Would you please consider discussing if in fact a liquidity lock up would this suggest then inability to sell stock? No buyer because no liquidity. Stock sales are frozen?
Greg- looked at the Fed balance sheet today. Looks like it is coming down. Do you think they have stopped QE for now and selling bonds? Perhaps why the 10 yr yield is rising? What do you think? Thanks.
Gregory - closed out my Paypal account 2 years ago since I don't like their politics. Text me at 407-247-3843 to let me know where I can mail you a check. Thanks. Ralph
Sum'n ain't right.
With the promise of UNLIMITED QE shouldn't the 10yr yield crater down to 2.0? 1.5? 1.0?
Why isn't the stock market going up to the moon 🌛
Sum'n ain't right. 🤔
Goldilocks problem.
Would you please consider discussing if in fact a liquidity lock up would this suggest then inability to sell stock? No buyer because no liquidity. Stock sales are frozen?
Copy that gm have a good evening
#CashEveryDay #fuckcentralbank
monkeypoxx (fake) / SIGA
Greg- looked at the Fed balance sheet today. Looks like it is coming down. Do you think they have stopped QE for now and selling bonds? Perhaps why the 10 yr yield is rising? What do you think? Thanks.
Thats what she said
Gregory - closed out my Paypal account 2 years ago since I don't like their politics. Text me at 407-247-3843 to let me know where I can mail you a check. Thanks. Ralph
Mail all financial gifts to:
666 Torment Avenue
Perdition, Hell 66606
Disengage yourself from the bankrupt Corporate Government that is not yours or mine :
More hikes and China strikes!