I enjoyed the last interview with Celente, you both covered some interesting topics. I think you guys mesh very well together, would like to see another..

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Always liked Gerald Celente, he's just a geniune great guy! Your talk with him was interesting

but I think all this spinning up and outward of everything is much bigger than just these

banksters doing this or that. There are things that go way beyond the markets, our current

ways etc. and more to do with ancient societies the remnants of which are still here with their

own technologies, etc. Zacharia Sitchin spoke about all this in a multitude of lectures one

of which is the Annunaki Spaceports. The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah with the

video done by the Conscious Life Expo. In this whole lecture, you'll see that folks from outside

our own Earth played god and messed with dna, rna, as well as impregnated human like

people at the time to create a "slave class of workers" that would do all the nasty work inclusive

of "MINING GOLD" which they claimed they needed to keep their own atmosphere in the their

own home planet maintained via gold dust/nano particles in their skies. So, after their own

winged species revolted and refused to do the "dirty work" these same overlords literally

created we, humans as serfs and slaves to do the mining for them. They had spaceports, etc.

in interestingly enough in "THE MIDDLE EAST" with their leaders Enki and Enlil vying for control

over the slaves and the Earth. They then had the flood and everything was wiped out just like

as depicted in the Bible, so they went off planet or underground until the waters receded. Mars

was their export spaceport or weigh station where everything was shipped off of from Earth

and you see evidence of this in photos of right angled structures and literally huge faces on Mars

depicting their former inhabitants. Then these same two cults or forces behind Enki and Enlil

went back down to the Earth and built back new space ports, capitals etc interestingly enough

in Mesopotamia, Sumer/ Iraq, Egypt, and the Center of Operations was JERUSALEM. They

then had in fighting which then resulted in nuclear war in the Middle East with Sodom and

Gomorrah being nuked as well as part of the Sinai which still has the resultant crystalization

of black crystalized ground and the mountains are crystalized white due to their make up.

Hence, why you have all these groups and religions fighting on and around Jerusalem for

control of this past capital center of these species which still goes on today. In Jerusalem,

the wailing wall is not about Jewish People wailing to the wall "but" that the Dome of the Rock

was lost to Islam over a period of time hence the center of the capital area of the past

and then returning species/"gods" at some point. Meanwhile, but contrary to the Fallen

Angels story in the Bible, there were part of these species that defied the ruling oligarchy

of their species and "fled from Mars" down to Earth. No one "flees" an entire planet full

of Oceans and so water unless they were under imminent attack. This happened, Mars at

some point was nuked by immense nuclear weapons to such a degree that the oceans

and total atmosphere were striped from the Mars leaving it desolate and destroyed.

Interestingly enough as Sitchin concluded, if you are traveling in from space to our solar system,

the sixth planet is "MARS" and the seventh planet is EARTH. It is only because human kind has

such enormous hubris and ego that they think they are the third planet from the sun when in

fact we are the seventh planet in from the outer parts of our solar system. Hence, the beginning

of this 666 for the supposed satan number- Mars and 777- for Earth and so the supposed angel


Sitchin also had a ancient pictograph interestingly enough from Russia and it depicted an

Earth god with seven planets to symbolized our Earth speaking with a Martian god with

the symbol with "six" symbology next to it. In between, Sitchin concluded incorrectly that

it was a space ship. No, if you look at the object, it's not a spaceship but more so a "SATELLITE"

presumably a communication satellite with solar wings on it for energy production to keep

the satellite functioning. This is why also the supposed King Solomon stated that there was

"nothing new under the sun".

Consequently, the thing that caused the Noah Flood was an object that has an elongated

eliptical orbit around our sun of which it is I have no clue but it comes back around every

3600 years. The last time it came through was 556 BC so eventually this will come back and

that is where the Bible and everyone talks about not End Times but the End of Times as well

as Armegeddon. Do you hear this in history class or in churches or temples, synogoges or

Islam Temples? Hell no, because the religion is the dogma that keeps everyone obedient.

The question then becomes but to whom and for what?

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I think you have been watching to much Star Trek, skipper.

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Zacharia Sitchin knew 4-5 dialects inclusive of Sumerian, Babylonian, Akatian and

Hebrew and he studied those tablets the were auto biographical from Enki. Water

on the moon and Mars is already established in the scientific community and

I think if you google Dr. Brandenburg you will find his dissertation on the scientific

proof of nukes used on Mars. I normally deal with facts rather than Isaac Asimov


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General Motors up 5.4% so is Ford and other crap companies. QQQ down. Sector rotation, whims, random movement.

Good to be in King dollar while all this settles or King rolls over. Let algos fight each other off.

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Ford is up 10% lol This is not time to be greedy and not fall for inflation scare and buy random stuff

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I also follow Gerald Celeste and have for years. Great interview. Two of the best people to listen to all in one interview. Thank you Greg.

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The best and most bad ass Italians I know ❤️🤟❤️🤟

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Loved this interview! The dynamic duo! All the best in 2022!

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My two favorite people!!!

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Awesome... Two Dagos wif attitude....One from Brooklyn the other from Jersey I believe... EPIC!

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First, as a second-generation Italian American, I'm telling you dago is a disparaging term and certainly not in line with the tone of your comment.

Second, it's Bronx and Staten Island.

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👍😎👍 best wishes Greg . M

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Big fan!

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Love you both 💞

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Currently the biggest danger is that the FED may cough accidentally (not raise rate or say anything of that nature) and gold may shit it's pants and die a horrible death in the hands of the King dollar. That's all it takes. Silver is staring into the abyss and waiting for the FED to just judge it and then we have a free fall

Now if you are talking toilet paper against the King dollar, that's different and the toilet paper wins hands down as it is up 400% or so in the last 40 years while the silver dropped 60% in 40 years,

However, we can not trade toilet paper. So USD is the safe heaven until a trend emerges

Just the facts.. not making it up. Gold bugs will get angrier and angrier as their gold and silver portfolio takes huge hair cut. It's understandable but not justified.

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Bitcoin chart also shows bitcoin staring into the abyss waiting for a kick in the ass by the FED, and then we have nice long free fall and it will feel like flying lol

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Looking good you two! And Greg your new lighting is excellent.

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Gerald, I've been listening to for a few years,,..your trends are great, but you don't offer solutions....just a lot of cussing and yelling.

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