This is an excellent Commentary. Spot on.

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Yes excellent commentary and the MMRI is not working cause it is showing high risk which means the stock market will go down....

MMRI is at 264.4 = High Risk but the market is going up, so what gives?

Mannarino Market Risk Indicator

Extreme 300+

High 200-300

Moderate 100-200

Low 50-100


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The MMRI is only one tool, It is not the "end all."

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Greg, I was thinking about you before and how much of a difference you make. I hope people can support your work by donating to you.

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This is spot on. Interesting that today I read an article contained in the Mises Institute email I received this morning. https://mises.org/wire/rising-interest-rates-and-great-reset-bubble

It describes what Greg has been warning about for years.

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When do we get price controls? My crystal ball doesn't tell me it only says they are coming. Been through that and needless to say it does not work. That's all the more reason you will see controls the feds always take an ass backward approach and so does the congress. Controls would be a great way to limit food availability just like the 1970's. I think I will buy me some chickens and rabbits. Oh, by the way, I was ln the meat business during our last price control binge; I could not buy even one lousy pig let alone cattle. This gives all of us a pretty good idea of what the wef is about and why you will eat bugs and be happy. I would bet even bugs won't be cheap. My hope is in my Lord and Savior and this other stuff is just a distraction. Love one another my friends.

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The historical fact is that a free person is a person who owns his own labor. Just as a slave does not own his own labor, neither does any person who is subject to income tax.

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Debt is the root of all Evil = Fact

When you are in debt you are a slave to the Bankers = Fact

Gold is the Money of Kings.

Silver is the Money of Gentleman.

Barter is the Money of Peasants.

Debt is the money of Slaves.

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If you are subject to taxes, you do not own your labor. That makes us slaves.

So tell me, how do you pay off debt with a debt instrument?

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Yes when you are in debt you are a slave = Fact

I am mortgage free and debt free. Yes I pay taxes, property taxes beer and wine taxes etc. etc.etc. and our roads are snow plowed, re-paved and kept clean, garbage pick up every week etc.etc.etc. and our health care is free, the past 7 years I had hernia surgery and had both of my hips replaced and it cost me zero dollars.

Thank You Canada...

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Someone else paid yer tab. Bravo!

The problem with socialism is, sooner or later, you run out of other people's money.

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And a typical Naive Dumbed Down Brainwashed American response.

Nobody else paid my tab, all Canadians have had free Health care since 1961 and this is why we pay more for taxes then you Americans, and our

Infrastructure such as roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, and telecommunications etc. are always in top shape. Canada is not a Socialist Country and we don't have your crime and mass shootings like you do in the your Shit Hole USA = Fact

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You sound vaccinated like on a guilt trip. Nothing is free. Even in your unimagined distopian utopia. You know it cause you be squealin.

Violence works. Just ask Trudeau.

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I never said it was free but I did say that we pay more taxes, and you can't find Canada on a map you Dumbed Down Brainwashed clown, and Yes we live in Igloos up here in the Great White North Canada....

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Let's be friends. I do not hate you for your opinion.

If you are happy with yer digs, right on.

We Americans do have a rough go of it. Maybe you could send me some free pharmaceuticals from the land of plenty? They cost us bad here.

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Cheers Eh.....

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Jan 20, 2024
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Yes. These things are good.

It has been said, the best slaves are the ones who know not their plight.

The definition of slavery is "those who do not own their labor."

The ugly truth, mine anyway.

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Keep an eye on SPX! 518 prediction for spy. Look at the weekly and see if you see what I see. Student loan forgiveness. Illegals getting tax payer funded housing, health care, money, cell phone with plans. Checkout muckraker.com and nick shirley on YouTube. Real journalists. All dilute our dollars and our votes. Necessary because more people are seeing what is going on. Waking up to reality. I think Greg is 100%. Unfortunately.

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Truth is only that which you believe it to be

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I will have to politely disagree as belief systems are the enemy of truth. Truth needs no explanation it is either truth or it is not. Thanks for comprehending that I think you would agree truth is everything!

