trump is going to win the election. Why? Because The Jesuits have trump firmly in their back pocket, but Biden could possibly be a dissenter and refuse to be a good puppet like trump. I watched trump closely when he first got elected....he tried to resist the PTB, but in the end he had to capitulate. No, The Jesuits don't have ultimate power. Sometimes people go rogue and refuse to obey them anymore and they bail. The Jesuits know they got a good teammate in trump so they are going to stick with him. trump is the one who has been selected in 2020. He's the one who can destroy Amurica the fastest.

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Agreed Greg ! People, We the People, we can find common cause in the restoration of Glass Steagall Law which was brought into being in I believe 1933, it became the bulwark of American prosperity by separating commercial lending and investment banking by creating a fire wall between the two. Glass Steagall was taken down in the first Clinton Administration by Congress. Fast forward 2007/2008 and the mortgage backed security crisis forced a massive , unprecedented tax payer bailout of the banks . People, when will the bailouts stop that you are on the hook for ? Glass Steagall would have forced the bad bets back to Wall St instead of Main St ! If you seek common cause study the American System, the Physical Economy, Glass Steagall and the Breton Woods Agreement . If Glass Steagall is passed in America it will be passed in Europe ! We need to save the Trans-Atlantic Zone and our Liberties from dangerous and brutal banking dictatorship! We must secure American civilization so it can be brought out into the star system where our future awaits ! This was also similarly, the mission of Christopher Columbus, to bring the best of European achievement to a New World . The Colombus Mission, much like the Apollo Mission was a collaboration of ideas and technical achievement ; to create a new paradigm for humanity which gave birth to our Constitution out of Revolution !

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