The Jews are going to keep fucking you until you realize that they are the enemy.

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Hate is the enemy, and it seems like you have a lot of it.

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I’m afraid you misunderstand Mr. Mannarino. I don’t hate the Jews. I just take them at their word. In their own written works from the Talmud to the present day they talk about how they hate the rest of us and how we should be their slaves. Their Noahide, forced to live under the 7 Noahide laws.

The Jews own the banks, Media, Universities, Governments and so on in the west.

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The Noahide laws were passed in secret under Bush 1 via a 3 member closed door session. It’s been legal to kill christians since then in this country. They fooled the public with claiming it was some kind of Jewish education day nonsense. I’m sure bitchute, odyssey, or rumble will have this as that’s how I found it a year or so ago. Most will never figure out who is behind the NWO and especially Christians who have been indoctrinated to believe the lie of “God’s chosen.” Search up on bitchute Dustin Nemos. He has some great info on this subject.

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If you don't hate your enemies, you don't really love the good of your own people. Tolerance is all the green light your enemies need to keep on doing evil. Opposing hate instead of your enemies renders you ineffective as opposition. That gives your enemies a free pass. Hate is a godly value. God hates Esau.

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Well, GM this conversation went south quick … I can feel the love.

We’re doomed!

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Truth is not going south in a conversation. Some of us have done thousands of hours of research. We are only trying to help you realize who wants you dead. It’s more than a simple explanation of “the government.” Politicians don’t run anything. They take orders and further the agenda. Every single member of CONgress literally signs a pledge to Israel else their campaign is defunded and they are ousted. This is why Jim Traficant the former congressional member from Ohio was ousted and eventually murdered by jews. He called out their agenda and that’s a no no. This nation in reality is the Disunited States of Israel.

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Oh! And learn to read .. what someone actually says before getting on ur cliche book learnt anti semite soap-box

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Did I say truth was going south? Thanks so much for helping me realize

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Ooh! No reply .. that’s because even you know that your condescending reply is insulting .. and maybe I have done more thousands of hours of research than you .. but just keep posting ur elitist high brow smarter than everyone else .. self -absorded shite

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I would like to talk facts rather than feelings & emotions.

The Jews represent .02of the world population. That’s about 14 million out of almost 8 billion people. Israel is a tiny country surrounded by countries who want to exterminate them. They live in a bad neighborhood. Let’s look at what God says about the Jews and nation of Israel.

Genesis 12: God promises Abraham that he will make him a great nation, Israel, and bless him

Genesis 26:3: God confirms the promise to Abraham's son Isaac

Genesis 28:13: God confirms the promise to Isaac's son Jacob

Genesis 32:28: God gives Jacob the name "Israel"

Exodus 23:31 describes the borders as: from the sea of reeds (Red Sea) to the Sea of the Philistines (Mediterranean sea) and from the desert to the Euphrates River", though the Hebrew text of the Bible uses the name, "the River", to refer to the Euphrates.

Psalm 105:6: You his servants, the descendants of Abraham, His chosen ones, the children of Jacob

God’s vehicle of blessing and salvation for the descendants of the world are through Abraham and his sons Isaac and Jacob, and today we know them as the Jewish people. It was never God’s intention to have the Jews separate from the world for their own sake. He chose them because He wanted them to be a channel of blessing for all people of the earth.

God has sworn by Himself that He has made an eternal covenant to give the land of Israel to the Jewish people. When you dig in the ground in Israel do you find Palestinian artifacts? No, you find Jewish artifacts. The Jewish people have 4000 years of recorded history in Israel. They had been away from the land for almost 2000 years but prayed that God would restore them back to the land of Israel.

You want to argue with God? Go ahead. See who wins that argument.

