Greg, no one posts what they are holding. That is truly unselfish and generous of you.

Thank you for sharing

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Yes thank you so much for sharing your stock picks that are down 20% over the last 3 months

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10s of thousands of YouTubers are riding on " Sheeple are suffering because of inflation bandwagon" and yet in the meantime Starbucks lines keep growing so much so that I can't even get a drink! Sheeple don't mind sitting in Suvs waiting for 25 30 minutes to get their drink which we can't do.

If this "suffering" goes on, soon USA wealth will quadruple. Household wealth has been growing steadily

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Maybe you live in a wealthy neighborhood and those people are not effected yet

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Long lines everywhere. Not just at one location. If you go with a proton microscope (electron microscope will not work here) then you may find people who can not afford Starbucks

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Absolutely 100% !!!

I am very blessed to have a job in a sector that hasn't been impacted (yet) and live in a very wealthy area. Albeit I'm not wealthy myself (although that's a matter of perspective) I can tell you CRIME in my area (car thefts and other robberies) are UP CONSIDERIBLY.

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All the dividends in the world are not going to make up the losses in stock price.

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I like it! Selling puts is creating a new position and not selling against your shares though. Just want to make sure people understand the risk of selling a put on top of owning shares

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how much do you expose to risk and earn?

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Generally, I'd say If you don't have the dry powder to potentially buy the stock then you shouldn't be selling puts. You can limit your risk by doing a bull credit put spread. (Also buying a lower put strike). As far as return that will differ by stock and time frame. As an example a 20% OTM put for may on Jpm with provide a .5% return or roughly 3% annualized

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Bank earnings are due next week, I am banking on some pre or post earnings report action.

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Thanks Greg! In it together

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People push around the idea of "transparency" but always wonder what they mean. Not your case. You are truly transparent and this is what makes a person people can trust and depend. You are a man of honor and honest. I love it. Later!

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I said it once and I will say it again, who is better than you? NO BODY!!

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Bought more JPM today, will keep adding as I can. Long term holds like Greg says which means years.

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Thank you Greg.

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thanks Greg, good for you for re-affirming - i've been buying banks & tech all during Q1 right up to present - i'm thinkin wider spreads should kick in later this year and help banks

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Hi, Greg. I want to make sure I understand what is meant by "selling puts against" our long term hold positions. I think what is confusing me a little is the word "against'. Selling puts will give us immediate cash and if the share price drops then the worse case scenario is we are assigned additional shares of the stock and at a cheaper price than we could have bought it for on the day we sold the contract. So in other words, we aren't actually covering an option with our existing stock - selling puts against our stock is actually a naked put and the only relationship the option has to our stock is that we like that stock and enjoy accumulating it. Am I getting this correctly? Thanks and much love!! ~Howard, Buffalo NY

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Banks are bankrupt, including and especially the FED. They are printing money because they have none. Greg, thanks for telling us to become our own central bank. The shit show is getting worse with regard the banking sector here in the UK. Stock prices going down since December in an environment of free money. I hope to be a patreon soon. Thank you and God bless you for your truth in a time of lies and for your humour in a time of fear and for your message of love each other, care about each other and be Charitable!!!!

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Are the Banks victims of their own nepotism???? None of western/nato economies follow any of the economic principles laid out in any of the textbooks I studied at school. What I witness in real life is a bunch of country clubbers giving each other jobs and breaking the laws of economics, breaking the law itself and the worst....breaking the laws of common sense!

Because of their ineptitude they are just pressing the button on a computer and magically printing money. Are they as clueless and careless as I have laid out or are they attempting to commit social and economic seppukka upon themselves and us???? During times of social unrest have they got enough robots to keep them safe???? What life can they have if they aren't making themselves feel good by being bad to the staff at the golf course???? Will an artificial intelligence robot tolerate bullshit??? I think not. So wtf is going on in the world????

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how much do you get profit for selling 20% OTM put?

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