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Your truth is not my truth.

If by belief systems you mean religion, I would concur to that extent.

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There's a difference between true and truth

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Reality is an agreed upon lie. The technocratic authoritarians are in a battle over our perceptions. "If you must tell people the Truth you must do it with humor - or they'll kill you." [Oscar Wilde] People don't get out of the way of things they don't see coming. Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling them a lie and making them smile. Belief is the enemy of knowing... one first must know they are in a cage before they can leave the cage.

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The beautiful lie or the ugly truth. Everyone chooses their own poison.

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.... 60's Boomers "chased the "bright elusive butterfly of love"... and generations that follow have nothing to show for it. God said - treat others through the heart of a child - not the mind of one. 1965 [Bob Lind] https://youtu.be/nbuC9hX2XAk

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Old age and trickery will always overcome youth and ambition.

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... generational Stockholm Syndrome.

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And yet, the old rule.

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There comes a time - a point in life - to know when to not care about helping others and stop caring about them.... and begin to fiercely maintain control of your own happiness. Charity is a real tough game to play. Should we all live to make govmt happy?

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"Should we all live to make govmt happy?"

You do whether you like it or not.

Snakes take. I slither on.....

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... keep pulling on that conveyorbelt of dirty paper... how long will they profit(sic) from a dying system that keeps their asses alive?

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Do not know. Until then, enjoy everything you can.

"The future is uncertain and the end is always near."

Mr. Mojorisen

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Greg, I really appreciate you, and your commentary! I can't tell you how differently I think of the world now and how I will look forward! Thank you for your service!

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Greg, this Technician believes the 10Y is going to 5.0 this year! You should follow Cem, he's amazing.


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Actually, Joe Granville figured that out in the 70s

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Brilliant, Greg

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Manno, correct me if I'm wrong? But is this not similar to tea party event with the shizter running banks, I thought for sure when finials did not play their part, right before silicon Valley Bank falter, that the depression would come. The big one. But with your statements on the fed and the control they posses what could be the driver or indication the big one is here, especially seeing the control with yields. I'm looking for whatever I can see for the indicator of crash. We're not going to see it in yields, even though that is the driver, only because of fed control. I'll respond back when I catch the mark. Maybe it's the consolidation of the banks depending on how bad they want the consolidation.

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I don’t agree that they continue thus through the scheduled selection this year. Please reference Bush (2008) dejection cycle. Even the “establishment” is turning on the Biden show. I believe (since all candidates offered serve same demons) they will crash the financial system this year (debt market which will force rates up independent of the Fed) much like 2008, this will make voters “run to Trump” because “Bidens policy crashed the economy and the stock market” but the stock market is nothing. The bond market is 6x larger and can cause currency collapse. In 2008, as banks and stock market started first crash, it drew people to “vote” obama for “change”. Of course the script was to install Obama but it made the optics seem real, as he could blame Bush for collapsed economy. I believe Trump is the real Trojan horse. His warp speed is the largest genocide in modern history. He is as “deep state” as it gets hidden behind a “nationalist”.

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Like the rest of us, you are mostly right because that is how God makes us, with one good eye. Tony Greer adds another link in the chain on the bullish market in this election year, that the tanking economy is scaring the fed who lowers interest rates which sends the 8 extra trillion out of the scared safety of treasuries into the soaring stock market which anticipates the future of the economy under Iowa winner Donald J Trump. The metals and treasuries are our fear trade and the booming stock market in the land of the free in a very rough neighborhood is US getting the upper hand on the fed fear traders and traitors.

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Completely agree Gregory, your writing is totally on point, our existence today in near all things is contrived and orchestrated, including saddest of all our health and wellbeing, even the weather and what were once natural disaster is up for grabs and manipulation ex the DEW’s and HAARP developed and used by the U.S CIA/DOD on behalf of the State Department.

The world certainly has gone upside down.. thank you for your commitment to transparency and truth.

Kia Kaha bro, from New Zealand

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