Didn't Trump asked for a measly 5Bil for the southern wall? Clown world 9d chess platform towards peace, through weapons contracts.

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I believe you are correct. Trump also said that Mexico would pay for it.

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Mexicans will be willing to pay to finish the wall…when the SHTF in America…to stop all the gringos escaping the USSA….

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Who cares who pays for it? How much are we paying fir it now with all of the illegal invaders on the dole, not to mention all of the criminals and terrorist filth. 5 billion was a fucking bargain.

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It doesn't matter if they're legal or illegal. If you import the Third World, you become the Third World. Don Jr. even said that in a recent interview.

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I couldnt agree more. I see it with my own eyes.

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american people escorted them in and transported them all over, and a wall is gonna do what exactly

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Well I'm assuming we would have a govt in place that would want a strong border to begin with. Without borders, whats the point of even calling it a country?

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you trust goverment, hows that workin out, abolish the fed and the feds. when you assume,-------

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I dont trust the govt at all, nor did I say that I did. How you get there from what I wrote is beyond me.

Do you trust the govt? Hows that working out for YOU?

You see, it doesnt matter whether you trust them or not. What matters is what they do, because trust them or not, we're all in the same boat, and we'll all pay the same price for their actions.

We need a strong border...THATS what matters.

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Those weren't Americans. Those were traitors

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we are surrounded by them traitors,

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At least it's gotten easier to identify them. Imagine bragging on CAMERA that you got millions from the ADELSONS and hooked Israel up with the Golan Heights (which don't even belong to them) Trump got all this done "in 15 minutes" Gimme a break with this clown. The game is rigged and they're playing us all.

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99% of this money is going in the politicians pockets, Dem/Rep...Fact

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Hey,hey,hey that's what Yogi always said.

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In just a few short weeks people are going to be grabbing at straws trying to make ends meet. In fact they are already grabbing at straws. Keep your assets and get rid of thosee liabilities now while you can. !

Stay safe through the storm.

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Everything is a fucking sham...EVERYTHING.

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Troops in Ukraine are being killed at a rate of between 200 per day and in big pushes as many as 2,500 troops and this much per week. Ukraine is just rubble. The money laundering scheme is obvious. And these troops are also NATO troops. Stop the madness

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The war in Ukraine is both unnecessary and unwinnable.

Ukraine have as much chance of winning as my high school football team would have against an NFL team. Thats an honest analogy.

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Ok, I'll be as generous with my comment as possible: Despite the leaders of both Ukraine and Israel being of the same ethno-religious background can congress at least give America one more month of an extended resolution despite everyone here not being 100% of their blood line?

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The criminals in DC will never stop let alone slow down. Should come to no surprise to anyone with a working brain cell. As long as gender neutral bathrooms are being installed throughout the USA plus means to get an abortion all is well in the USA.

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Sample letter: Internal Revenue Service April 15, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a conscientious objector to war and military preparations for war. I am a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). I have a statement of conscience on file with the New York Yearly Meeting (of Friends).

By the analysis of the War Resisters League, 43% of the federal outlays collected from income tax for the 2024 fiscal year go to pay for current military, the wars in the Middle East and Northern Africa, the so-called war on terrorism and past wars, the nuclear weapons part of the DOE budget and including $806 billion of the interest on the national debt (80% of which is estimated to be created by military spending). I cannot, in good conscience, participate in this funding mechanism and I encourage you, too, to examine your conscience in this regard.

Currently, I am concerned that we are making little effort to seek a negotiated settlement in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Instead, we are fueling the war by massive military provisions. These costs are included in the above mentioned military part of the federal budget.

I continue to be concerned about the new generation of nuclear weapons that we are developing. They will undermine the minimal treaty obligations that we’ve made. Under the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, we have agreed to negotiate the reduction and elimination of all nuclear weapons with the other nuclear nations, including Russia. In addition, we should join the countries of the United Nations who have signed and ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and which went into effect January 22, 2021.

My payment with this tax return will pay the 57% non-military part of my income tax. 43% of the income tax due – the military portion – will be deposited in an escrow account to be held until such time as the United States government recognizes the right of conscientious objectors to pay only for the non-military aspects of government spending (see Peace Tax Fund legislation). Thus, I believe that I have paid my taxes in full.


Thomas E. Joyce

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Meanwhile, the Russians continue to gobble up more real estate in Ukraine.


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Are you sure there will be an election ?

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Just breaks my heart. Listened to an interview from a Ukrainian lady. They are just being decimated. The military industrial complex is the only one that wants to keep it going. Greg stay safe tonight.

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We're SO screwed!

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I am ABSOLUTELY positive that there is no one on here that voted for this S$%T.

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Your dead right. These banker fools are becoming easy to predict their next move. I called a 50 point interest rate cut, because everyone was calling for a 25 point move, but the democrats sent a letter to the Fed asking them for a 75 point reduction. That's why I picked 50, because we know the Fed is political!

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8 billion could have purchased 7 more Tesla charging stations.

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