No vax. I'm still a pureblood. Safe under His wings.

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U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie announces sudden death of his wife of 30 years, Rhonda


The SAME Congressman who exposed AIPAC's influence over Congress two weeks ago on Tucker Carlson's show… Congressman's wife just "died unexpectedly"... If you have time, you can watch the whole interview here:

Rep. Thomas Massie Reveals Deep State Secrets and Teaches You How to Live Off-Grid


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Massie said that everyone in Congress has an AIPAC handler/babysitter. Massie is the only exception. (And I think years ago, Cynthia McKinney also refused to have an AIPAC person in her office). US Congress is Israeli occupied territory. US govt is totally infiltrated.

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Wow! You are spot on Greg, the stock market keeps on going up up up up uppppppppppp>

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Bird Flu — Another Attempt to Control the Food System and Make a Profit



* Fearmongering around bird flu mirrors COVID-19 responses, with calls for testing, social distancing, and vaccination in the agricultural sector. New RFID tagging requirements for dairy cows represent potential government overreach, aimed at increased animal tracking and control

* Development of mRNA vaccines for bird flu in both humans and animals raises concerns about potential mandatory vaccinations and their impact on the food supply

* FDA warnings against raw milk consumption lack evidence of foodborne transmission of bird flu to humans and may serve to protect industrial dairy interests. The centralization of the food system has led to a 72% decrease in small farms over the last 90 years, emphasizing the need to support small-scale farmers directly

* The H5N1 virus may have origins in gain-of-function research, potentially emerging from a lab rather than occurring naturally in wild birds

* Mass culling of poultry in response to outbreaks has led to over 92 million chickens being slaughtered since 2022, often using inhumane methods

Let the fearmongering begin (again)! Propaganda efforts are making people believe humans can die from the bird flu and that we must "do our part" in preventing the next global pandemic. Wear masks, social distance, sanitize everything, get tested, get vaccinated … It’s kind of like "COVID-19," but now in dairy cows!]

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No money for big pHarma- No more pandemics.

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... why would a multi-billion-$-cap.medical-industrial-complex extermination-supply-spigot get $170-Mill? We know this is all more of the same - handouts-to-sellouts . The FED sings louder to drown-out the screams from the bio-metric train-turnstyles - . Denial is a very strong poison/elixer. More extinction rebellion please... we are in the fight of our lives... take no shit (or poison) and tolerate no stupidity.

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These people are sinister.

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Vaccines are not free unless we all borrow the money to pay for it.

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Murderna. Killing you safely and legally.

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^ (and effectively)

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Only if you comply.

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Of course we..

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More gain of function money

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The cash for these grants to develop and produce an effective bird flue vaccine comes from the TAX PAYERS! At a time when we have more deficit spending than ever in history! I feel like I got a plane ride, and got dropped off on the wrong planet 🌏. Please give me a ride back to where I came from! Norton West

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Wow! You are spot on Greg, the stock market keeps on going up up up up uppppppppppp>

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Nothing will ever convince me to believe we are in a pandemic again. In fact, I now don’t believe there ever was one , or ever will be. Fuck them, and all their empty promises.

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once again youve nailed it greg and its highly likely the bird flu scam will be the excuse for them to bring back the pandemic treaty so much for it being dead in the water as so many wrongly assume..be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..it currently has over 2,510000 signatures

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I'm hoping for alyums.

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