Mar 15Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Print more money, devaluates the dollar, causes inflation.

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The country is not being destroyed by evil marxists. It is being destroyed by those who stand by and watch it happen.

Trump can not, will not save you. A vote will not save you. Only you can set you free. Either way, prepare to bleed.

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100% right!

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Exactly that. This is a Bolshevik takeover and takedown. Central bank families are Bolsheviks.which is the most radical form of slaughter communism. As it installs you have a 35-50% depopulation. Usually civil wars or hybrid govt warfare against citizens. You don’t vote yourself to freedom. The generations alive today a fat and happy and will go extinct like the dodo

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Yellen finally admits to higher inflation ? Where’s the accountability?

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

-Thomas Sowell-

“A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right, and evil doesn't become good, just because it's accepted by a majority.”

-Booker T. Washington-

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The USA is one big lie. We have been in a depression for decades now. The only reason you don't see the soup lines of the 1930s is because of Government handouts such a food stamps, welfare and EBT cards.

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The Fall of Rome took 500 years. Looks like the fall of the USA Ponzi scheme is about 70 years.

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Yellen is the biggest liar in D.C.

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Not even close.

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... probably the only reason I listen to you G... your heart and your love of this country. "The notion that a radical is someone who hates his country is naiive and usually idiotic. He is more likely one who loves his country more than the rest of us and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us, when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime - he is a good citizen driven to dispair." [H.L. Mencken]

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If you are a citizen, it means you are represented by others because you cannot or choose not to represent yourself. The government considers you incompetent. It means you are part of the body politic by choice, aka a "Qualified elector". It is you who give the government the authority to rule you. The rest of us are ruled at the barrel of a gun.

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In Mencken's time the US Corporation wasn't insolvent/bankrupt - nor was it the foreign enemy of freedom that it is today... and those most powerfull financially weren't necessarily colluding with DC as they are today Have you recinded your ciitizenship?... many prophesize the death of a system that keeps their ass alive... believing everything is so corrupt we all must become commies to save ourselves - not an adult way to go through life. The bravest thing most people will ever do is walk into a booth every few years where no one can see them press a button to say which of two slave masters they'd rather be owned by.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 15

It is my responsibility to represent myself as intended by the constitution.. Debt is insolvency. I am not a resident of the District of Columbia. Define citizenship.

The system IS killing you and I. i.e. covid w/ jab, poison food etc. Everything IS corrupt. Name that institution which is not. An attack upon my maturity and accusation of communist political affiliation, is a deflection and indicative of your dependence upon criminal government. The concept of being responsible for your own actions is lost to you.

We are all under attack. They have tried to kill me. So I take action. As long as we fight, we are not slaves.

The real choice soon will be, not a vote but, fight or die. They want control of our bodies, minds and spirits. I say go fuck yourself. Liberty or death. Ya know, Its an American thing.

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,,,, wow you must be an A.I. bot - programed for contentiousness - or hypersensitivity whatever... have you heard of the Tiny Dot? A 7-min short video - should be spread it far and wide. Larken Rose made this video many years ago: https://open.substack.com/pub/courageouslionjusmeumtuebor/p/the-tiny-dot-7f4?r=240b1n&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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Really, a hypersensitive AI bot? You do understand we are in WW3? No matter. Enjoy life.

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Humanity has always been at war - collectives of tribes - to get the people together to argue - are you going to stop corporate divisions and infighting between Raytheon and Lockheed Martin by voting harder or investing? Relaax or... enlist and go fight whatever they're fighting on the Moon.

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Inflation will stop when the dollar disintegrates to the value of toilet paper!!

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This should be no surprise to anyone. The country is in terrible shape. I must disagree with Greg on Trump. If Trump is convicted of anything, or if he has another election stolen, many people will die. An uprising will take place and will be the older Americans who will start it. We are not afraid to do "the necessary" to get things correct. Selection or not, and further, whether the next President can do anything about finance, something needs to be done.. and fast. The country is boiling over! The pressure cooker will blow up and I would like to avoid it. I do not see how that can happen based upon what is happening today. Greg, if you are reading this, you come from Staten Island. This is the only Republican/conservative borough in NY city. Staten Island is the "forgotten borough. I remember the Molenary family in Staten Island. They were and probably still are a thorn in the side of the city and the state.

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The left right paradigm is a lie. You are being screwed by the entire government. This government is a hijacked lie. You are placing your hopes and dreams in a system that will destroy all of us. Millions of us are going to die at the hands of these criminals because people still believe government is the answer.

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Please elaborate on "the necessary" things.

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I agree 100%. But don't expect things to get better. The USA empire is in its last days.

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Possibly so... Probably so. But I will not let our culture die without a fight!

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Thank God.

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didn't yellen say that inflation would never be higher in her lifetime or something to that effect? these people don't know what they're talking about or they openly lie to the public with a straight face.

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Yes, you are right. What she said was "there will not be another financial crisis in my lifetime". Another huge lie.

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I guess granny is gonna die real soon.

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We have no accountability in this so called democracy because we have the best politicians money can buy

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Bloodbath is a financial term not social (check definition) so there will be a “financial” bloodbath if Trump is not elected- But you are WRONG about patriots acting out if Biden wins- We have jobs and something to loose- we won’t be protesting. The only “right” protesters will be the under cover FBI agents dressed up in khaki pants with masks on pretending to be Trump supporters.

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Still name calling. Lol.

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All by design. Fed wants hyperinflationary depression. Fastest destruction of wealth possible. The great equalizer. Even those with millions end up on CBDC welfare.

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Wowee, you re car is sure fast Gregory. I am 65 and I think your car is so darn sexy. You left that guy

in the weeds! 157mph. Thats amazing! You re the coolest Mannarino! Thank you for that. I see you re with Don Garlet s rail, I had breakfast with that man, long ago in West Covina Cal. He invented the rear engine dragster because he lost half his foot with it through a rod . But here you are with a front engine dragster !! I love all that stuff. Thank you Greg, I got a big kick out of that. God keep you safe and enjoy!

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