I love to read the positives about Greg because if anyone is deserving of good thoughts it is Greg. He is awesome!

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Our founding fathers left out the most important part of the constitution, congress must submit to the people of the USA by vote to gain a raise in pay. “Power corrupts total power totally corrupts” these people are wicked corrupt base and need flushed out for good. They have abused the once honorable offices our inspired founders established for the welfare of this country.

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The vaccine is a killer.

I expect organized media to suppress the report of this. The nurse manager at CHI Memorial Chattanooga who fainted during televised coverage after receiving the covid vaccine died less than 12 hours later. That's according to social media posts by those who were close to her.

Refuse the vaccine at all costs and implore everyone you care about to not get vaccinated.

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Hi Greg, I love your videos and always find myself chuckling every video- so thank you for that! I came out with a book last year called Code 44 on Amazon and would love to send you a hard copy or a digital copy. It’s about big tech and big gov with seduce us into taking the microchip and nano particles to ultimately control us. I think you would like it! Thank you for all you do. I watch you every night.

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Before you, Ted Kaczynski warned us all about the dangers of technology, and the government locked him up for life.

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Hey Greg,

This was the funniest yet saddest videos. I think you should get some sounds

like a flushing toilet and noises like that you can just press a button to make the

sound. Everyone needs to laugh because this stuff is so dam saaad!

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The end of Friday on s&p, have anything to do with tesla being added? Tesla was a mirror image of s&p jump at end of day and 74M being added after hours. Wondering...

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Your videos are so addictive!

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