Fast forward to 1977 when the PLO Palestine Liberation Organization (which came to be the Palestine Authority of today) announced that the only reason it came into existence was as a means to continue its struggle against the state of Israel for Arab Unity through political and tactical reasons. The existence of a Palestinian people was an invented lie that has been sold to the entire world, peoples and governments in order to oppose Zionism, the Jewish national movement to be restored to their Homeland. Why build a spider web of hundreds of miles of covert underground tunnels? What has the billions of dollars sent by the UN, USA, other countries for humanitarian purposes to uplift the Palestinian people living in squaller? I urge you to listen to videos interviewing the Son of Hamas. He will tell you the truth.

What war did the nation of Israel start? How about zero, zip, nada. Not the Arab-Israel War in 1948. Not the Palestinian Fedayeen insurgency (1950s–1960s). Not the Suez Crisis (October 1956. Not the War of Attrition (1967–1970), Not the Six Day War in 1967. Not the Yom Kippur War (October 1973). Not the Palestinian insurgency in South Lebanon (1971–1982). Not the 1982 Lebanon War (1982). Not the South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000). Not the First Intifada (1987–1993). Not the Second Intifada (2000–2005). Not the Lebanon War (summer 2006). Not the Gaza War (2008-2009). Not the Israel Operation of the Gaza Strip (2012). Not the Gaza War (2014). Not the Israel-Palestinian crisis (2021). Not the Israel-Hamas War (2023-present). Seek the truth. Do your own homework. The only military action by Israel in these conflicts has been defensive.

Lastly, in regards to the swimming pools and great living in the concentration camps. Another great piece of propaganda to fool the fools. I guess all the survivors with tattoos on their arms from the camps were just ahead of the tat trend.

For me, I chose truth and God’s teachings.

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your lost

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You’ve clearly never taken the time to read what the Jews themselves write about the rest of us.

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No I have. Oy the very conservative Jews do business umingst themselves. They Dont speak for Israel which is Gods given land and people

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Jews don’t accept converts. The “converts” are shabbos goys, useful idiots, nothing more.

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And how many innocent men women and children have the Jews murdered this year?

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Lots as the DoD contract lists Israel as a subcontractor for that not so safe and effective depopulation “vaccine.” And let’s not forget the genocide in Palestine that the U.S. and Israel are blocking the investigation of. If there was no crime then they would not be blocking the investigation. It’s very simple.

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Bliken is a Jew.

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Douglas Macgregor@DougAMacgregorApparently Anthony Blinken is now a sitting member of the Israeli Cabinet and National Defense Council.. This is unusual to say the least. A lot of people are saying we're in charge of everything that is happening in Israel. The truth of the matter is, I wondering whether or not the Israeli leadership is in charge of everything we bring into the arena.


Also, fwiw,on Blinkin, Mario @ Maneco64 youtube pointed out that "his father was Donald M. Blinken, a co-founder of the private equity firm Warburg Pincus"--and then he pointed to the book "Our Crowd-The Great Jewish Families of New York, by Stephen Brimingham, which was recommended by Jim Sinclair, saying that these are the families that run the Federal Reserve. And apparently Sinclair had insight into this because his real name was Seligman, and was somehow connected to these people.

And I think Whitney Webb has said there's a connection between Blinkin's stepfather, Samuel Pisar, and Epstein/maxwell (I can't remember the details)

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No more than any other country at war

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Stop watching CNN and think for your self if you can...

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I can finally have a gentleman's disagreement with you Greg. Ignorance is the enemy in my opinion. I absolutely agree that hating a race for being born that race is wrong-full stop.

Having said that when it's legal for me to call out white people for usury and murder, but illegal for Catholic Jews to call out jews for coin clipping, killing Christ, gaza genocide I'm not sorry to say I hate that. Even the old testament in proverbs 8 13-25 calls for folks to hate evil, pride, etc.

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God has enemies and they are the children of Cain and they hate God and they hate all of humanity except for their own kind!

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There are those who call themselves Jews but do lie and are of the Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 They're the ones who you yourself say aren't human Greg and their origin is their father the serpent Nacash, Lucifer in Genesis chapter 3 KJV Let your wisdom take you there my friend! Jesus tells them who they are to their face in John 8:44 They are the four horsemen of the Apocalypse atop the Financial dynasty the government dynasty the Religious dynasty and the Education / Information dynasty described in Revelation chapter 6! Shared in love for those with eyes to see and ears to hear........

