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Central Banks Have Declared WAR On the World.
By Gregory Mannarino
Today world central banks are at the pinnacle of their power, they are the puppet masters, they make the rules, and they run the entire world.
Central banks have total control over the entire world financial system, modes of transactions, the world economy, and world markets. All central banks power resides in only one thing, and one thing only, and that is their ability to issue and manipulate debt.
Central banks use the global debt market itself, which is many multiples larger than the combined value of world stock markets, to set the price of other assets. In fact, the price action of EVERY other asset class, which includes stocks and real estate, are dictated by the price action in the debt market. The debt market consists of the issuance and purchase of debt instruments, like bonds for example, which pay a fixed amount to the buyer. The simplest way to think about the debt market is this, it’s a market of IOU’s. The seller of debt promises to pay a fixed amount on the debt they are selling in the future to the buyer. In the case of central banks, it’s nations who borrow, which then promise to pay back the debt issued by central banks- plus interest created out of thin air just like the debt itself.
No developed nation on Earth can function without ever increasing and expanding debt, for which central banks are more than happy to “lend.” This mechanism guarantees that collectively central banks power will forever increase. This entire mechanism is compounded upon by central banks issuing currency. The currency issued by a central bank are also IOU’s which are owned by the issuing central bank plus interest created out of thin air. The cash people “hold” in their wallets, bank accounts, etc. is not theirs! It’s owned by the issuing central bank which MUST be paid back plus interest.
Today more than any other time in history, the entire debt based economic system has been fully weaponized. As an example, today central banks are on a supposed mission to stop inflation. But instead of contracting the money supply, something which can easily be done by central banks which simply have to raise the capital reserve requirements of financial institutions, central banks have decided to charge more interest on the debt they issue! And this mechanism is meant to slow demand by crushing the consumer.
What 99% of people do not understand is inflation is a money supply issue, and NOT just a rate issue. But central banks have chosen to charge more for the debt they issue instead of hitting the root cause of inflation, which is an expanding money supply. Central banks have no intention at all to stop inflating the money supply, as this is a key component of how they gain power- the more a central bank can inflate, the stronger it becomes.
Central banks are seeking more ways to inflate, that is issue more debt.
As an example, the expansion and propagation of war. No other endeavor on Earth generates more need for capital than war. Do you think that there is a single “developed” nation on Earth which keeps a stash of cash to fight some future war? ABSOLUTELY NOT! All the cash to fight wars is again borrowed directly from central banks! (All wars are banker wars).
Disease processes have also been weaponized in the form of not only the disease itself, but the need to fund vaccines, drugs, and new facilities- astronomical amounts of cash.
Central banks are also deeply engaged in devaluing their respective currencies, and this is a direct result of inflating the collective global money supply. The more currency added to the overall “money pool,” the more diluted it becomes, and the result is a collective loss of purchasing power.
Moving forward, we can all expect to see currency devaluation accelerate and global debt to surge much higher. With that, the people themselves will be forced to struggle even harder to make ends meet. The result of that is exactly what central banks want, higher debt burdens, and dependency on the central bank debt-based system.
An excellent read on this exact subject is: The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. The book is still available.
All of history is moving to the conclusions in the Bible. Daniel 2, 7, 9, 11 and Revelation (all) specifically, 12, 13, 17-19 are what is important to us now. It is a repetition of the civilization before the Flood of Noah, Matthew 24: 37, Jesus is speaking there and I will believe Him because He arose from the dead on the third day, just like He said He would, and over 500 witnesses saw Him, making this historical event beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Be that as it may, the central banks and secret societies, can do all they want, but they will never pull off the creation of the one world government and central economy. This will be done by the 10 hybrid kings, study the Hebrew of Daniel 2, 7 and Greek of Revelation 17 to see what I am telling you, this system will be taken over by the antichrist, who comes back to earth from hell. We are now here for these eventualities, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, eternally, and from what is about to come. All of this is easily proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a physical court of law, appropriate it to yourself, spiritually.