As soon as cheap crypto went from having a few million dollars market cap to BILLIONS I knew "The Big Boys" had arrived and a major selloff would ensue...to accumulate crypto. After they are done with their accumulation process comes what next.....that big next leg up. Crypto is about to EXPLODE HIGHER! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa! 😎

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Not to forget: Harris-XiBiden-Administration is an Chinese Asset. Socialism/Communism is FEDs Goal.

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That is what these woke liberal sheep don't understand. They will woke soon enough lol

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WHY DON'T AMERICA'S MEN STOP IT? I have this question.

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Yes, sadly. MEN... care to STOP IT?

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Working and investing and trading with commie rats should be illegal. They take money and oppress their people, that's retarded that people invest in commies.

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That sounds to me like what America is doing to her people. No?

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The Fake Admin. is not America. It is a coo backed by CCP.

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Right, their all corrupt. A bunch of Occultist, go watch Son of Sam on netflix evil creates chaos. Then go watch Ray comfort, living waters YouTube channel.

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Love The Way of the Master! Living Waters has been a Fav. for me for a long time.

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Amen, Living waters is food for the soul!

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Remember the corrupt government is not the Country nor it’s people! It is evil and must always be defeated. Many many men died for this country. It’s many more don’t stand up to the evil the country will die.

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Nothing man can do to save this country. There is only one savior and you must throw yourself on the mercy of the Judge and the (KJV) Bible tells us how to do so. Man hates GOD the same as a criminal hates the police.

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Well, if there were real Men, they would stand up but they let feminists take their manhood.

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Are you going against GOD I would check your ideology you sound like a fool

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TRUMP tried...

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The US Fed and US Government won't proceed like that where they just crack down

on cryptos. It will be couched as people, who are trying to avoid taxes or other dubious

activities they will focus on. This makes it a undertaking to "combat" fraud and illegal

transactions but in reality it will to bring out/convert to the DigiMon US Dollar. I'm sort

of laughing about this whole nonsense, because actually if you think about it we're pretty

much all digitalization with payments and deposits. You use a debit card or credit card

anywhere you're digitized already and as Elon Musk said have you ever heard of PYPL?!!!

Now you are all pretty sharp tools in the turnip truck, if someone is taking away or trying

to take away your schtick, currency control, etc., you aren't going to whack the snot of it???

So, now you have EU Legarde stating two to three weeks ago they will have discussions on

DigiMon of the Euro and you'll see others as well. It's funny also how all these pundits

stated to all of us low level types that the Special Drawing Rights was going to solve the

problem by putting all the currencies in that basket of the SDR and yet if you have a

crap currency how the hell are they going to provision that if so would this not be

diluting the value of that said currency and if it isn't devalued if it is a low value, then

what does that imply to the other stronger currency; backed by gold, silver, etc?

No, we have a Giant Sized Hole in the Whole World System and the digital dynasty

they are creating will only be another crap hole of speculation as proven by insanity

of the value of any digital coin/currency. Bitcoin you actually look at the coin? what's

it made of? Gold Covered scrap metal? And I'm spitting on gold, silver, platinum, etc.?

The Central Bankers and all the levels of skimmers on the system in the final analysis

have caused each and every volcanic eruption and collapse inside this system and

now they worry about The Bridge of Sighs burning from the middle out to the edge

incinerating all who dare go near it?

Okay, so we're importing billions of dollars of Cihinese sh___ produced for so called

"American Companies" to sell to we the dumbots which they have been doing for the

last 40 years worth and there's no one even asking why the hell our Caterpillar Trackers,

Ford Pickup Trucks are all shiny and new "but" can't run because we dumb bots allowed

the bankstas and international companies to export our production and technology so

jobs and wealth to places like China and we still don't get it?

The Chinese are not to blame at all! It's the same internationalists from all nationalities

that created this psychotic distant production to wealth nations to sell their crap in so

they could have more profit while hollowing out each of the imported nations jobs

and well being. National Security???? What a farce! Think about that, your missiles,

fighters, and all high tech weapons platforms all susceptible to supply line failures so

how do you replenish any weapons that have been used already or need to be replaced?

