Thanks for ending with the kind encouragement, Greg. Enjoy your day.

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I loved the video and the inspiration and encouragement too.

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Absoul-lutely Brook. www.NextLevelSoul.com, or NextLevelSoul Podcast (YouTube).

Inspiration: a divine or seemingly divine imparting of knowledge or power< inspiration is the only plausible explanation for his exquisite work..

Inspire: to animate, exalt, inform, elate, excite, to spiritually stimulate the Soul…

Inspirit, (verb), encourage, animate, embolden, enhearten, hearten, strengthen, inform, inspire…

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This video below will blow the average person’s mind. If people only knew what is being hidden from them.

They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer..


[Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion.]


If you have a curious mind, the discussion above will cause you to think at the very least. How much technology is being repressed today which can be used to solve most of the world’s problems?

It’s really sad what the current state of the world exists within. A majority of everything being orchestrated is dark, deceptive and being carried out in order to rest all of the power/control within a small bunch of elite people’s hands. We are in the midst of seeing all vital resources being placed into a few elite hands.The technology we have and have had for many decades would blow the average person’s mind.

There appears to be 6000 patents being suppressed because if immediately released it would destroy so many businesses and industries. It’s really sad for the simple fact that so many hardships the average person faces today could be solved in a relatively short amount of time if these covert life changing technologies were released.

The corrupt and evil cabal controlling this country and the world right now must become exposed. The masses are growing restless and tired as the technocrats in the deep state ramp up the tyranny and their plans to institute a permanent police state.

We could literally end all pollution and poverty within a few years with the technology we already have. These covert programs are going to be disruptive if they are released. Who most people think are representing our government have little say or control over these technologies and projects. It’s pretty sad what most people accept as truth in this ever increasing world of delusion.

All of us exist within an illusionary world/society where good people are suffering unnecessarily and life changing technology is constantly being covered up. It’s perplexing that most people think all of this stuff discussed within the video above is pie in the sky fantasy or conspiracy theory.

It’s for each individual person to decide what is discussed above is fact or fiction, disinformation, misinformation or truth. We appear to have a lot of positive solutions at our fingertips, we must demand these solutions are made public, put into high gear and presented to all of us.

We exist in exciting times, we must demand the truth and break free from the binds and chains being forced upon our minds, bodies and souls.

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.... I see turn-style facial recogition patents being the next hot tech stock pick - college degrees in gangstocking - and spoofing Chinese naked shorts - Biometric Unified Ledgers (UN Project Icebreaker) BIG BUSINESS AHEAD BABY!... every gulag near you will need at least few.

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PayEye Iris Payment Terminals Arrive In US, Partners With Mastercard And VISA. ‘Stalin Would Have Loved This’


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.... but first zero-out premium rates worldwide - if we're doing $1-Trillion in debt hockey sticks every one-hundred days - we might as well inflate or die... 72-hour "event" but nobody will be left "holding the bag" of real anything especially gold. Oh BOY gimme some bank stocks... The only solution will be $150,000 Au. - as GM says "This will be A MASSIVE upheaval in time immemorial. No wonder we are witnessing a currency-gold-backing 'dilemma". When will the retail acceptance - and rationing "solutions" go full-on dialing for digital dollar Munchausen by-proxy??? (I am sorry,we don't accept cash.) - and the Millennial flat-facers eyes unnaturally located too close together from looking into a 2-inch blackhole digital-box-of-jello two-inches away from their faces for decades - all goose-stepping to get in line (as if they aren't already)... yes even the MMRI couldn't protect them... not to be nostalgic when I was younger we could trust shit and it fucking worked.

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We'd be long done with this central banking charade if mainsleaze media whores would do their job - Jan. 13, 2023 - when the secret FDIC meeting was released - but we only need to know what they tell us we need know. If everyone spread this video - the world would already on its way to sound footing... fuck all the dumbshits! https://youtu.be/sdxTuc-GLMI

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Greg. This is right up your alley. Another man of truth. Worth the listen.🙏

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Let them play their game, and we will play ours. Bet against the debt. Become your own central bank. Own physical silver. Bitcoin is fool's gold.

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The USA has become one big lie.

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Be as positive as you want, it changes nothing.

Russia is blaming the US for the latest attack on its sovereign territory killing civilians and destroying nuclear military surveillance infrastructure.

The gravity of this situation seems to be lost on the American populace.

Oh well, maybe ignorance really is bliss. Knowing anything won't matter in the end either. Nor will being positive or negative. It's out of our hands.

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😑 this is getting boring, we have to wait until after the election I guess. I'm still waiting for China to make their move about a month before the election to really screw things up. I'm also waiting to see people twerking on the Russian submarines of the coast of Florida LOL

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Own commodities that you can hold in your hand!

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I hope you dont mind young man, that I stole that pic of you and the COPO, and its not my backgound pic for my computer. It s such a cool pic!! I just love it.

Have a super day!!!

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Winners never create excuses!

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.... I wondered what ever happened to Charlie Sheen...

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Buy the debt they issued?!

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US Treasuries are sub prime.

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