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The greatest deceivers to walk the planet earth. Always playing victim while being the actual oppressors. And they psyop’d nearly all christians into thinking they are god’s chosen when they are in fact not.

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God's chosen people will be those who refuse to worship the coming anti christ, some might be martyred but all of those who don't worship him will inherent the glory of God Mark chapter 13

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Agreed. And the msm propaganda outlets ran a story a couple of months ago that stated being against the antichrist is antisemitic. lol

So that’s proof to me the antichrist will have Jewish ties. Trump is meeting at least 75% of the criteria at the moment as he converted on the down low in 2017. Not saying it def will be him but it’s a possibility. Sad that the so called awake will never figure out the agenda. I figured it out by doing many hours of research and then started commenting in the alt media. Then I started getting those comments censored and even getting banned from so called alt media sites. Why is every subject allowed except the Jewish one? That’s a classic sign of controlled opposition. None bigger than the shekel shiller Alex Jones.

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Trump sucks circumsicesed jews.

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I'll add that it's strange how one group of people seem beyond question or criticism. If you post anything like this almost anywhere on the internet you are immediately reprimanded in some way.

I don't hate anyone but can't help but notice something shoved in my face repeatedly.

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If you want to know who rules over you all you have to do is look at who you're not allowed to criticize.

Also, fwiw, Massie (the only one in Congress NOT controlled by AIPAC) did an interview w/Tucker the other day and basically said that everyone in Congress has an AIPAC handler.

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your nuts ,not all Jews are bad

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Judean is a blood line, 1 of the 12 sons of Jacob, you have to be a blood line descendant of Judah to be Judean. When the Jews returned to the Middle East in 1948 David Ben Gurion said that the Jews that returned to seize the territory was less than 5% actual tribe of Judah. The invented religion called Judaism is those who convert believe that Moses is pretty much the Messiah until further notice! So when Satan himself shows up saying he's the Messiah then they will fall right in line

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yes the un converted ones

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Con is the corect prefix for sure.

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Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you want eternal life

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Please answer my question there LV OLD MAN!

And how many innocent men women and children have the Jews murdered this year?

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The freedom of information act requests prove the DoD initiated the bioweapon designed to depopulate and Israel is listed as one of the subcontractors. They are also genociding the actual Semites in Palestine which is why the US and Israel is blocking the investigation.

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At 41 min- https://www.bitchute.com/video/cxzDYW5z6d6U/

On Operation Warp Speed, ex-Zio Jewish guy says "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're are part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their Messiah, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, they are 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace." In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, he worked 4 years on Trump's campaign team, Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek.

This Jewish guy is motivated to speak out apparently because his son is dying from the kill shot: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

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You are correct, not all. People like Nathaniel Kepner, Benjamin Freedman and some others can certainly be counted as good. Men who were born Jewish, realized what they were apart of and decided to leave the tribe.

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Stephen Ben DeNoone of Israel News Live is a very bold Judean speaking the Truth of Jesus Christ and the lies of the Jews in power of the government of Israel https://www.youtube.com/@StevenBenDeNoon

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Yes, everyone should listen to Ben Freedman's 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel.

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Usury or publican is a kharzanian construct.

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Jesus paid their tax`s to Cesar with a fish with a gold coin in its mouth

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Define good

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Wrong. Look deeper. One race of people Dont control the monetary system

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The Rothschild's family controls just about every branch of central banks so it's beyond race it's one family!

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Yes, look up John Coleman's book The Rothschild Dynasty on archive.org-- read the last paragraph, last page where he warns that if nobody stops them, the humanity will be plunged into a brutal one world dictatorship by 2025.

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Also watch Boris Karloff in the House of the Rothchilds. These freaks create wars for profit and is obvious.

