We will not make it to the elections if oil goes over 100 bucks a barrel. Risk will go thru the roof with it. War will be the only answer to save the elites.

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There is no such thing as Fed-funded-debt... its taxpayer/citizen debt. Americans are polarized you say - that's debatable - we're all collectivists now... and we don't like transparency when it comes to monetary policy - besides it way too boring and hard to understand. Big words like 'force majure" and "qualified imunity" come in handly when crime syndicates forecast "transitory inflation". How many people cannot admit they'be been lied to because they've self-identified with the lie they cling to? Be careful Gregory they'll stop doling out free shit and have us all believing that allowing people to share opinions that disagree with the Resolute Desk is dangerous... and remember what she said, IT'S LIQUID!!!!!

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Try something SOLID like Gold and SILVER!!! Before it's not available. Ed K

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If they really wanted to keep this going they would be fudging the numbers to let them have the excuse to cut rates, why do so many insist that these people will keep the party going? "biden" gives them a perfect out to crash it and install trump to sell the sheeple cbdc .

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CBDC= Mark of the Beast.

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yes would not surprise me if trump ended up becoming the antichrist

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How the hell did your mind come up with that horseshit, you must be one of those Trump haters. The only evil bastard that's destroying America is Joe B., just look around. Open your eye's and see whats happened so far. !!!!

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no just one who can see through the two party chirade , trump loves you so much he supplied a death vax and paved the way for GMO food slop taking over the world https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/trump-orders-simpler-path-for-genetically-engineered-food

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That took place in 2019 almost 4 years ago. I haven'r heard ofany body dying. Lot's of people dying from the raging crime from defund police and sick AG'S from demorcractic numb sculls.

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That's an interesting take; he did sell us out on the CCP-shot and there was that nasty $6-7T debt thing. The CBDC is quite worrisome for many reasons.

Later Jay

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Brian,. the last I heard Trump wasn't for CBDC'S I always thought he was a GOLD man. Ed

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gold for himsef he wants trans-humanism and digital enslavement for us but it will be sold to the public as a great thing . His 15 minute citys , flying cars ect is all on his official campaign website

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That scum of the earth poll was by far phrased perfectly.

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Women basketball are going to promote the birth control pill guess who the girls at the game are it’s not the illegal migrates

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"LIPSTICK ON A PIG!," The corrupt clowns' game plan that was put in place many decades ago.

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The Federal Reserve’s destructive near zero interest rate’s policy pre-Trump has set the stage for financial Armageddon.

So what does the Federal Reserve do now with regard to interest rates?

1 Lower interest rates and destroy the US dollar?

2 Raise interest rates and destroy the economy?

Either way, the average US citizen is screwed. Just remember when the SHTF, what exactly O’Biden and the Uniparty politicians were doing. They were spending trillions of dollars on Green insanity, more on endless wars and the funding of illegal aliens and an open borders invasion of the USA. And remember that the Pravda media and Joe Biden told us all the economy is thriving!

What will it take for people to realize their whole way of life and ability to feed their families right now

is in extreme peril? How do the majority of people sit back and ignore this all?

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." -Ronald Reagan-

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;

if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may

come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” -Winston S. Churchill-

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Trump was even pushing for negative interest rates.

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Not likely, I don't ever foresee negative interest again. and it doesn't matter who's President. They now know it destroyed the bond markets. Plus I'm 82. Ed K

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Greg (and ALL)........

DID YOU KNOW........

That the Federal CRIMINALS in the District of Criminals (D.C.) have NOT taken their OATH OF OFFICE?! And this INCLUDES Yellen! We all knew/know that they are ILLEGITIMATE (fraudulent elections), but, with NO Oath of Office......they are LEGIT, ILLEGITIMATE!

For further info on the 'NO Oaths of Office', see the report (on Substack; Rumble) that Greg Reese (The Reese Report) has just done. AND......Todd Callender, for in depth coverage; Todd has been on my shows/podcasts (look for vids on the NO CENSOR vid hosting sites).

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As the day's draw closer to the Greatest Depression; as Greg's advocates, we will have a firmer base to plow our way through the mud of severe economic peril. Hopefully we will come out the other side still viable ,intact and alive. And able to help our neighbors and friends. !!! Ed K

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We need EVERYONE to wake up. Or, the only thing good will be - BUY 5 and get the 6th one 1/2 price - will get you interested in applying for yet another credit card. What is on the line is all your assets placed as collateral. You own, and have NOTHING.

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Metals holding their own despite the spike on dxy and 10yr , I think this is telling us something we are not in a normal cycle

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America. Land of the offended.

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The rich can take their passports and leave- never come back! Greg for president!

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