I think I found a video that Greg didn't post on his newsletter.


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I'm not quite sure where those "lock down fears" are coming from as I'm not really

seeing any lock downs except in places like New Zealand and Australia. No, it's the

new age coming that makes the oil go down as alternative energy becomes more

competitive both in the way of heating, transportation, etc. so naturally oil prices

want to stay lower levels to continue to make alternatives less economically feasible.

So, those on the oil train, whoo, whoo, can see diminishing returns or should I say

diminishing upsides and movements in the way of climate change policies being

incrementally installed across the world. I'm quite astounded with the climate change

deniers having never recognized that the bulk of retired admirals, generals and even

active high military officials see climate change as an issue a high priority. That's also

because these very same military leadership circles know that dependency on oil from

outside the US is a "recipe for wars" that they will be engaged in as well as their men

so they see the vulnerability of the US or any Nation in terms of being junkies of

foreign oil consumption. Certainly, they would also advise you they will continue also

to build up the military more so as a strong stick in keeping the peace world wide.

It is when you have a whimpy or perceived whimpy military that adversaries will test

that Nation. So, if hypothetically you have a Nation, the United States, in constant

internal domestic instability is that a positive or a negative for the adversarial nation?

Of course, it's a positive and so "any/all adversaries" love when Republicans call Democrats

commies and show themselves objecting to everything from that other side of the aisle

as well as "zero" legislation so that Nation, the US, in neutral, in terms of any positive

motion forward in terms of infrastructure, military weapons systems, domestic growth,

etc. I didn't want to leave the Democrats out of course in this rile as well, they pushed

and supported the BLM which then fueled white backlash fury and maelstrom which we

are now all unfortunately experiencing domestically. And, this will not get any better as

both these parties have been given their marching orders as to how to create the "ultimate

drama" in their own media forums to fuel more delusions of grandeur and more Americans

hating each other so "divided" on "all" issues. I asked a close relative, if you end up with

this nonsensical divisiveness on and on, how do you as an United States of America Citizen

expect to have a better present or future or even defend the US borders even??!!

So, the Secretary of Defense orders every one to get vaccinated and so 25% say hell no,

parts of the National Guard as well so what is your military preparedness equal to. The

basic success of any military is "esprit de corps" or rank and file morale. So, now you

have disjointed US Military ranks politicizing "everything" equals a military that is "not"

"apolitical" as they are meant to be as well as lacking the necessary esprit de corps internally

when things may get actual hot or challenging across the US and the World for that matter.

This is a recipe for disaster as a Nation and a People. So, now the Secretary of Defense has

his order regarding vaccines,some people in the military and national guard say they won't

take vaccine equals what? National Guard Troops in Oklahoma decommissioned and any

weapons, humvees, etc. remanded to other States and more militant and armed people

looking for war "in their own Nation" that's what's up. So, if you're an adversary or adversaries

working in tandem as the Russians and Chinese do, the Russians fund the Republican Party

to incite that segment of the population into civil unrest and insurrection, while the Chinese

will work with other forces to develop the alternate of BLM, etc. to stir up the part as well.

This creates the panacea of defeat, invasion and subjugation eventually of course. I asked

my close friend, when we went in any theater of engagement or military operations how

many injections did each GI get? His answer was telling, "dozens"!!!! Now, this Nation

doesn't even have secessions of Congress with both Democratic and Republican "expert

virologists" testify as to the effectiveness or lack thereof of any considered vaccination as

it pertains to Covid-19. Instead, they bring in Dr Fauci, who worked "both" in the Trump

Administration and now in the Biden Administration yet they grand stand with this cat,

one saying he is the expert of expert on Covid and the other saying he is a liar and effecting

adversely Americans health. You believe that Dr. Fauci is stood up on Covid-19 and we see

zero qualified virologists testifying on the Covid-19 Pandemic and how to deal with it by

both sides of the aisle but more so only innuendos about this "one cat" and people on both

the Republican Side and Democrat side in the larger society "believe this farce and fakery

by these parties?" Sophistry and no one gets its.

How can Americans on any/all sides believe any of them on either side all con artists

and all working for the owners club(s), who own this joint!

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Wise to close credit spread positions in banks and energy sector and/or hedge long positions?

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I closed my bank trade that Greg recommended on the 10th at a substantial loss, which was offset by profits realized on other trades that were my own. It took 9 months for the market to recover from March 2020. It would be bad to be long if that kind of thing is developing again.

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Hedging is definitely a good thing in this market.

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If oil goes down, that may bring banks down. Correct me if I'm wrong about it though.

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Yes, that is correct.

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