from someone who grew up in a country that suffers from poor and rich class , LET ME TELL YOU , the rich are not having fun! best scenario they live in a golden cage. extreme economic difference won't go far. See what's going on in NYC , tell me more how the riches of NYC are enjoying the city now? look what's going on in South Africa , trust me when one class suffers everyone suffers.

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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gave a brief today and he laid it all out there on all the money coming from billionaires (Federalist.com) and the Dark money that has been influencing the Supreme Court And where all that money goes. We are screwed by the GOP. Dark money owns our courts and GOP senators. 80 decisions voted 5-4. /incredible.

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Sadly you are so right Greg. They want to kill the middle class. So many people without jobs and so many hungry people. We have to do what you always tell us to do. Give forward to help people in need.

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I will now be trading Greg. Ameritrade platform. Thank you for your expertise.

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There will never be justice for what they've done to us.

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They need their end of year bonus. And they will get it. I only hope people will stand on their frontdoor this Christmas. But I am afraight no one does have the guts.

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