing to do was enter the war, so America was all in. We have all been stuck with the consequences of their profound stupidity. Getting many millions of people injured and killed for bullshit propaganda reasons put forth by the banking cabal is what the masses went for. Replacing the vastly more functional society that America had back then with this very dysfunctional modern society was actually what those WWII warriors fought hard and died for whether they knew it or not. Whenever you see something that has turned America to shit such as faggotry, tranny freaks, mass murder of babies, multiracialism, feminism, drug culture, the police state, constant tracking and surveillance, fiat currency, and outright jewish communism, remember to thank those idiots of the WWII generation for all of it because they fought and destroyed the only world power fighting against all of that degeneracy.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

I'm Black, but I DEFINITELY believe in the separation of the races. Why? Being an ex -republican I still frequent republican sites. I heard this, what I thought was a racist republican, speak. He made the argument that the races should stay separate and he laid out his point. I was thinking.."I'm going to be all over this racists ass". I listened to his argument and freaking agreed with him. I agreed, not because I'm a racist, but because HIS argument was sound. People are inherently tribal and will always oppress any minority in their midst. People inherently protect their own even if their own exhibit bad behavior publicly. He said "what good has come from different races living within each other's midst?". The guy was right. We need to stay the hell separated. That's the only way Blacks, whites, orientals, Latinos and everybody else will have peace. And this all goes beyond race too. Look at what America has become with this wierd two party system. Republicants ONLY need to be in certain states and demonrats ONLY need to live in certain states. The mixing of ideologies has torn America apart. There will be no peace here unless American states become homogeneous racially and politically at minimum.

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God is getting His Israelite people out of America soon, so the racial problem will be taken care of, but after that you people need to separate into democratic and republican states. Then there will be more peace for you guys here. But then all that peace will be interrupted by WAR soon of course nevertheless.

You folks need to band the hell together real soon like. I mean, don't wait until HELL is right on top of your heads before you take action. NOW is the time to take action. You need to band together, pool your money together and buy a nice large piece of property out in the middle of nowhere Montana in the Rockies. Make damn sure there is a lot of wooded area which is easily defensible. Make darn sure it's way off any major roads. Make somebody WORK HARD to get your ass if they really want you so bad. Quit talking and get to DOING people. If it's every man for himself, they are going to pick you off one by one. If you band together then you will have a nice force to fight back with if necessary. Take action now!

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Six man guerilla teams are quite effective. Hit, confiscate materials and run. Lather rinse, repeat! Highly effective! That's how we lost Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and whatever else I forgot. Happy Hunting! It's Open Season and there's no permits required ;)

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I wholeheartedly agree. What is called "our greatest strength" is in reality one of the greatest means of our destruction. America's identity was intentionally targeted by its enemies. The Founders made it clear who they intended the new country to be for in the Nationality Act of 1790. Being all things to all people was clearly never in the design.

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<<<The Founders made it clear who they intended the new country to be for in the Nationality Act of 1790>>>

Oh yes, they were damn clear. LoL. After a few decades the South should have sent the slaves back to Africa. Why? Because anyone with a brain could see where all that slavery/no slavery crap was going. SOMEBODY (bankers perhaps?) was DESPERATELY trying to get America to civil war with WHO praytell in the middle financing both sides? That's the thing about hate..... when SOMEONE is trying to get you to hate, you must think four or five moves down in the chess game and ask yourself the question.."Is this shit going to cost me in a major way?"

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I don't recall the specifics at the moment, but there was some lucrative operation that the jews had been shut out of, and they took up running the slave trade in the alternative. Their goals were to make lots of money, keep themselves from standing out as "the other," and to eventually destroy the White race that they very much hate.

I only learned more about jewish manipulations in the Civil War a couple of years ago. Judah P. Benjamin is well known as a destructive force within the Confederacy, but there were many others. The Confederate government was so infested with such vermin, that it was folly to even try fighting a war under such circumstances. A Confederate victory was made impossible from before the beginning. The Civil War made everyone a slave to the jewish banking cabal.

