Isn't it amazing that we as a people have the means to communicate among the vast majority of us like never before in history and yet we can't collaborate to do something about the thieves in government and straighten up the corruption. Many of us looked to Donald Trump to do it. Right. That worked. (not)

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Trump was part of the plan all along.

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I knew once he started on how great the Stock Market. Is. But still better than this guy.

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Also started on gi.ving $15 billion$ to big pharma for Warp Speed experimental vax.Gave airline industry 60 billion$ so they could fly Afghanis to America for Brandon.Failed Trade War on China.I could go on forever.Trump was a disaster but I agree,Brandon is worse.Brandon did keep 2 of Trump's appointees,Fauci and Powell.LOL.

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It took me a long time to realize that and it was a sad realization.

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Guess Carlin was right about our "elections" being a charade.

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The criminals are in charge of all aspects of the US government, corporations, judicial bureaucracies, medicine and of course the banks.

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Inmates in charge of the penitentiary.

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It is called RACKETEERING. The politicians threatened and coerced the people to get injected, locked us down destroyed our business's and made a profit. All of them are guilty of it. Castreau (Trudeau) owns 17% shares in a Canadian company that makes the particulates for the injections. He should be hanging from a lamppost in Ottawa, not surfing in Tofino on our dime.

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there is nothing to see here - move along...

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we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but principalities, powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms. Eph6v12

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What a ripoff... Most people think the Federal Reserve is a government agency - not private banks running the system for their own gain --

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Well, you trump-voters run around all day saying how much you "love America" so.....LOVE IT! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! 😍 😍 🥳 🥳 🤣 🤣

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Didn't THEY " self investigate" ?

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Exactly! Rothschild owns Reuters. Lol!!!

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Hunter Biden Tried To Broker Energy Deal With China's State-Owned Oil Company: Emails

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This is bullshit man…these people (if you can even call them that) are straight criminals!

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I think we are Not looking at this mess we're in with the proper set of glasses on. Shouldn't we be doing something to ( GET RID OF THE FED ) instead of keep playing the doomed to fail again, rebirth of another Fiat Currency, that will keep doing the same thing over and over again- keeping us slaves forever?

The real question is: How Do We Get Rid Of The FED??

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When will 'we the people' ever begin to see this rampant corruption corralled, and the individuals engaging in it held to account, under the law??!! It's all so disgusting... and has many layers of detrimental impact on our entire democracy.

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When the "people" take justice into their own hands.

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Being a child of the '70s, I couldn't help but think, "You say you want a revolution... well, you know... we all want to change the world..." --John Lennon An anthem from back in the day when revolution was far more effective vs. now, as 'shadow' forces have strategic means to suppress dissension and employ far more complex methods to propagandize and control the masses, e.g. through fearmongering, false messaging, fake organizations, agent provocateurs, massive use of digital data, and so much more. Global elite politics have infiltrated so much of what we used to believe was the strongest democracy on the planet which, overall, served the best interests of the country as a whole. I know, it was always a bit of an illusion, and a story line we were fed, but it was a theme that united us in crises. Nowadays, we're more splintered than ever, and it's primarily due to these handful of special interests (right, left, center, GOP and Dems alike -- all bought by a small contingent of multinational corporate interests), that have succeeded in dividing and conquering the population. Sadly, most can't see the forest for the trees they're standing under. Perhaps the Canada truckers' protests will make some real headway in the social justice movement -- though, still unclear how much. There is a dishearteningly small percentage of REAL push-back within the U.S. Authoritarianism, tyranny and totalitarianism is growing... yet, the majority of U.S. citizens can't actually see it, or appropriately respond to its machinations. Great video out on this topic, from 'Academy Of Ideas' (on Youtube, appx. 01-25-2022, with transcript at their website). Many are TRYING to educate the masses, but with all the censorship online, in the media, and anywhere it can be implemented, the voices are being stomped down and out. Never thought I'd see this scenario in my lifetime. Hoping a real, conscious awakening will occur, before it all goes beyond the point of no return. ;- /.

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Well said. We can't beat them playing their game. We must step outside their jurisdiction and reclaim our birthright status as Americans, "state citizens", then join your state assembly. https://states.americanstatenationals.org/

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You will now be titled,,right wing extremist for these remarks. That’s where it’s all going

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Your comment is so true, and yet ironic, because I'm actually the polar opposite! But this is the danger of this latest 'cancel culture,' 'us vs. them,' mentality that has been fomented and exploited by politicians and elites, just to keep us all fighting amongst ourselves, dividing into more factions, and distracted from the most egregious exploitation and abuses of power THEY are perpetrating. And they're doing it all both behind our backs and right before our disbelieving eyes!

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The sound of the Gavel echos around the internet, and the politicians retire satisfied with the outcome

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Exactly right. It's all distraction/kabuki theater and all by design. Turning off the TV removes a major part of it, but it's hard to do, again by design. It's sad to see what's happened in the last 50 years.

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THEY work for us, not the other way around, and until enough people come to realize that and we bring THEM to justice in our courts and quit expecting THEM to bring THEMSELVES to justice in THEIR courts, "we the people" won't see the corruption end. I reject all titles.

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As Gregg said whats the Common Denominator that Bring Great Empires Down...'CORRUPTION'...across the Board in America...Fraudulent Elections and Politicians Lining Their Pockets...!!!

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Idk why the FED even bothers inside trading, they should just hand themselves money. Nobodys gonna stop them

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