Apr 11·edited Apr 11

There is now compulsory return of military men that have completed their tours within the past 60 months to return back. This is the soft introduction to a draft being started in US. Another vector of genocide under the cloak or prescript "wars" The have the turbo cancer kicking in now from the Trump injections from 2021-22 to kill off those under 60. Soon draft will be for all American men 18-30, then women 18-30 then will be moved up to all women and men 59 or under. Thats is why in WW1 and WW2 they called it "theaters" It is a way for Bolshevik central banks to genocide their populations. The inflation is getting very noticeable and the bottom 80% is getting restless as the inflation cant be contained.Saw that 50% of the homeless now work full time jobs

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What a hideous prospect.

Unfortunately I think you nailed it:

"Thats is why in WW1 and WW2 they called it "theaters" It is a way for Bolshevik central banks to genocide their populations."

Murderous Daemons.

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They use a country for a time, blow out its currency through debt and printing, then create a new system in another country. So once the wealth effect starts breaking down and the "bottom 90%" notice they cant pay their bills let alone ever stop working, they get restless. So they start wars and now start injecting citizens with slow kill injections they call "vaccines" Of course the definition of vaccine is changing . Unnatural natural death that has been engineered to look like natural causes.

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You can trace them back through every empire...they leave their rancid breadcrumbs in the form of burnt offerings everywhere they go.

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Depending on your past MOS's the call back age is 64. Recruiters can be in their 80s. This precedent was set in WW2 by the Navy. Aged operators are being recruited for contract missions.

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Wow. Things are getting ugly.

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Good Job on this.

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Thank, George. I have two neighbors already that are being conscripted back- one 54 and another 38 so its real

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This really upsets me its why we in the Texas region talk this Republic of Texas stuff and thats real and people might find the military folks like this also.

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How will homeless vets survive without funding? If everyone is finally tired of democratic republic and are ready to go full-on fascist I won't object, but then let's get real about it. Those of us whom want to keep our innate human rights can still have them and contract privately. Those who want to live under the current service corporation government can keep their franchises with their government-assisted jobs...perfect! At least then we would know where government assistance ends and where governement "jobs" begin.

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Easier to move to southern hemisphere honestly- be away from nuke fallout the mentally ill western nations are scripting to depopulate 2-3B

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The F zionist wants to finish with America as we know it is so sad because I came running from Central America when the USA ruin my country and they install the Sandinista Government.

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I will NEVER support Israel or the severely criminal USA Federal Government. I will die first. GO IRAN!

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Iran was once our ally until the JewSA/CIA intentionally jacked it up. Few people know Iran hasn’t attacked a foreign country since 1775 and that can’t be said for the at least annual new warfare this country engages in “for democracy’s sake.”

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Pardon me, but Iran is the main dispenser of Weapons and Money to all the other middle East countries who hate America. Just remember it was the Hamas, voted in by the Palistinian's who invaded Israel not the other way around. What would you do if someone cut your wife's breast's off and raped your children. Think hard about it. !!!! Ed K

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Hamas is Mossad and Israhell funds them because their leadership does not push for a 2 state solution like the PLO does. There are multiple accounts of this over the years via politicians stating as much in session on C-Span. Israhell has cameras monitoring every inch of the wall 24/7, motion sensors that pick up so much as a cockroach approaching the border, and the IDF troops were pulled from the very location the troops were guarding. Plus the smoking gun is the IDF stood down for a full 8 hours so their Mossad operation could unfold. If this was legitimate they would have responded in minutes. The Star of Moloch crowd owns the msm in this nation and they got propaganda legalized via the Smith-Mundt Act. This is a Zionist Occupied Government and I trust nothing from the mouths of our government nor Israhells.


