Repeat after me, she says "Our economy is strong. Our banking sector is strong. This is the best recovery in 200 years, scratch that, in HISTORY."

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"Unemployment is at its lowest rate in 50 years" -Janet Yellin

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2007 was same style talk. They “beez in the trap”. 😉

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Learned how to miscount better just like when you do a job for a older person and they give you a dollar

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Everything is fine , Buy a house keep on partying ! AmeriKA

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Her voice is like nails on chalkboard. Cringe!

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Big news coming out soon. Buckle up

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"I don't see a financial crisis in our lifetime."

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I'm sure everything is fine 🔥🏦💵🔥

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Perfect timing for a late Friday afternoon announcement. I wonder how long they have been rehearsing this one?

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Since 2007

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The little troll is "warning" China and Russia about creating systems outside the USSA FASCIST control.


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Yeah ruling with a club has gotten old

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its wonderful watching the world wake up and tell the USA to GFY. Even if it means our lives are going to get much less convenient.

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Yeah I’m watching our fake reps and generals saying that China is the enemy while opening my new phone case protecter made it China

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That's great! I can sleep so easy at night, knowing that the super intelligent Janet 🤡Yellenstain is going to solve all our financial problems

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Janitor Yellen & Jerome Bowel both deserve their shitty jobs in the shit-house of the so called the US economy 💩💩💩 Since it's being flushed down toilet......

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Thy'll be no more toilets to flush. Only out houses to use the fiat paper to wipe your BUTT!!!

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One ply at that

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How they gonna wipe their butt's with (cbdc) digital dollars? 😁😂🤣

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Digital outhouses, maybe something new. It doesn't matter it's all going down, down, down into the great void of complete BANKRUPTCY. What a shame!!

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Concerning Yellen's meeting with all the Regulators, All the King's Horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. The central banking System will fail very soon and they will not get their way and have CBDC and know a different System will be put in place, a form of NESARA and GESARA backed by gold and silver and no more digital or fiat Monopoly Money.

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Pretty sure the Gesara crap is basically a CBDC but will be sold to the public as being "run by good people" My opinion its another trap and hopium .

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Brian b., please know that I stated "a form of GESARA and NESARA backed by gold and silver." Know I agree in its pure form GESARA and NESARA is part of the CG and Globalist System. Talk to me in a few months when you see what transpires.

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for humanity I hope your correct but dont have much faith at this point in any system made by man "Trusting that plan" I fear will lead many down the same path of destruction , but respect your opinion .

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Brian b., The Only Plan to Trust is GOD's Plan and you are so right, you can not Trust Man's Plan, GOD is the Truth, Way, Life and Light to believe and trust and untie in and with.

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Not at all. Thought on the crazy drivers next to me ! 🤣

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It’s Friday night. Wait until Sunday

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Your silly; don’t jump out that window Straw man!

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I’m ok I live on the first floor 🤣😂

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Ok from the tornado?

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Yeah GOD gets me back to reality away from man bs fear

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It was really bad here last night. I could not see 20 ft ahead to drive home. We were on a tornado watch.

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Did you think about the economy 🤣😂

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