An excellent read on this exact subject is: The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. The book is still available.

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All of history is moving to the conclusions in the Bible. Daniel 2, 7, 9, 11 and Revelation (all) specifically, 12, 13, 17-19 are what is important to us now. It is a repetition of the civilization before the Flood of Noah, Matthew 24: 37, Jesus is speaking there and I will believe Him because He arose from the dead on the third day, just like He said He would, and over 500 witnesses saw Him, making this historical event beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Be that as it may, the central banks and secret societies, can do all they want, but they will never pull off the creation of the one world government and central economy. This will be done by the 10 hybrid kings, study the Hebrew of Daniel 2, 7 and Greek of Revelation 17 to see what I am telling you, this system will be taken over by the antichrist, who comes back to earth from hell. We are now here for these eventualities, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, eternally, and from what is about to come. All of this is easily proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a physical court of law, appropriate it to yourself, spiritually.

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i think that the end time views concerning daniel, the olivet discourse of matthew, mark, luke and revelation written by john have been fulfilled; save one ; the 2nd coming;

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Buh -bye America. It was nice knowing you.

Eeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😃🤣😂😁🤣😂

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Jan 30, 2023
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Yep. The UK is DONE FOR also. Heheheheheheheeeee 😆😃🤣

AI could never defeat humans because humans are more CUNNING. 😈😈😈

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The Central Banks and the Federal Reserve are the “Beast” in in Revelation 13:1. It is an evil system out to control the world through financial manipulation.

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Inflation is an unofficial tax equal to the amount of the increase in price of goods purchased. The banks indirectly collect this tax in their interest charge.

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Greg speaks truth - I suggest reading this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1610393813?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

This is a good start to understanding these assholes

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Time to stop the insanity that governments created an facilitated by central banks. Time to go back to fiscal sanity. I think the central banks are going to stop corrupt wallstreet this time. I don't agree that they are the cause. Government's are. Rate hikes need to happen to decrease demand. But I also agree the money supply needs to be decreased. Tell government that.

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Governments ARE designed by the bankers.And manipulated......!!!

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Hard to know cause and effect, but I know bureaucrats are in it for self-preservation.

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The realization of the way you communicate this evil fact of life is amazing!

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Thank you for this excellent explanation!!!

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And still the people sleep,Thanks Gregg for giving us all the truth and the chance to be our own central bank

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Hi Gregory,

First of all thanks for the many informations you give every day.

I only have one question about this....

What will and can happen when the BRICScountries stop this entire system?

Do you prefer the FEDsystem(creating money out of thin air)or do you think that we will return into a goldbacked money system(that already is launched by the BRICS)Can the FEDs power be stopped with a new money system ,created by other powers???

I guess so...What is your opinion and knowledge about this fact?

Thanks a lot ,i really appreciate all your mails and YouTube contents.

Gino Mazzucco,

A big fan from Belgium (moved to Spain🙂 )

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just an opinion here based on how the system has always worked and the real powers that will never relinquish their power. The BRICS will eventually go digital as will the world, and China will roll out the CBDC. But the Federal Reserve will oversee it all again. At that point, we go from the frying pan to the fire.

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We should stop using central banks 🏦 as our landlords!

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Can someone explain what Greg means when he says "dollars are owed back to the central bank?" That still doesn't really make sense to me. I get that a dollar existing means that someone is in debt, and that somebody owes that dollar back to a bank, but it doesn't mean the holder of the dollar is in debt. My understanding is that dollars are more like zero-dated US Treasury bonds: assets of the note-bearer and liabilties of the Treasury. They're promises from the Treasury that they will give the bearer of the note "one dollar." (which, since 1971 is fundamentally nothing, but thats besides the point)

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The debt is a crushing way to awaken our politicians to the fact that

America is on the cusp of new world monetary system. Beware, Russia.China about to take over. Gold and Silver will be the wake up call.

Central banks will scramble to blame who ever. To no avail. America will huff and puff and run out of air and idea's and credit. And we will learn to live in a much POORER SOCIETY.!!! Amen

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