Problem with Crypto:

1. Take Bitcoin code and replicate. Give more mining rewards and you got bitcoin 2. 100s of other cryptos exist and are more advanced than Bitcoin as for tech is concerned. You can use Etherium platform and build your own crypto in 1 hour. So cryptos have unlimited supply. So bitcoin is the same as Tulip mania.

2. Govt can shut it down any time. They can declare it illegal. Yeah yeah .. it's decentralized n all but would you use it if the govt. says it's illegal ?

3. Using quantum computers, google can break the block chain imo even by brute force method.

No wonder Elon Musk only has 0.25 BTC

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Hey, G-Mann. Have you seen this?


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Yes! Yes! I'm starting to like Democrats. Forget trump's paltry $7 Trillion, let the Dems have the W.H., Senate and H.R. and we will see $100 TRILLION in stimulus over the next 4 years. UNLIMITED STIMULUS! YES! The stock market will BALLOON to unheard of heights! And that will be good for my SLV options! Hahahahahahahahahahaahaaaaaa! : )

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Wow! Bullish sentiment sure went ballistic in one week.


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at least we can not be well together... :D

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