Hey Greg! Love that you're taking on the Federal Reserve. However, I would ask you to reach out to Robert Barnes and George Gammon. They filed suit against the Fed and are still playing a litigational shell gave from the last update I heard. You might want to reach out and join forces or perhaps formulate some sort of calculated war strategy. I'd hate to see you try something that has been tried without resolve.

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I have reached out to George. Waiting to hear back.

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Litigate till you rot, it will do you no good. The case can and will be held up in the courts for the next 20 years, but I do not think we have that long anyway. Besides, states are already moving on the issue.

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The big problem with trying to get anywhere in the courts is that they are under the control of the same enemy that controls all the rest of government.

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The supreme court has allowed all of this tyranny to happen… The big gigantic elephant in the room, the Supreme Court has sold the American people out to the federal reserve. It’s not really that complicated they have sold out America A president. Nobody in office should ever be able to put in a Supreme Court Justice.

The backgrounds of these justices there bloodlines who they really are wake up people, they have destroyed the constitution.. Golden silver, as money, only how about taxation forced totally unconstitutional all of these wars, the patriot act no privacy at all No control of your life and your business. You need permission from the government for everything you can’t even go fishing without permission from the tyrant government.1984 hunger games

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A person told me that. The System is wrong to Allow Executive and Judicial to have no separation of power.

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Amazing how many still have faith in worthless Government/FED fiat money.

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Getting everything all ready for Trump just the way he wants America and the world. He’s the master behind at all and remember it’s all Joe Biden‘s fault and he’s being picked on by the deep state again he’s trying to fix everything but he’s being picked on and you can never forget Hillary is still free. Remember, lock her up Hillary for prison that was his biggest chant Promise but the only one who got locked up was the one who exposed Hillary Clinton Julian Assange wiki leaks. It’s the art of the deal everything that’s happening.

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(Video) 19 minutes of straight proof Trump is an undercover globalist:


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Found out today that Hillary Clinton did Benghazi for 2 billion redirected funds:https://x.com/testdummy04/status/1830228475539800306?s=46&t=Xl_v0zOEGUcydwuOoWe1PQ

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Hillary Clinton foundation needs to be repatriated to the American people.

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Read revelation 13 & 14

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hi Greg, the feds had mandate for 100 years, this already expired. so who and when extended the feds so they can operate to day?

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I run in some "strange" circles... one of which we talk about our "prophetic" dreams. Basically just talk about strange things we see in the dream world.

Very recently, someone who is NOT INVOLVED in this area of politics/finance at all (They're pretty "normie") told my girlfriend "I've got this feeling I'm supposed to get my money out of the banks." It turned my face white...

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....BS - as if nobody knows that already.... slow day at the bot farm huh Porky?

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I'm sorry? I don't really understand your comment. It's BS that I don't run in these "strange" circles (I run in many, many circles...) or it's BS that this person is a "normie" and doesn't really pay attention to the news?


My friend, we are on the same team... we are both Lions. No reason to attack me, or call me a bot... There are 8 BILLION people on the planet and my story isn't believable? My sincerest apologies if you find it hard to believe, but that's why my face turned white and I got chills up the back of my neck... because it's TRUE.

Have you never had "prophetic" dreams? Have you never FELT something wasn't right only for that feeling to be seen moments later? Have you never seen something happen before it happens? Have you never have a gut feeling about something and then when said thing happened not been "Dang... I knew it!"

That's all I'm talking about, Doug... I'm sorry if I somehow offended you with my comment, it is never my intention. But I am not lying, in any way...

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Bot accounts/trolls are increasing on substack. Part of a dis/misinformation warfare & psychological operations. Don't be bothered by them.

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...report to your field marshal at once for re-programing. This isn't some amusement-park-ride-world of bot-slobbering-pathos ... the lady doth protest too much, me thinks!

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Will be “Biblical”!

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 KJV

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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What will this do to the real estate market? What is it doing to the real estate market? Will the pricres plummet? And if so, when? Better to sell any property now, if we can?

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I've been running the bank for 3 years plus. It's a transaction device for me.

Never keep any large amounts of money in the bank. I move it into assets immediately. I will lose little if they fold. Transactions will be a problem though.

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I want to say there won't be any run on the banks because the banks do not have any money to get run on by the public. The public will line up in their respective bank lobbies, only to be told to go home and that nothing can be done. I think the banks are making a run (digital slavery surveillance economy) on the public, not the public making runs on the bank.

-Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (substack)

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Good monuesday (mon-tues,) Greg. You've done what I said no one would ever get me to do again after a rally I did in Brooklyn years ago, and that is to do another rally. The difference this time is the cause is one that I can wholeheartedly support and one I know will be done peacefully. Hopefully this will reignite a wider conversation, and inform minds of what was supposed to be with sound constitutional money.

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You are consistent I can leave for 3 months and come back and hear the same warnings and yes I agree

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