Hi Greg,

First of all, I like to thank you for all your hard work! It’s much appreciated.

Is it possible for you to keep posting the price on call like you use to do.

Sometimes I am not sure what price I should place options. Thanks so much.

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I am in and thank you. Agree and plan to wait. Sold the WFC position for 16% gain, don't like the company and just could not hold it any longer. Thanks for this trade, too.

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Totally agree, BaBa to $310.00+ after all the moaning and groaning as China

and the US "will" have to make trade agreements and Baba is internationally

based rather than China only. The China Government going after Baba you've

got to wonder if this is an inside China Mafia attack on their own international

companies and that the China Mafia is following the orders of the internationale

orders. Compare Amazon to Baba and tell me "anti-trust" ???!!!??? No, intelligence

equals knowledge of each party in the "field of play" doing what they are told.

Davos equals the beginning and end or all operations and future planning. Anyone,

who can't figure this sh__ out is not watching carefully enough.

Odds ten to one, either Israel or US will try to start some more sabre rattling and

Middle East actions to initiate their version of WWIII asserting Iran as this horrible

threat to peace in the Middle East. Yet no one asks in the Western Nations, who is

funding and aiding and abetting Al Qaida, Daesh and other similar "terrorist" groups

in the play in Syria and parts of Iraq? It certainly is not Iran nor other counter parties

with them in the Middle East but more so those folks following orders to create the

panacea of conflict in the Middle East, where any sane person would be suing for

peaceful resolutions and a continued de-escalation of tensions with Iran and Syria

which they "will not put with" because it tensions in the Middle East and elsewhere

keep the ears and eyes of the regular Western Voters/ Citizens on wars that their

governments have been literally "riding" to promote higher tensions and warfare

as the impressions on what to do in the Middle East and elsewhere in international

power politics as well as realizing the final goal of a New World War III.

This cannot happen according to the so called Cabal until 2025 with China supposedly

surpassing the US in 2021. Is China surpassing the US in 2021, is the US Dollar devaluating

as the defacing continues, what long term gains is the US obtaining currently in it's own

favor for the Nation and the Nations Citizens?

On Morning Joe, Richard Haas of the Council of Foreign Relations was on contending

extending US Troop levels in Afghanistan would some how be a "good thing" but you

ask historically which Nation with troops in Afghanistan over time has quelled and controlled

Afghanistan? Answer equals zero Nations. They then argue that women will be mistreated

under Taliban Rule and yet in the outlands of Afghanistan prior to US Military Operations,

how were women treated? The same as it ever was in those predominantly Muslim Nations

whether now in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere. We as Americans, never learned from the Vietnam

War which lasted about the same time, drained our Treasury and currency and led to the eventually surrender and abandonment of the South Vietnamese, who were left with weapons

but little or no ammunition to contend with the North Vietnamese invasion and eventual

victory in Saigon. Unfortunately, we must learn those hard lessons and if we go into any

Nation or Region Militarily "we" must have a fully planned and executed "exit strategy"

so that endless wars are left in the dust bin of US History and a New Strategy inclusive

of "exiting" is part of any plan moving forward.

This is sensible and viable, when in fact the course we have taken historically in most

war declared or otherwise, was constantly open ended and a danger to our United

States both by wearing out our troops and their equipment as well as blowing up

our Treasury for endless wars and unsustainable military operations. Hopefully, we

can obtain a New US Military Strategy and Operational basis as outlined so less wars

and more peace is obtained for any and all nations as well as the US Citizenry.

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Having money in Starbucks and Oracle while the market is on a tear is kind of upsetting.

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Thanks Greg. Am in and regret having been in a hurry. Although I knew I should've waited the first drop to get in. But I had FOMO seeing it take off like a rocket.

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