“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it!”

--George Carlin

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People are so immoral, corrupt and stupid. Put their limbs out to be jabbed by ppl that openly call to depopulate and then leave small local anti commie banks to go into the devil. I have zero respect for 99.9999999% of the ppl. They're too busy studying what low life influencers on the internet are doing to know what's happening and too drugged out as well.

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Sounds familiar, if I remember correctly someone said the Big Banks would gobble up the small and regional ones to consolidate ;take the good assets leave the rest(leave all of the crap) to the sheeple. Well said GREG M. keep on trucking. Ed

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Same happened decades before (on a smaller scale) with Tiger Banks.

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Richard Kelly Hoskins wrote several decades ago about how the number of banks goes through cycles of expansion and consolidation. The usury banking industry has been doing that for a long time.

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And so it begins!

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And so it continues you mean

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I just received an email that Schwab bought TD Ameritrade and will be transitioning soon. It’s slowly going to play out as you’ve described.

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Hi Greg. What do you think about the Fed's "FedNow Service" announcement yesterday? I think they're setting up a payments network for the inevitable crisis... no?


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Smells like another step to CBDC's.

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Exacly. According to the news release "in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals will be able to send and receive instant payments at any time of day, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, giving them greater flexibility to manage their money and make time-sensitive payments."

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Can you say “New World Banks?”

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If you like to but it’s Old

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Beware the Ides of March

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The usual suspects, Goldman, JPM, et al made uninsured deposits in First Repugnant lol. So they expect you to believe those banks did so because they have confidence in the system lol. No they did so because uninsured deposits are now risk free like insured. What a load of crap.

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They will do this until they can’t. Something’s coming, for which this strategy will not work…..and it will bring all of it down….which will trigger the new system.

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Barney Frank said that he needs to make some money he’s not on government pension 🤣😂🫡

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BF can go to Israel.

Plenty of stolen USD there.

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Israel had money in that Bank in New York. If I remember its name correctly it was Signature bank that also just failed and for the same reasons as SVB. They (Israel) were tipped off to get their money out before the bank was taken over.

That news story was announced on Redacted by Clayton Morris this week. You are correct, Sir.

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Price ceiling is socialism. Saudis are right.

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🤣😂 Free Market when it suits you

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The beginning of the end....and the end of the beginning.

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Oy vey!

Looks like Saudi Arabia will get some good old fashioned "democracy" soon.

Especially since China brokered a pact between KSA and Iran.

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Well we brought it on ourselves. Reserve currency status no more.

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Milk it dry

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Time to start bombing

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All the bombs were sent to Jewkraine to fight for trans rights.

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You're wrong Jew-Boy.

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It is about destroying USA not about to keep the world domination. Stop thinking in national terms.

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Who would be the proxy bomber?

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Wind of Change, my friend.

Gold (yellow) vs. DowJones (blue) FIVE YEARS.

Better perfomance in Gold or Dow Jones? Lower Volatility in Gold or Dow Jones?


Meanwhile USD lost a lot of Purchasing "Power".

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WaveButt does not understand reality he only understands what is happening at Starbucks...

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Audit Fort Knox gold would shoot up pricing all the fiat in gold bye printing money

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There is no gold in Fort Knox.....Fact

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Fiat backed by nothing Gold Finger wasting his time security guards sitting around guarding Fort Knox 🤣😂🤪

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A primetime special like when Geraldo opened Capone's Vaults.

"We found NOTHING!"

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Thumbs down 👎

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will shoot up without any audit.

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Bet they open Fort Knox then with Biden in lead before he gets thrown under the bus

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I am in favor of an audit of the Pentagon and NASA. Money Laundering an Robbery as its best.

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