Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Are you a "Model Citizen"?

"Model Citizen" | Dystopian Animated Short Film (2020)


Have YOU achieved a state of HAPPINESS?



Steve Cutts Mobile world (Animated)


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“The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” -Frank Zappa-

Ignorance is bliss…..

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.... Happiness was double-plus good. Finally get the Porsche - can't drive it without taking it to the track... LOL!

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Three important reads about Covid below…

‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers

The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing.


The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.


JUN 19, 2024


If You Got “Vaccinated” For COVID, You’re More Likely To Die: STUDY

by Ethan Huff | Jun 18, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments


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it is a bio weapon

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There are some other options for traders who want to do short term options trades based on some of the tech stocks. An advantage can be lower priced options. There is AAPU for AAPL. TSLL are the 2x bull shares for TSLA. There are QLD and TQQQ for QQQ. The TQQQ are better for options in my opinion because they are more liquid than QLD options, but it's still important to check open interest, volume, and spread.

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Bird Flu: The Evil Twins’ Next Assault Wave Against Humanity


Excerpt below from full article above.

[Technocracy and Transhumanism joined at the hip like Siamese twins, are the axis of evil who have declared war on humanity. Phase two is underway, and we will see the merger of the pandemic and the destruction of the food supply. It will be brutal and destructive. Don’t let them kill all the cattle. Don’t let them kill all the chickens. Don’t let them kill or wound all of the humans.

When lockdowns are mandated, don’t do it. When masks are mandated, don’t wear them. When mRNA shots are mandated, don’t take them. When they tell you to shut up, yell louder. When they tell you to “social distance,” move closer together.

If you just don’t value your life, then believe all of their lies, do whatever they tell you to do, and wait for the Grim Reaper to take you away. ⁃ TN Editor]

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Just bought a US mini box and SIL call position y’day. The second is paying for the first, and I’m using fiat depreciating dollars. Killed “3 birds” in one well-timed shot!

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You're like vinegar - the older the stronger. "Everything is operating in an Economic Vacuum" nice one. Be careful when you lean in and whisper ---- we can hear the rhapsody of ringing bells in your head Edgar. Back in the day people sat on their porch and watched the cars go by - that's our future.

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Doubled down on long commodities last week g.m.

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I don't get it Greg??? If we are going to a new money system ( CBDC ) why would you want to stay in the stock market ????? and if the demoncrats win the capital gains tax is going to be 46.9 %. So your income is cut in half.,also the dollar is going to ZERO. So just buy gold/silver

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These “viruses” are created on computers. (((They))) then borrow from the mortality rates on everything from motorcycle crashes to influenza. Why would these “creatures” put themselves at risk from a real disease? Add on the morphine-fentanyl-mindazolam-ventilator caused homicides and someone can really jack up the numbers, while at the same time, scare the living shit out of the population at large. Greg and I are not part of the panic driven, mask wearing kook crowd. Most of you reading this posses the God-given “power of discernment.” That is why when everyone else start jumping out of windows; we sit tight and enjoy the show.

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Algo. You are the only other person who sees thru it all. “Smoke ‘n’ mirrors!

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All they have been doing since 2008 is propping up a failed system.

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lol Greg has been predicting a market crash for years now and it just keeps going up…:

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WRONG... I have been saying that the market WILL GO HIGHER. And the faster that the economy craters, the higher stocks will go. Where have you been? On Mars?

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

This thing Chilly has not been on Mars there Greg, it has been dumbed down and brain washed since birth...

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

he is on Pluto

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Jun 20Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I think Greg has made it clear that we're in a bull market and that the big crash is a surprise event in the longer term that only the insiders know when will happen.

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And also up is down in the great taking

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My dearest Gregory, I know you re practically a doctor. So you ll understand me when I say I m one of the percentage of people that really benefited by that drug Ozempic. I m am 65 and my weight spun out of control, no matter what I did, it was hurting me, all my numbers were tanking. I lost 65 pounds and got my life back and all my numbers were excellent, even my thyroid was normal, it was never normal, and I felt like a kid again to put it mildly and the happiest I ever been. For me, it brought me back to life so to speak. I understand the thousands of people who abuse it , that part really ticks me off, because now its difficult or impossible to get. But believe me, I am one person it really was a God send for me honey. I agree with all you say, you re a smart cookie and I appreciate that, God bless you Gregory, you re so smart and I enjoy learning a lot from you sweetheart. Have a super day, and God bless you and your family, and that cute little Coco, amen

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