Oct 14, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

"King Dollar" is dead. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’²πŸ’²

Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ€ͺπŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ‘»πŸ€‘

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You go to hell...and enjoy the ride. Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeeeee πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜Ή

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$TNX the 10 year is over 4%

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PPT will step in again if they need to guide the market past a 4% 10YY. We will see more action from Central Banks also, cause 4.5%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, etc...is going to happen, but Central Banks don't want the equity markets to completely collapse, hence the PPT if needed. Their end game is a slow sell off in equity's and a higher 10YY/DXY. At one point in time, they are going to pivot from their target, and let both drop gradually, creating a surge of liquidity in this market and institutions/hedge funds will come in 10X. My guess is we will be seeing this slow bleed all throughout next year, and by end of year, they will pivot. By end of 2024, the market will be out of Bear Market territory, as the Institutions, Hedge Funds, PPT, and any organization/person with net worth will buy up this market to the moon. This entire scenario will be set up to make it political, like it always is...for the next election.

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You don't know what you are talking about. The central banks will crash the market when they are good and ready. You Clown 🀑

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Really, I don't know what I'm talking about? I suggest you go back and unlike all the comments I have made. I don't know what I am talking about? The solution is simple, to guide the market into more rate hikes, without causing it to free fall. This allows the Central Banks to build up more debt issuance in the future, creating more inflation....as bond yields rise and equity markets remain at a stable sell off, at one moment they will pivot, causing more and more debt issuance and this market will surge. It's pretty simple stuff that is explained on this channel, but it appears that everyone here has capitulated already and think its all over. That's what everyone here thought when the 10YY spiked back in May.

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Nope. You're wrong.

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Gypsy stop liking your own comment

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I've been keeping cash regularly l don't leave anything in the account other than what is there for paying bills You put vital information that is for anyone to hear if they care to hear Me and a few hundred thousand other subscribers make daily decisions based on it Rock on! and thank you

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Greg your chatroom has gone to hell. You have the worst mods. I was banned for absolutely NO reason

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Is it still a good idea to invest in JEPI?

Tom L

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Replaced by what? The declining Yuan or Ruble? All the folks hoping for the global melt down

are getting their wishes and yet they have no safe haven after that debacle comes to fruition.

They never understood everything is tied to the other and so when you start tearing things down

it tends to tear other things down across the whole world. Have you been watching the collapse of

China and Russia economically? Now if you have a declining dollar, who the hell is going to buy

Chinese stuff anymore and with what? Even digitals like Bitcoin go like kamakazees into the the

ground crashing as the other things go down so where are your hiding hole(s). Maybe Deep Under

Ground Bunkers (*DUMBS). I don't think anyone, who is hoping for a global melt down is really

thinking to clearly. How will you conduct any business anywhere? With what and when will that

be acceptable? All nonsense. Leading to an economic abyss. Now, if Russia is the answer why would

they need to be threatening nuclear war over territory that is not even theirs but from a smaller Ukraine supposedly a weakling militarily? That's a weakling leader that has done heinous war

crimes against another neighboring nation and now is having his ass beaten on the battle field

so he has to utter nuclear war hoping to scare everyone around the world while sending his

newly mobilized untrained army numbers into a meat grinder in Ukraine without food or supplies.

That alone for anyone that has been in the military should tell you how sick this man is and his

supporting cast in the Kremlin. They don't even give a sh__ about their own military servicemen

gong into massive shelling, etc. with 1960 version weapons! The Russians equipment has been

so depleted by Ukrainian fire, that they had to repossess 70 T-62's from a neighboring nation. T-62's

are from vintage 1972 production levels going into battle against modern weapon systems

Powerful Nations or Leaders, don't need to be threatening nuclear war unless they are weak

snibling losers in real time. That's why Xi of China is holding Putin at arms length distance even as he states he supports Russia.

So, if now China is saying they are with holding rare minerals from the US and Western Nations

why would anyone, with amy logical brain be buying sh__ from them? That's why the US has

stopped any high tech chips to China and Aircraft Materials because they are effectively conducting

their own warfare maybe underneath the radar but never the less on display to anyone looking under

the surface of international events.

Meanwhile, Un shoots his missiles over Japan from North Korea another dope nation of totalitarianism and threats and fear to keep everyone in line or die! I think if I'm the US I'm

telling the Japanese and South Koreans to shoot down North Korean missiles into the Straits

and tell Un to shove it where the sun don't shine.

So much for the totalitarian Group of Nations displaying the only thing they know how to do-

threaten and wave around nuke attack so the West supposedly shivers in their boots! As the

US Army Members in the Battle of The Bulge reiterated to the Nazis - "NUTS!"

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Come on Greg, start using cash as much s possible... you are not helping us to stay out of cashless society.

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That was a dumb comment.

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Good morning Greg.

I watch your videos 2 times a day every day and thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping me informed. When is gold and silver going to sky rocket? soon I hope....

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Oh one more question, please. It appears there was a bill introduced by U.S. House Representative Alex Mooney (R-WV) that would peg the U.S. dollar to Gold. Do you think if passed will this bring back the worth of the dollar and will it curb inflation? Thank you

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Now, I am no economist but I have a question? Since the dollar is petro based and is pegged to the OPEC+ nations - will the dollar fall at this time? The U.S. has stopped producing oil and it seems that OPEC+ has got us where they want us and they are holding us hostage. So should we be looking at the OPEC + nations as well as the debt market to see if they will be joining BRICS? My thought is once OPEC + decouples from the dollar then it will fall big time. Truely, I am just trying to figure this stuff out so I can be ready for the fall as best as I can. Thank you

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ALADIN's bull trap skillz are epiiiiiiiic!

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