
I love your content as you have educated us to know the drivers of the market. I would like to learn more about how to look at the debt market. Could you consider sharing more details or directing us to a place to learn more. Thank you for your consideration! 👊

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I second that...

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In terms of long standing Fed Rate Actions & Policies, if you have economies heating up

in terms of activities in that market so more and more demand, this is where they traditionally

tighten liquidity in the markets through borrowing costs of cash overnight or longer term

as well as interest rates increases. When you have lesser economies so less jobs, production

and capital being put into action in the way of business acquistitions of machinery, trucks, etc.

this is when "any" Central Bank infuses cash and lower interest rate environments into the

market place. Now in 2007-2008-2010 debacle, we had mortgage backed securities traunched

by the bankers into triple AAA traunches that were actually dog sh__ with triple aaa gold painted

toilet paper on the outside sold to unsuspecting dupes around the world. Hence the "bail out"

of the bankers, who committed the crimes, made the money "but" didn't do no time! They put

the gun up to our US Government and said better do the socialism of the private sector banks

or you're going to see mayhem and troops on your streets. We ended up with mayhem in the

streets because the American People lost their jobs, their savings, their homes, etc. while the

banks rolled in the money. This really hasn't changed, however, with the advent of the covid

19 stipends to "businesses" as well as to individuals, the bankers already had contemplated

and figured out the minimum helicopter money they need to provided short term to keep everyone docile to the quick sand economics. They also configured the question of the increased pay for the lowest paying jobs as they pushed and supported that mantra as well

with the $15.00 per hour chant(s) "knowing" all along that inflation would eat the asses out

of the regular individuals income over time so that their $15.00 in lieu of the inflation rate

would end up slightly "lower" than the previous minimum wage of $8.00 per hour with

inflation inculcated now at: $7.58 per hour so lower than the original $8.00 per hour even

though the general public was clapping when this $15.00 per hour mantra was the cheer

of the day. So, naturally as a banker you actually have realized all your goals, excreting wealth

to yourselves, diluting the increase in pay to a lower per hour level per the inflation rate over

time, while filling your pockets with more and more profits and returns.

This goes hand in hand with the Central Bank's additional motivations of using diverse

international and domestic tendencies and behaviors inside nations and between nations

into deglobalization rather than globalization. This further compresses profits and economics

around the world creating more internal pressures for people domestically to go crazy and

off the rails as fascism around the world raises it's ugly head more and more. Anytime you

get people in worse and worse economics, it's easier and easier to sell them the domestic

message of the outside evil empire is doing this to you and your family. Historically, you

see this in every major war, whether WWII or WWI and even now you're seeing this in

Eastern Europe and I would also say Western Europe where it's getting easier and easier

to cause domestic problems inside any nation with worsening economies, while being also

able to blame another Nation or Nations with the problems that are in that very same nation.

In Kazakistan, I have heard zero reporting as to the question of why an oil rich nation pays

their own people sh__ wages while they pump $82.00 per barren oil and natural gas??! This

same holds true in Russia as well. They have this oil wealth and natural gas wealth and yet

their average people earn dog sh__ wages, while Putin and his oligarchy slurp down caviar

and have multiple mansions and billions in offshore tax havens. The Western Nations are

dealing with this as well as typically your wealth is concentrating into fewer and fewer hands

which can only buy so much so how does any systems here or abroad continue on this fallacy

train as the economics crumble? By use force as you can see with shoot to kill orders, imprisonment of "anyone" who is deemed a "threat to their system of puss and corruption"

to keep the regular ants in line if you will. How long this will go on is anyone's guess but

typically, they will have to move to higher and higher levels of suppression and communication

"breakdowns" so your internet goes bye bye or intermittent or your cell phone dies as it is

blocked and your social credit score tells them which individuals to block from their own


Eventually, the Nations own leaders will due to all of these forces name and demonize

an outside enemy to "fight" and so the war machines and the drums begin to pound across

each pond as they are now doing. Monies then go into making bombs, bullets, and higher

and higher lethal high tech weapons that kill even better and instantly!!!!

So, you bet on the banksta's because they have played all this sh__ out already and as you

all can research, US Companies were funding business and production in pre Nazi Germany

that were eventually turned into war production, tanks, fighters, bombers, submarines,etc

and food and uniforms for the Nazis to stay comfortably in power with until the end of the

war. These are the same companies and bankers that funded Hitlers rise and powerful military

forces that then the US, Russians and Other Allies had to die or get screwed up physically and

mentally for to finally defeat the Nazis. Ironically, the Nazis "left" Germany in burning ruins

and took their loot of gold and other treasures out of Germany into Switzerland and other

parts then out of Germany and Europe in the "rat lines" many churches provided. The Nazis

also setup an Antartic Base I believe was known as New Schwabland under the ice which we

tried to clean out in Operation High Jump. That didn't succeed to this day folks. The banks

and companies that aided and abetted Hitler and the Nazis during the war, then sued the

Allies-US for war reparations for the damage sustained on their German Factories which the

US paid stupidly.

Anyways, hope for the best pray the worst doesn't occur.

If you really like to invest in scummy banks consider DB, that's Douche Bank!

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Ok all this is fine. BUT we don't need to get carried away and short the dollar against gold or Euro or something. This is all theory. Now we need this to be confirmed by the chart.

This kind of printing has been going on for decades but Gold has not moved. It's 7% inflation and silver is down 60% from it's peak.

Theory is theory. Reality is reality.

I have no position in gold and don't intend to until gold crosses 2000.

Now we can try to poke hole in the theory. I respect Greg but he said do your own DD also.

Let's take an extreme example. FED prints 40000 trillions and give it to 4 people. They use that money to only buy 100 million mansions in Zurich. Does that mean rice in Africa will go up in price ? No. Or gold go up ? no Price of mansions in Zurich and even nearby city will swell into trillions

Second example: FED prints 20 trillions and hands it out to every body in USA equally. They all go and buy crypto and gamble in Vegas. All that money slowly forms chunks and basically goes to 10 owners of casinos. IRS goes to those 10 owners and get it with 90% fine and back taxes. Does that mean silver went up ?

So it's not as simple as ... they are printing, buy it all. In the second example we buy casino stocks for a WHILE only and sell before IRS fines the owners.

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Well it seems to me that Greg is trying his best to get his followers in a financial position where no matter what happens they have all their bases covered... if or when the house of cards collapses.

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And that has to be a great responsibility because everyone who follows Greg is searching for knowledge to act on and make their investment portfolio grow.

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"Issuing Debt" is making promises you never intend to keep. They get away with it by keeping the guys with guns on their side

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"Issuing Debt" is making promises you never intend to keep. They get away with it by keeping the guys with guns on their side

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i wanna go to the money heaven

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Greg…thought you would enjoy this article…amazing what goes on behind the curtain. Enjoy.


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Greg, what was the change in the Debt market (Or perhaps I should say the early indicator of the change) that precipitated the fall in the markets in 2008 and in 2000?

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Greg plus a small handful of content creators , is where I get My info. Thanks Greg !!!

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