Dec 6, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

TY Mr. Mannerino for defining the Term.

With Russian Sanctions driving fracture of Globalization into Multi Polarity and BRICS it will be increasing difficult to Price Oil and other Commodities in Dollars Globally.

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the contango will end once oil is tokenized and traded on the new system... whatever that is called.

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Main problem here is all these commodities are competing with mighty US treasuries. It's a battle that the never won since 1913

Even gold could not compete with US treasuries.

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According to military experts, America will LOSE a war with Iran. Russia and Iran and China and North Korea have been honing their weapon capabilities and battlefield skills in Ukra$ne while America has only been relying on legacy military tactics left over from WW II. WW II was an entirely different war -- no deadly drones or ultra-sonic missiles were involved back then. Aircraft carriers and most tanks are now obsolete, can be taken out with one missile. Iran has these missiles. America does not. Sigh.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

It has nothing to do with Iran. Economy is slowing somewhat and hence oil is going down. China is moving to electric cars extremely fast

Supply and demand. I think 30 is in the card

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Exactly...with economic output cratering demand softens...unless war.

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But look at all the jobs and money for congress pockets those obsolete weapons are good for Ching-Ching💰

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USA already lost hegemony

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History of Henry Kissinger;


Great video to watch by James Corbett

Like the Z-to-Z or the P-to-B-to-X power struggle, who is the smartest, who is the clown?

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Who wants Elensky to go… quit easy… view the video above by James Corbett about Kissinger… and you get the answer!

The only savior in town with regard to Elensky could be Kissinger, but he has recently been sent to the closed kingdom of angels.

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Im not sure about the angels part....

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Probably a dump and pump before war with Iran gets going in 2024

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Are you a shorter

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I wish

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so are you saying buy some USO stock? its done nothing but drop lately. I remember when USO was 12 a share. (yes I am old)

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I agree with Hillary its global warming https://x.com/SaltyGoat17/status/1731846539386011835?s=20

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The Pope concurs 😇

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The pope has no idea what a women is or a what in the bible. I am guessing he never read. Leviticus 18:22

New International Version

22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

And Hillary NO knowledge / idea about almost everything.

Some people are so dump... yeah... watch yr BBC, NBC NYT etc etc🤣🤣🤣

Have you ever seen TG, Rummble, Odysee, Locals, Bitchute, Substack, Locals, Rutube, VK, etc etc?

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

It is IMPOSSIBLE NOT to find out the truth nowadays unless your name is Archy

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Even Archie has built a bunker. 😆

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Has anyone noticed US crude production is at record highs?


Nothing to do with the upcoming stooge selection I'm sure.

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? When the contango dance started, maybe some were hearing the drums of "conflict" in Guyana area b4 the rest of us? OR , were among those invited to the drum circle. 🤔

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just buy gold/silver ...everything else is fiat trash

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greg tell the good folks the good news crudes headed to the 50's

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hey greg if crude was a great buy at 80 it must be a robbery at 69, but why arent you pushing it ? Make up your mind dammit

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you really are a moron

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nice to know youre back long on the market greg after you got us all into these lousy oil stocks

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Lol... show me where/post a link to where I made a short term price call on crude/energy? My stance is long term.

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ok but why when crude fell from 90s to low 80s you said buy seems odd your not opptomistically sounding the horn to the flock to buy now that its at 69. greg?

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IMO, its a buy. Have you been watching my videos? I specifically said commodes would likely will fall under pressure as RISK ON is maintained in stocks... and that would be a buying opportunity... Do I need to repeat myself even more? Or do you really not watch the videos?

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bro im a supporter no reason to talk to me like im not you seem to not handle criticism well

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Criticize me all you like, but here you must admit you were wrong. I clearly explained that people should expect volatility. Look at even the titles of some of my recent videos. If you did not see the videos, thats ok.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

youre a good man greg and we love you for it

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shitbird director of xom unloaded 216 million dollars of his shares on 11/30 for a price of 104.06 its all rigged no wonder xom is in the toilet

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Maybe they knew about Guyana "crisis" coming and are playing the short con while orchestrating the long con. IMO if you don't take into account the short term manipulation, might as well stay out. I'm not involved in the traditional market for that reason but started 👀 after hearing Greg talk about oil and, seriously contemplating putting some in an oil ETF. Time frame and risk factor is everything. Not been subscribed for long but I think it's unfair to expect someone to share their thoughts AND disclose what they're doing, then make them wrong for it. (If one took positions based on that person instead of DYOR and taking responsibility for the decision.) Debate useful with facts/opinions. Pointing fingers for the sake of right/wrong is, well, a waste of time and energy. If you sell now and in 6 months see you would have had good profits, would you then say oh crap, you were right and I should've listened? Anyway, I'm jumping in and probably just being annoying. 🖖

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in fact ive done every god dam thing you said to do

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Than you are in the right spots, IMO

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dont waste your time with him hes an ingrate

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FYI every time I see your comments KLAUS, I want to ask if I can have the chocolate covered bugs. 😆

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gregs been calling for a market crash for 11 years!

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Is that why I have been long for years? Lol....

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Greg, they've got to keep gasoline as low as possible for the holidays, with traveling and uptick in freight, just need to hold out till next year.

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global warming is to blame just ask Hillary https://x.com/SaltyGoat17/status/1731846539386011835?s=20

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If the economy is growing, crude rises. If the economy is shrinking, crude shrinks.

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Its really not that simple.

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Of course, just another piece of the illusion of candy landy.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

You’re leaving out geopolitics, war, energy regulation, etc.

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Hillary says its all global warming.

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Wait I thought is was climate change now 😆, I can't keep up.

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And some clown 🤡 sexual fantasy

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