Thank you for all you continue to do daily in helping those who will listen. I really appreciate it.

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Powell is a front man for the Fed, which is nothing more than a bunch of Jewish paperhangers.

JP Morgan-Rothschild, Goldman Sachs- Rothschild.

People don’t know there history by design.

If they knew what we know, there would be a bloody revolt.

Nathan Rothschild cornered the Bank of London in the early 1800’s when he gave out a fake news report that Napoleon had defeated Lord Wellington at Waterloo. The opposite was true.

Rothschild bought up the crashing market and when the real story finally got out that Napoleon had been vanquished, Rothschild had cornered the Bank of London for Pence on the pound.

His heirs exerted control on a certain Senator Aldridge (Son-in-law to J.D. Rockefeller) to establish a quorum on Dec. 22 1913, (after most of congress went home for Vacation), to establish The Federal Reserve Act, conjured up at Jekyll Island by Warburg et;al, and promptly signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, traitor and chief.

The rest as they say is history.

Our Government purposely-unwittingly turned our US Treasury over to a group of criminal gangsters.

They instituted fractional reserve banking. Lending out money backed by 10% in gold reserves.

Our dollar in 1912 was worth and backed by 100 cents in gold or silver.

Now the real petro-dollar is worth less than a plug nickel.

Still, the Banksters lend it out and charge compound interest on a worthless piece of fiat currency backed by nothing!

We are trading in virtual dollars backed up by the blind confidence of a nation of suckers.

When the crash comes, and it will someday, it will start in the Bond Market.

Our treasury notes will assume their true debt value. Nothing.

As Greg says. Watch the debt market.

When people loose faith in the real dollar, Rothschild will once again step in to buy all the debt, leaving middle America penniless.

History may not repeat itself but it certainly rhymes!

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A stinking anti-semite rears his ugly head.

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Or an ill informed person named Sam. Do the research the Jesuits are the NWO if you want to diminish the truth by a weak attempt at the “Anti’s” that’s on you. Even Bill Gates admits that he converted to Catholicism. Stay in the dark if you choose. The well planned Jesuits are the illuminated ones in the know. To break free requires courage to leave your indoctrination behind and seek the truth.

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Research the Jesuits/Jesuit Order/Catholic Church to find the organization that connects to the whole power structure including the banks. Catholic and Jews( converts ) that formed in 1540. But the church’s role goes back even farther Templar’s and prior.

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Jan 27, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022

The Jesuit order was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It was infiltrated by the Jew, Adam Weishaupt. There are very holy and extremely intelligent priests in the order. There is also the opposite activity, which has taken over the order.

The Jesuits have been disbanded twice by intelligent pontiffs.

Today the Jesuit order is a Jew controlled 5th Column. The Secty General Martin leads their March in the US and Canada. Their black vicar rules from Europe. Bergoglio is their papal stooge.

He seethes every time he is caught in an anti papal whopper.

There are two churches. One is faithful to Jesus, the other is under the control of Lucifer. This has been evident since Vatican II.

Follow the traditional Catholic Faith and Mass. The Latin Mass and Sacraments exclusive from any diocesan indult operation. They are frauds. Go to: www. traditio.com. Find the Mass locator and you are well on your way to discovering the One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church Our Lord established.

Te Benedicta.

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Go to www.traditio.com and use the Mass locator. God bless.

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Not Francis of Loyola, Ignatius of Loyola he created the Jesuit Order in 1540 at the request of the Catholic  Church to counter Martin Luther ‘s( 95 theses)and the Protestant Reformation that was critical of Catholics and Jews.  Pope  Francis aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first Jesuit Pope who just happens to live in Suite 201( like Event 201, hmm. Many more 201 connections when research is done) in the Domus Sanctae Marthae in Rome. The Jesuits have been suppressed many times not just twice. Arturo Sosa is the present Black Pope the title also called the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. The Jesuit Order is a military order hence the title of General. They have always been masters of deception manipulation and infiltration. The Jesuits to a great job with their facade to the masses and they do have some of the brightest and best minds as their schools are academically rigorous. But there is no doubt those at the top running the show have agendas and intentions that are dark and evil. They are ritualistic and are adept at running psychological operations. Notice how they got the masses to run out and buy toilet paper! 

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Bergoglio is not a valid pope. He is considered an antipope by most Traditionalists. He was ordained a Jesuit under the post 1968 rite (invalid) installed not consecrated a bishop (invalid and illicit) and installed not consecrated as the pseudo-pope.

Bergoglio is an apostate and manifest heretic. He is ipso facto excommunicato.

He rules over the Novus Ordo Cult of Vatican II.

No true Catholic follows him or acknowledges him as the The Successor of Peter.

Out last legitimate Pope was Pope Pius XII who died in 1958.

He was followed by John XXIII (Freemason), Paul VI (Homosexual and Converso Jew), JPI (33 day reign) JPII (Arch Heretic ) Benedict XIV ( Still living and who never gave up his role as pontiff) and Bergoglio. The most disgraceful impostor to ever serve from the Holy See.

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Maybe so but it’s clear he is a Jesuit and they and their network including Freemasons et al are running this sh*t show. Klaus Schwab of the WEF is another Jesuit Pawn with the Great Reset They have been planning and installing incrementally a one world totalitarian state for a long time. Covid deception has pushed it forward faster.

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Yes. Ignatius. Thanks for the correction.

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Welcome. As they say All roads lead to Rome. DC used to be called Rome on the Potomac.

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Another 201 connection in the link below Catherine the Great of Russia “rescued” 201 Jesuits. Event 201 10/18/2019 NYC coronavirus simulation all the now profiting were in attendance. This event was just months before “Corona” was reported in the news. 🤔


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Jan 28, 2022·edited Jan 28, 2022

That looks like a very interesting book. Thanks!

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Awesome job Greg, you're the best trader I know and I look forward to your commentary all day, we trade the market we have making the necessary adjustments along the way, we're winners here, let's do this

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Thank you GM. Don't worry about the Green Horns they will understand in time I hope. If not moving on 😎

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Don't even answer their rubbish comments, they are probably trolls, only bother with the truth it will always win but makes plenty of enemies (non thinkers). Go for a swim, it warms up after the dunk. Have a great day friend.

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As we go forward here remember this. Powell isn’t stupid, he just hopes we are.

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Gregory Mannarino: "Market will go higher on the Back of Covid"


NOW take care. Watch the environments VERY carefully. Seems that Covid will end soon by design. Why? To go back to normal? Surely not! After Covid is before something much worse. So be prepared. Think it will hit us in March. Will hit us - and the markets. Cycles and Seasonality tells me so.

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I want to thank you, Greg, for hammering about large cap, dividend paying stocks. I am now paying attention to that when considering a buy.

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Jan 27, 2022·edited Jan 27, 2022

Am expecting one more high (not necessary) in dow now, than strong downwards. Strong downwards means much lower than 33,000. /// 0 % Guarantee.

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Russia gets Ukraine, China gets Taiwan, Israel gets to bomb Iran.

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Taiwan is the legitimate successor of the old Chinese Empire including all assets and liabilities. The takeover in Ukraine was a coup d'état in favor of Obama Biden & Co Corporation. Today's Iran is a fossil of bygone days and a stain on the world.

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deletedJan 27, 2022·edited Jan 27, 2022
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Hahaha, I like the Enterprise analogy.

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