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I watched most of the video. During the empires of Europe in the middle ages the Jews moved all over, which are now the counties Europe. From the time of Abraham until now the Jews were dispersed From Egypt, back to the middle east, and through out Europe and the America's . In 1948 they were given back Israel. God promised them it would (BE) there home again. And it will be the place when Jesus returns, It is written in the book Revelation. There are good Jews and bad Jews just like any other ethnicity. Money changers were despised by Christ. And the Rothschilds are the biggest. So with all that;s going on now, BanKs failing, money printing, World turmoil. Gold and Silver rising which is God's Money. Maybe the end times are nearer the you think. Start praying for World Peace. And God bless America.!!!! Ed K

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Exactly what the gutless IDF schmucks are doing to the Palistinians where the average age is 17. For the record I don't hate America, I dispise its criminal government which coincidently is disproportionately infeasted by Jews. I am not anti-semitic, I like Arabs and Palisinians.

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"Few people know Iran hasn’t attacked a foreign country since 1775 ..."

Not directly, but we know they fund terrorists and guerilla warfare everywhere. And so does the USA. In fact, most warfare for the past 40 years has been exactly that.

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I don’t disagree. They are only an enemy on paper though as we continue funding them as the proxy excuse to start WW3 against Israhell. You don’t fund your actual enemies.

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Okay. But we know Central Banks have always funded both sides of every conflict. Hegelian Dialectics. Conflict management, not resolution.

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Same They’re both EVIL

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It's time to pack(BAGS) it in. Get your Un-Anerican ASS, and take a hike to somewhere in the middle east. Then you can hate Israel and America out in the open. Ed K

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NO, it’s time to get rid of the Communist Dems amd tue OBiden Regime and bring back Trump!!!!!

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Do you live in usa?

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The very most corrupt government in the world resides here in the United States of America. As Doug Casey has stated several times "Government is the Enemy of the People"

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They’re more evil and ruthless than the Nazis

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Martin Armstrong cycles technician with his Socrates predictive AI (he developed it in 1970s and Central Banks tried to throw him in jail to get it) has announced a few months ago the "recession' will be announced mid May. He said stock markets will pullback fast May-June then coil and spring way upward (as will anything in USD) as we go into a superinfationary era where most workers will end up working for a year to pay just half a years living costs. He said this will be the last market pullback before the currency loses over 35% of its value in coming months. He said Fed had planned to roll out CBDC this July through the banks and corporations to avoid US Constitution with a false flag.. but thinks it gets delayed until Q1 2025. We know BIS has CBDC deadlines for western nations only by June 2025. Then there is the Deagel report, if that is to be believed where 270M of us die off in 18 months..

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Thanks. I'll do a my research on that on Carter. I enjoy your comments.

You all may enjoy reading, https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/ There are similarly minded folks there as here but not financially based. Mannarino and C&C are my 2 go-to's.

Later Jay

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The MMRI is doing some wild stuff today. Anyone else paying attention?

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War crimes. It just shows how little regard for human life the “one percenters” have. All going to the basement

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While sucking up to China.

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Woe to the ignorant masses.......................

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Who knows how reliable, but from a news story:

"The promised Iranian retaliation for the Israeli attack on Tehran’s consulate in Damascus is likely in the next 24-48 hours, anonymous US officials told Bloomberg on Wednesday.

“Major missile or drone strikes” are now imminent, Bloomberg reported citing “people familiar with” the Israeli, US and allied intelligence reports. They will likely be carried out by either Iran directly, or its allies such as the Lebanon-based Hezbollah, the anonymous sources said.

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That sounds about right with respect to timing. Ramadan has ended and Eid will be ending. With the Holidays closing, now the Muslim world is ready to go back to work

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Look at the MMRI ! Over 300

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I'm far more concerned about Brandon's attacks on our gun rights. The latest comes on the heels of the Feds having murdered Bryan Malinowski in his own home for selling his own guns.


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The Feds raid or murder anyone they want these days. As for this administration, they are dedicated 100% to civil disarmament and will try to ban all guns until they are kicked out of office.

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Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

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War is always the Ultimate Democrat Jobs Program when the economy is going to shit and the people are restless. The Banks are always in on it and the "right people" or corporations make a fortune. History bears this out.

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Not so latent Black Swan Event....the old fool wants a war to distract the voting public from his dementia and crappie performance. This guy (and those around him) is evil.

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The "ruler of this world" sets his minions into Everything; government, business, entertainment, military, religion with the Lusts, Desires and Pride in man, inconceivable unimaginable debaughtchery and corruption in ALL hate, then destroys All in mass.

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