ELON brought me in 73% profit yesterday! YES! I am one HAPPY CAMPER! 💵 💰 💎 💲 💲 💲 Eeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheeeeeeeee! 🤩 🥳 😝 🤣

ELON 73% PROFIT yesterday. Daily chart:


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There is light at the end of the tunnel for ETFs after the Securities Exchange Commission approved Valkyrie Bitcoin ETF application.

Listed on the Nasdaq stock market, this ETF registered after the Securities Exchange Commission’s acceptance notice. Recently, the vice president of Nasdaq posted a letter to confirm that the Bitcoin ETF was certified.


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Personally, I think their goal is to CONTROL the price of crypto through the use of crypto derivative products just like they did gold. Gold had no chance as long as they controlled the gold derivative /GC. With crypto it's going to be different though. People have wised up. When the dollar starts tanking (as it is today? lol) people astute enough will know that a BTC futures >>>ETF<<< is a tangible product, but is intangible and not worth the paper it is written on because that "ETF" is an ETF based on a derivative....paper....futures contract.

I think this time around a lot of people will choose to get the tangible form of crypto....crypto itself.

Who in the heck is going to manage that fund anyhhow? They are going to have a task on their hands because crypto, even relatively non-volatile Bitcoin, can still move against you quickly. I can see margin calls GALORE manifesting themselves. Hahahahahahaaaaa! 😂 😂

Their goal is to control the price of crypto through paper futures contracts like they did gold, but it's not going to work this time. THEY HAVE LOST CONTROL!!! Heeeeeheheheheheheeee! 😈 😈 😈

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There is no need to "manage" an ETF. This ETF simply follows the Future on Bitcoin. Negative effect is the Contango. ETF on Bitcoin itself would be ok. But ETF on the future is a bad choice. Here you can see a derivative on Bitcoin that builds it nearly 1:1.


Think it is not available in USA, in Germany/Europe you can buy and sell it easy within seconds.

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So if BTC futures start to tank no one will do anything to stop the contagion on the value of the ETF which is going down also?

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Carl Iphan had been warning since he was born and buying all the way lol

2015: https://www.businessinsider.com/carl-icahns-warning-on-stock-market-2015-9

2018 : https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/icahn-says-market-turn-is-rumbling-of-earthquake-ahead-1.990062

and now again in 2021 and several times in between I am sure and also 10 years ago i guess

He will keep warning These kind of people had been warning for the last 200 years seriously

Warnings everywhere. It means only one thing ... Bullish

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