How are you going to farm food-agriculture if you don't have the fertilizer or feed

or trackers??? Do you see how illogical this whole garbage is? What happens if we

really have a shtf period of time for "whatever" reason? It ain't going to be pretty

my fellow Americans and other Nationals reading this because they hooked us all up

on this international schtick and now we are in for a boat full of b_____ sh___!

It's like a huge world sized whirl pool sucking everyone down into their sewer

pipe infrastructure!

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You must see this as evil vs. good. The info. that I have is that the final requirement pre-tribulation is the Mosque on the Temple Mount must be restored to the Christians/Jews and then the Tribulation can move forward. This famous Mosque with the Gold Dome was taken by the Jews on May 11.2021 and is being restored now to it's true owners. The Current Admin. is trying it's hardest to have wars with almost everyone. Russia, China, (Which was supposed to happen when Hillary got elected but they messed that one up bigly), and Iran more unrest and suffering after Trump just got peace agreements all over the globe. Hmmmm. They need to get the middle class off the map bc they can think. Get in as many "slaves: that will vote for them and do as their told, and you have the one world order and the anti-christ. If you do not believe you need to get your ducks in a row now, God help you. This is all been predicted from the Bible. And even, Nostradamus predicted the 3rd world war would be about race wars. Duh?

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You must always question everything you believe in, inclusive of the origins

of religious books. Do you notice most of the religions have this same fiery

doomed war filled planet ending? Who would write this type of future blue print for

other human beings??? No, these folks, who wrote all these holy books such

as John the Revelator and Mohamed et al were "created" out of little or nothing

by those that wished to invent friction and tension amongst the human family.

These folks consider themselves enlightened when they create a vision of what

they want to see going forward. They actually plan for this over hundreds of years

and then simply go with their plan whether good, bad or ugly in consequences

for others but not for them! So, if you wish to control the human population like

cows or what they call chattel, you simply make more and more divisions in the

human populations and then foment inverse and opposite hatred of the "other

ones" that are different and against you. Whether that's Christians against Muslim,

Jewish against the Muslim, Christian against non believers, races versus race, sex

versus sex, which equals an endless sea of destruction, wars and famine all in

"their" lexicon, plan and orders. The "RED" Tribe against The "Blue" Tribe, etc.,

etc. which if you watch it, it just gets worse as they try to out do themselves with

insults to each other. I had Trump supporter call me all angry about Biden, etc.

and I told him unequivocably that I wasn't into The Red or Blue "but" more

into the Red, White and Blue with the Stars and Stripes period as we are one

Nation period! He laughed but that's the truth. Hatred only leads to bad choices

and bad outcomes. So, let's think positively in this light, "eventually" after all this

crazy current chaos plays out "eventually" there will be new times and by and

large better times. Maybe not for the bitter clingers but more so to those who

can adjust and adapt to continuing changing circumstances that surround them.

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Stupid auto correct messed me up all the time I think it’s evil. LOL. What I was trying to say is the only way to the father is through the sun. It’s a fact everything that the Bible has said has come true so far. That’s what I was trying to say

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Mark, well stated, if you just believe what you want to believe you are finished. Our government and big business chose making money before the American People. Mark, maybe one day China will put sanctions on us!

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China is beating the pants off of America. Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 🤣

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Yes they are, they won already. Keep on talking about racism, transgender BLM issues to get elected. Fu.k the politicians

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It is a ploy for the bleeding hearts and low thinkers. See the stats for Blidens poll numbers. They shut down comments on every single video or speech. On the WH website!!! Tells you that no one elected this manchurian candidate.

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Nowbody won till he won. Let's see how this Zombieshow plays out. Maybe the actually suffering is the start of the healing.

>>> Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed!

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You??? Lol.

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N. Africa? o k.

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You’re gonna agree with that. That guy is a sad person otherwise known as a troll. China is not going to win. Neither will the antichrist. The book has been 100% so far. Nothing else has.

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I do not believe it is so. I believe there is a coo and they are China's pawns. How can this be a competition. It is a takeover. That is cause for War.

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How is that funny. Are you CCP? Do you think it is really funny? Think of eternity... see if you can be happy where you think you are going. If not, have a change of heart.