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<<<A Confederate victory was made impossible from before the beginning.>>>

I troll Southerners all the time about this. I ask them WHY they allowed themselves to be BAITED into a war they didn't possess the ability to win. They were getting too rich to go unnoticed by the bankers. Somebody had to put a STOP to those upstart Southerners who were getting too darn rich too darn quick off of free slave labor.

Did those Southerners think the cabal wasn't watching? 😸

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Yes, I learned just this year that it was the Jews who transported my people, the true Hebrew Israelites, to the four corners of the planet according to the Deuteronomy 28 curses because we refused to obey God's commandments so I've got no hard feelings towards them or slavemasters in America. No nation is strong enough to enslave us, we enslaved ourselves through disobedience.

<<<"the other," and to eventually destroy the White race that they very much hate>>>

What does "the other" mean and.... aren't the Jews you're referring to white? So how could they be trying to destroy white people if they are white?

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Removed (Banned)Jul 16, 2022
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You're right, it is hilarious. Frankly, EVERYTHING is hilarious. That's why I'm always laughing my ass off. EVERYTHING is awesomely insane. Lol

<<<How did you do this ?>>>

How did I do what?

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You're right and right and right ad infinitum. LoL. I wholeheartedly agree on all points.

Didn't the president at that time try to keep America out of the war? I mean, wasn't "Isolationism" America's policy at that time?

Nah! F. That! Let's stick our noses in Europe's business. Hahahahahaha 😁🤣🤣🤣😂😸🥳

Oh, guess what Jay? Do you notice America sticking her nose in RUSSIA'S business right now? How do you think THAT is going to turn out? 🤔

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Oh, yes. I even saw one report early today that Putin would take over the world unless he's stopped. There it was, the same bullshit propaganda that was used against Hitler. Oh, Heaven forbid that we all ended up speaking German or Russian in the present case. I don't see any reason to believe that the general public has wised up any at all over the decades in the interim. They'll believe whatever crap jewish media tells them to believe.

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<<<I even saw one report early today that Putin would take over the world unless he's stopped. There it was, the same bullshit propaganda that was used against Hitler>>>

Yes, I've noticed in the MSM that Putin is the new villified Satan upon planet Earth. But this time, things are going to be a little bit different. Putin knows history and has learned from it.

The cabal is using Russia to destroy America. I hope you understand Russian and Mandarin because the Russians and Chinese are going to be crawling all over the United States.

America is going DOWN. ↘️📉👎👇

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That's the thing that Balkanizers are overlooking. Balkanization would be great, but there are other less desirable options, foreign takeover being one.

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Dude, I always enjoy talking to you. You are so level headed and rational. You are DEFINITELY more rational than emotional.

A rational head allows you to see things clearer than an emotional one. 👍💯

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Thank you. One of my fundamental beliefs is that truth and logic lead to the best decisions and that we should strive to make good decisions in order to enjoy the benefits of living in a good society. I have long objected to the fact that whenever a big mistake is made, usually by government, nothing ever gets done to reverse the mistake. We just run along until another big mistake is made, and things just keep getting worse. The undoing of Roe v. Wade looks like an exception, but give it a little time. The government appears to be determined to keep baby murder as a fundamental societal value.

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<<<truth and logic lead to the best decisions and that we should strive to make good decisions in order to enjoy the benefits of living in a good society.>>>

THAT FACT is KEY to survival. America has made a TON of bad decisions and is now heading DOWN INTO PERDITION! Not a damn thing can stop that process. THE JUDGMENT OF GOD has been decreed and is now being carried out as we speak.

Corporately America is DONE FOR, but individually people can still be saved if they decide to obey God's commandments. They can start small..by observing the Sabbath day and keeping it holy, the seventh day of the week. Then they can progress on up to the other yearly Sabbaths we were commanded to keep like Pasach (Passover). It's all in the book of Deuteronomy.

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What I mean about the races being keeping themselves separated is not that we should never come into contact with one another. I think we should go VISIT each other's countries at will, but LIVE in our own.