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I tried to search but no luck but I have read enough about the family to know what I know thanks

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In conclusion how amazing it is, that the same leaders of the elite of the world, who have the power to excite wars for their own benefits, can also break and consign to obscurity, those formerly important national leaders who oppose their grand designs, particularly their plans to establish a New World Order operation inside a World structure of a single One World Government dictatorship. Unless a counter force can be erected to oppose these plans, the world could very well be plunged into the darkness of a brutal dictatorship by the year 2025.

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Well thank you for going the extra mile to get that for me Sandra and it may not matter which president wins in November because either way the Kenites will be in control and their daddy Satan will be running the show! You are the lady that I asked you if you studied with Shepherds Chapel right? Then you know exactly what is going on!!!!!

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Looks like it is going to line up right on time Sandra the Earth is having birth pains as it is ready for the end of this age and the return of the real Christ after the brief reign of the anti christ!

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Just look at the last names of the people controlling various things. It's funny that singer Yea? pointed this out and was immediately hated on.

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Yes, Candace Owens recently talked about this, mentioned the situation w/Kanye, and suggested there's a Jewish gang/mafia that controls the black music industry (weaponized). Lots of info came out in a recent lawsuit against P. Diddy. Ian Carrol did a good overview of the lawsuit and said that Jews run the black music industry and it's run like an Epstein operation (all are controlled behind the scenes via sexual blackmail).

And I recently listened to some audio books on Jewish organized crime with intro from Michael Collins Piper posted here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/rqTBd6zFQEW1/

He said that if you read Red Mafiya, Supermob, and The Money and the Power (about Las Vegas), you will understand another way they have gotten control over the US govt.

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They created this trash.

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Define jew.

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Bless your kind and loving soul for telling us the truth:)

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Comedian George Carlin said “It’s a Big Club and you ain’t in it, you and I are not in the Big Club” and “the owners know the truth, It’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”

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Worthless Government/FED fiat money. Worthless American consumption, no production.

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dont bother me dEMOn

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The revolutionary birthday and circumcision is a karzhanian construct to con trol.

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Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters.

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I rarely comment; but, I STRONGLY AGREE with 99% or more of your financial counseling Greg! Thanks for your great efforts and wisdom.

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you mean like get out of debt? the rest of what is writes is just pandering trying to raise money like any other grifter---like saying "he has your back"..total BS,nonsense -- all his crap about federal reserve debt

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What about the " I'm catholic and would never lie to you" thing a few weeks ago?

Still cleaning up vomit from laughing.

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Idk why people don’t think they’re gonna cut. Powell admitted they’re going to. So if he admits it, they’re gonna cut even more than he’s saying

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GM this is nutz I feel like we need to higher James Bond to stop this evil plot.

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The reality of all this is really stranger than fiction.

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Fictio cedit veratati Greg@

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With fed reports, fiction is reality.

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Yup he's my friend he protected me until I got to the portal.

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Thank you Gregory great article, thanks a lot for that and everything you do!! Suppose I understand everything you say and become my own central bank. The moment arrives, Than what/ practically? Thanks again kind Regards François

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I said in Dec 23 their would be no rate drops.

They have faked the jobs numbers because the fed is under pressure to do so globally. But the timing is off because of inflation from China treasurie dumps and war spending.

If they drop rates now, it'll blow the lid off this thing prematurely and the power base will be at risk. JMHO.

Took a short term hit on gold. It still looks shiny in my hands though.

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The Central Banks are telling the people of their country what they want them to hear.. The people in every country want lower rates because of the damage that is being done. I think that because the FED in the US is keeping the stock market high and the bond market in check, people will not revolt. People want to believe what they see. 'They can't handle the truth." Unfortunately, most people are being 'GASLIGHTED because they have faith in the FED and the system.

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While the clowns(some) comment below…

I’d like to thank you Greg for this post!

Nice! concise and to the point AND ready to forward to idiot friends and family of mine!

If they’d just stop arguing like below.


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Give it up so-called jew or whatever you are.

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I am a seed sower and here is your chance to change sides DEMON, you guys tried to do that to me many times and I was fooled for a long time like you. 1 cor 15 1-10 read this in the bible and you will be saved,

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