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I say all this stuff to maybe GET YOU to go and actually READ the Christian Churches Canons. I don't understand why you won't READ your own churches Canons?

Here, I even got the link for you. READ YOUR CANONS and see that they changed Yahuha's Laws! Stop preaching to me and prove to me that you know your Christian Church has changed Yahuah's Laws. READ!


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My church has no cannons. You must be thinking of a different war. Catholic is a religion Christianity is a movement without doctrine.

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Christianity is a religion full of Canonical doctrine and YOU are fully steeped in it. Hahahahahahahaaaaa! You are 100% fully deluded.

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Take another puff you’ll feel better.

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Don't preach to me the BEAST's canons dude. You idiots refuse to read those "Canons" yourselves, but if you did you would find that your "Christian Church" has changed Yahuah's times and laws. YOU are the one who'd better think about researching your Christian religion yourself instead of believing a lying preacher or lying prophet who is spreading lies to you. The CCP is the least of your problems buddy, your false, satanic religion is your most serious problem. Now THAT is funny! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa! 😂

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It’s not my name it’s yours.

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Is now a good time to buy bitcoin and dash? They are at 37k and 195$. I have my finger on the trigger.

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BTC is not doing well and I bet the gov'ts are buying it up!

Elon has not sold..

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Think up and away soon OR first about 23,000 and than up and away.

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What do you mean?

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I am waiting /and hoping/ for about 23,000 as long as BTC is lower than 47,000.

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Another slippery slope. The whole point of crypto was getting Big Brothers BIG nose out of our personal lives and money matters. Introducing crypto regulations is completely defeating the crypto purpose of ‘privacy’ and decentralized currency. IMHO

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They are Rats and will always infiltrate. Always. This is why our treasures are in heaven.

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You are right about that. We shouldn't be in love with this home

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Privacy and Decentralisation are [FEDs] Enemies Number One.

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No such thing now, privacy.

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I believe XMR and ARRR are private. That's what the experts I follow and have been doing this for many years say. Yes, the exchanges will be infiltrate and report and are not private. I agree. Then again, I'm not trying to hide anything

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Not trying to hide anything? Think twice:


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I have heard of this book but never read it. Thanks

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Agreed. So, switch to private coins like ARRR and XMR. I'm out of other suggestions

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it is the exchanges, not the coin... none are pvt. so far

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The Xiden administration needs the tax revenue from crypto and whales need to dump and buy in lower. That's what this is all about. How is this accomplished? FUD. Just look at the news headlines. Come on man

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China is always flip flopping on their position with regards to crypto. This has been going on for many years now. One month they allow it, the next month they ban it. It's all an attempt to create FUD to shake out the weak hands so that the smart money can come in and scoop up cheaper crypto. DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!!

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I will not be surprised if it will 60k in 3w. For now dollar cost average down is the best strategy, reminds me FUD from 10k to 3k. shake those weak stimulus hands !

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The United States will not come out and just ban cryptos like China did. But they will do it in a subtle way.

As cryptos increasing in popularity and functionality, the federal government will take notice and prohibit the banking system from handling cryptocurrencies.

In the words of our beloved Greg Mannarino, the FED has fought Wars and killed millions of people to get where they're at.

I say, the Fed will not surrender the financial Stranglehold they have to cryptos.

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Hard to understand this because, isn't China one of the biggest holders and miners of BTC? Just for ME and not for THEE? Sounds right for the CCP/ new USA !

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As with most of what Greg covers, my opinion is this is a cover for something else. Greg doesn’t know, no one knows except the controllers.

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Everything is always a cover. I think we are awake but not yet out of bed. Why are the Men Quiet?

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In the Center of the "Capitalist" are interests. What a coincidence that there is NO FREE MARKET at interests, they are "planned" by the Central Bancs. Conclusion by definition: In the Eye of Capitalism rules Communism/Socialism.

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I don't think some basic US regulatory clarity would hurt crypto. On the contrary, I think more institutions would feel more comfortable.

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Whenever the U.S. gubment decides to stick their nos into anything.....it goes belly up. No?

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