Look at China, a nearly homogeneous nation. Do you see THEM having racial issues? No. Because they don't have any other races amongst them of any numerical consequence. They hate the Ughurs for some reason, but they are still somewhat the same race.

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Japan looks like a better example of racial homogeneity to me, but I haven't been to either place.

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That's a good example too.

And what kind of "racial" issues do they have? None. 😃

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Removed (Banned)Jul 16, 2022
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Please watch "The Ultimate Computer," season 2, episode 24 (1968) from Star Trek, The Original Series. That's an example of science fiction from the past foretelling AI causing major problems. Surprisingly, the show even had a chimp as the creator of the malevolent AI. No way would the realites of black crime or incompetence be allowed in today's entertainment productions.

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Quantitative Sleazing! The ECB now has Special Drawing Rights on your personal and corporate savings accounts, but never fear! They have set up a Special Toll Free Number for all you morons out there!

It’s 1-800 FUCK YOU.

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Central banks need to be shut down NOW Why do we give a shit about central bank of Europe. The Big Caball needs to be shut down World Control shut down Awake Up What can we do to take them DOWN ??? Your OWN government has been bought our government sold us out

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It’s an absurd circle jerk these central banks are practicing, and it’s showing the level of desperation! Raise short term interest rates, or at least talk about it (ECB), while suppressing them further out on the curve with massive bond purchases! The insanity. There is no way they can do QT, but they can lie about it, via the 2 separate balance sheets (public & private) you talk about.

Unfortunately for us all, inflation is the direct result. You are correct, they are all moving to a system of control of the population. China is the enemy!? Really? They are the blue print for western governments at this point. Trudeau has even came out and expressed admiration for the Chinese government. As flawed as Trump was personally, he was at least slowing this process of a one world government. You can also this effort in the drive for minimum global corporate tax rates. Of course the individual will be next on the chopping block.

As you so accurately point out, this is the goal. If it happens, Im not sure … I pray it does not. Liberty and freedom has already been trampled to intolerable levels!

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Thanks Greg. Valuable information is an understatement.

want to go further down the rabbit hole. Go to Sage of Quay on Rumble.

Deanna Spingola Explains even more who “THEY” are.

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Hey Greg. Thanks for all of the information! I came across this interview that was posted yesterday and thought you'd find it very interesting. Seems like the petro-dollar is dead and we're moving to a gold-backed currency of some sort. https://vokalnow.com/video/5095

Who could have guessed? Keep up the good work!

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Greg needs to quit dichotomizing businesses from central banks. He says the central banks have

a public book and then the "dark side book". Then with his second remark, he admits businesses

have two books "just like" the central banks. That sounds a little bit of the "Man in Mirror Syndrome"

as if you have two books in business and central banks what are you effectively relying on in terms of where to place your investment monies? Now, we know for a fact that Europe and the US are basically at war already with Russia via Ukraine and other Russian Moves elsewhere, so what would US and Europe do under those circumstances? Throw up their hands and say "I surrender"! Hell no, WWI, WWII we were doing lend lease etc et al and no one thought twice about it. So, if the Central Banks

are moving in similar patterns and EU Central Bank is now following suit, with the bulk of Western

Europe all in, you know they're on a footing and scale a hell of lot hotter than the ladie dagh folks.

They're shooting at each other now so you know there's going to be a TKO at some point that's when

the "winner" walks on the chest of the L!

So, if the Mawkets are all figured and rendered on bs statistics and shadow books etc. where do you

put your investment "wealth"? I won't use dollar because that is now a political hot potato as well.

You have "no-zero" safe quarters "anywhere" as all areas will proceed down the toilet bowl as this

goes forward. Better invest in "yourselves", your home site, etc. so you are comfortable, well off and

safe with a box of pop corn as you turn on your mesmerizing tv or computer to see the sh__ show

like George Carlin predicted and John Lenon sitting happily in the front row seat to watch the freaks

and that show that must go on! (*Footnote- Meet and know your neighbors well- tip!)

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🎼 Every party needs a pooper that’s why Greg uninvited you. Party pooper! 💩 🎶

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RemovedJul 15, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino
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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Well said, That is my plan also.

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