Most people do not understand how the bond/debt market works- I have talked to friends that have millions in bonds and they have a blank face when talking about the losses that can happen on bonds— incredible

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Personally know several people who work for brokerages/financial firms and they don't even know how to trade securities. One person i know who is in charge of long term financial planning, where their services offer options, this guy doesn't even understand how options work. He studied for a masters in finance...all those hours spent just to get a certification to let people know he is good for work, yet i know people who haven't studied any financial courses in college, who are more knowledgeable than most people. It's amazing that we live in a society where this is normal.

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Happy Slave Labor Day in the NWO!

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It's madness. It can never be paid back!

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It is never intended to be paid back!

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The MMRI stair stepping up. What is coming is a deflation of stocks, real estate, auto, and other discretionary items. Food and energy we don't get a break on. The FED then goes into panic mode and hyperinflation follows.

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'can i play with madness'

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Greg, I listen to a lot of people. This debt explosion is on the top of many minds. Especially after the enlargement of BRICS the movement to move away from the USD is accelerating.

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This to go with new visa/master card fees makes for a sick Labor Day gift.

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And everyone is raising prices on everything so fast.

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Thank you Gregory. Do you think this catastrophy will have an effect on Bitcoin? Is it likely that the U.S. government would consider confiscating precious metals and outlaw the holding of these commodities and Bitcoin (only for the masses. the $Elite$ and those with Connections would be exempt)? What about cash, will that be forbidden in order to force a CBDC on people so the government can exert Total control and plunder the population thus reducing everyone to serf or slave status? What about travel? Seems this rapacious government could shut down travel too. Why does most of America still believe they have a stake in and voice in elections? Why is there not much discussion about "Citizens United"? Perhaps America should do more Reading? We might start with Professor Robert Ovetz's "We The Elites, Why The we US Constitution Serves The Few" and G. Edward Griffin's "The Creature From Jekyll Island".

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I wish people could see all of the oncoming onslaught, but they refuse to look or acknowledge it even exists, so it MUST happen and there will be much devastation on many fronts. If you want a good description of it read Revelation chapter 18. You don't have to be a person of this faith to understand if it's true or not. Ask yourself, does it sound like America ? it does to me.. May Yahuah have mercy on us all. it HAS to happen and it is as I type this.

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It feels like we are witnessing what we believed to be the previous civilizations in the past that somehow vanished without a trace. History shows us that a more advanced civilization lived on this planet long before the human race became civilized...and the destruction of modern civilization today will be a result of feeling too comfortable. We feel comfortable cause we no longer work for anything...we don't make anything. We just borrow something that doesn't even exist, so we can survive. Despite war, famine, corruption, genocide...human evolution lasted one hundred times longer than the past 250 years because people had to actually make their living to survive. Everyone was willing to move into the industrial revolution because they felt like it was the next stage of human evolution, but in reality it was the beginning of a spiral towards our own destruction. We advanced too quickly, evolved too quickly, because we learned that surviving was as simple as borrowing money for food, clothing, a roof over heads, and a mundane life. There is no real survival anymore, and this is why it's going to fall apart faster than all of human history.

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Rates will continue to rise until the damn war ends. Wars are inflationary. Does anyone hear anyone tanking about peace? I bet this is the first time anyone has even seen that word today

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Our government and central banks has allowed this all to happen. Remember Obama said the United States is not all that great. Since he is running the country, he is finishing the job now through Biden. He will bring down America to a banana republic, killing off people and the economy. How does the U.S. lose money on its bonds? I imagine the idiots in charge want bankruptcy. It cannot be long now.

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Greg, as it stands this Labor Day the debt keeps adding up in leaps and bounds. I keep hearing Frankie Lanes hit of the 50's 16 tons and deeper in debt, The banks are approaching the threshold of insolvency, the fed will hit the wall, will be interesting how it play's out, I would imagine the metals should do fabulous!!!!

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How much longer can the FED keep this debt based economy from dying at our expense? It has been on live support since 2008.

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I think it goes back long before 2008. Every since the USA started moving production out of the country in the interest of corporate profit and less stringent environmental and other regulations, the USA has run massive trade deficits. Gradually the USA became a debtor state. Under the present bureaucratic state, they're is no way in hell or heaven for the USA to complete with most countries.

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