"Capitalism was the only system in history where wealth was not acquired by looting, but by production, not by force, but by trade, the only system that stood for man's right to his own mind, to his life, to his happiness, to himself."

Happy birthday to Ayn Rand

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Greg. If you and your readers want to know who is behind the Global Economy and their plans for us all, please read the following link.


Knowledge is power. If you want to make money on Wall Street, which is in Manhattan, you will have to bet against Main Street, which is in Brooklyn.

If you want to ever connect the two, there is a bridge over the East River that’s been for sale for a long time!

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Very interesting Spanman, I'm from Oz, I have been trying to work it out & wondered why trump would visit vatican knowing how evil it is.

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Connect the dots Trump is a Jesuit pawn he attended Jesuit Fordham University he is serves his masters the Jesuit Order/Cabal/ Roman Catholic Church/ Vatican.

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I read Trump was a non-practicing Presbyterian who converted to Judaism in 2018.

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Yes so did I, he is not a jesuit, but can't be trusted.

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Trenny. I was raised Catholic. Born in 1950 I still adhere to the traditional Catholic Faith ie; Latin Mass, traditional sacraments, priests etc…

I have maintained my faith by countering the Cult of Vatican II.

I have nothing to do with the Diocesan-Vatican bureaucracy. The Vatican Bank is a Rothschild enterprise.

Jewish bankers control all appointments made within the existential Novus Ordo Cult.

Beware of this Faux Church run by wolves and jackals. It is headed by Franky Bergoglio. He is a manifest heretic and apostate, which by definition makes him an antipope.

He is to be disregarded as a Shabbos Goy (traitor) of the highest order.

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Jorge Mario Bergoglio( 201 in the code) aka Pope Frances. Lives in Suite 201 in the Domus Sanctae Marthae ( also 201 in the code/Gematria) Event 201 a month before “Coronavirus” outbreak the players that are now profiting ran a coronavirus simulation in NYC 10/18/2019. The Jesuit Order = 201 mix of Jews and Catholics. These are not coincidences. Their agendas and scripts are planned out in advance. Pretty undeniable once people take the blinders off.

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Makes sense.,

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Many people think that all Catholics are the same but nothing could be further from the truth.

As you pointed out, Bergoglio is an example of a fraudulent leader of a cult called the Novus Ordo or the post Vatican II cult, started by a Converso Jew, Montini, (Paul VI) and now led by the Jesuit apostate from Christianity, Bergoglio (Francis) . Traditional Catholics do not follow or do not recognize him as a pope (sede vacantists) or just ignore him (traditionalists).

Fauci, Pelosi and Biden are all examples of ipso facto excommunicatio or former Catholics who have excommunicated themselves through mortal sin and or denial of Catholic Dogmatic teachings.

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Catholicism is a false religion, they threw away the bible because they didn't want to worship Lord Jesus but a pseudo papacy. The only mediator between God and man is Lord Jesus (his Son). They worship Mary who has nothing to do with it, they forbad their priests to marry which guaranteed that young children would be abused all over the world. Children do not mean anything to the catholic heirarchy. We don't need papacy, it is run by man. We need the bible & a personal relationship with our savior. They started up purgatory, there is none. When they 'offer communion' they are actually putting Jesus on the cross again. True eucharist is remembering what our savior did for us as we come humbly to share at His table. They have killed christians all over the world, they were behind the holocaust in supporting germans, spanish inquisition and the lists goes on.

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That man with hair of wool and bronzed skin from the man written Bible he was probably a man of color/black. But I still don’t need a relationship with him and the likelihood that he is the “savior” is slim. If so what’s he waiting for? More children to be harmed/die from the jab or in war zones?

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Greg, you have been saying all along, month after month, that net/net we have been losing jobs, excellent job and once again you called it right.

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Gregory please resend me the article you sent out yesterday re: options.


Thank you my Sister turned me on to you; l am looking forward to making great choices.

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