What’s the big deal? We all have an impending feeling of what’s to come. An outside force has claimed to want to change our American way of life. I’m old now and nobody seems to care, let alone want to fight for the blessing. I guess all there is to do is to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. How bad can it be to own nothing, most people already own nothing and aren’t happy. I mean you think you own a car, but you need to “register”it. That property deed, some even say it in plain English “ tenant on the land”. That guy missing his mini me is just going to slap a little reality on us pee-ons.

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Thats the sad truth many dont want to hear . We are slaves just given a higher standard of living than other countries but are still slaves no matter how you cut it we already own nothing

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It’s sad, you are talking like a sheep who knows nothing and obeys on command. There are always good guys and bad guys. The bad guys were winning. We need to stand up for ourselves and the people we love. For the people who do not understand. We, you and I need to stand up for ourselves. We are in this spot because so many of us have let our guard down assuming that the people in charge were good people and wouldn’t take advantage of our caring great hearts. As a people, as a group we messed up. We let our guard down. Let’s admit it. Deal with it, stand up and fight for our rights as citizens of the United States and citizens of the world.

When the fake pandemic started the cabal put the fear in so many people. They lied and misled us. We were making decisions that we would never normally make. Today there is so much information out there if people would just check things out, but it takes so effort. I hope people check things out to make good decisions. We all mess up, but we have to try! We need to protect our kids!!

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Got a plan or are you just another talker?

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So true. Even after the mortgage is paid off - try not paying your property taxes. Then you'll find out who really owns it.

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That force is the Jesuit Masonic cabal putting much in plain sight for those paying attention with eyes to see the chess game and mockery. Their goal same as it’s been for hundreds of years (they go back to Knights Templar and most likely Babylon) complete and absolute power and control. The advances in technology and AI, weather modification technology, control of all media( censorship and fact checking to stifle those who question)has given them an easy time of manipulating the dumbed down masses. Too many happy with the entertainment and convenience. Take down the Jesuit Order (the military order serving the Roman Catholic Church )and then we have a fighting chance to stop their agendas.

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That is exactly where the rabbit hole led me.

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Mickey, I am old also. I have NO stopping me in my blood. Get back in the game. Bitch.

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What's your game tough guy?

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I have really appreciated your information for I believe well over a decade now. It has been a huge help to me, even as a minimal investor… Very minimal. Thank you again.

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Getting a Saturday morning post from Greg is like getting a 3:am call it’s bad news 🤣🌅

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But we'd rather have a heads up than not.....

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Yeah they need to burn all the Bible’s people getting heads up off the internet 🤣😂

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Right on Greg! As usual! The rich get richer, the poor and middle class get snuffed. As an Evangelical Christian, we are heading right into the end times in the book of Revelation.

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Yup because the Bible is the Society of Jesus aka the Jesuit orders playbook. Divide and Conquer, Order out of Chaos and pure mockery of the ignorance masses.

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You are absolutely right! It’s been in the works for decades and we are now in their last stretch

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Much longer research the Jesuits aka Society of Jesus and their founder Ignatius of Loyola they’ve been up to no good since the 16 century.


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I have said exactly that for years now. All one has to do is read about the lives of ppl in the British feudal days to know we have devolved right back to where we started.

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Oliver Anthony

Rich Men North Of Richmond


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GM do you agree with the line when there is blood in the streets there is money to be made? Right now I think we really need to focus on how to make the money so we are not middle class. Thoughts?

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Once this wealth transfer happens the price of commodities will skyrocket. Greg has been saying this for a long time. Invest in precious metals if you can only afford one thing stack as much physical silver as you can. Invest in energy or cryptocurrency. If Greg is right...and usually he is. The value of these things will go to the moon.

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This will occurs when the debt market implodes !!!!

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Your right he has. Need to push the “how” side part a little harder. Just a thought do you think Biden isn’t pushing hard in the 2024 election because he knows it will be rigged?

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Our real and true strength is in each other. We need a social network to survive. That's why Greg is always saying, "Love each other, care about each other so good to one another." It's more powerful than gold and silver.

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Become your own Central Bank.

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Appreciate the heads up. Been battening down the hatches for the last year or so. Just now, Au is in a "buying opportunity" in my opinion. Set a course and maintain, but be sure to stay informed and nimble. Good luck, all!

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So commodities go nuts, but they will still be based in dollars... and dollars will be useless in the future, am I missing something?

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I would never exchange my metals for dollars, I plan on exchanging my metals for things I will actually need, like food, water etc

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Back an animal into a corner and you know what happens next

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Always nice to read your comments General.

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Backfired in the NY Metro area. High rates few resales little new construction....3 br 2 bath ranch 75 x 100 lot now 800k.

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You talk a lot about middle class and how we will be eliminated . How about looking at the richest class aka politicians and cronies. Case in point Paul Pelosi. How does buying thousands of call options on SEMI CHIP STOCKS BEFORE NANCY and her band or ghouls sign off on the chip act. How much do you think was made? That’s just one ALL the politicians are separating by design . Makes me sick we try to spread word on being prepared. When it all come down owning basic things for living will hav most value prepare don’t predict timing

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Greg!!!! It's lovely to hear from you on your rest day ❤️ I am having a fabulous weekend. I hope you are, too! 🤝

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Sociopaths have no empathy for their victims. In fact, they seem to even enjoy making their victims suffer. The banksters are sociopaths, so they can't be expected to let up.

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"Antisocial Personality Disorder" is the official diagnosis folks who exhibit symptoms consistent with psychopathy and sociopathy will get nowadays (DSM 5; ICD-10).

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