Dec 2, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

As a former colleague once said to me, “Bulls make money and bears make money, but hogs get slaughtered.” Thank you for this update Greg!

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That statement is 100% spot on.

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All I ever read and hear is that people are buying Bitcoin but never selling Bitcoin...Hmmm

Is Bitcoin real or is it BS Fake????

Microstrategy Buys 16,130 Bitcoin In November Bringing Total To 174,530 Worth $6.6BN


You say on a regular basis that the Fed and the USA creates money out of thin air and that money is all Fake and it does not exist, and I agree with you 100%

Is Bitcoin all Fake just like the money the Fed and the USA create out of thin air?

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Buy low, sell high. Got it!

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100% agree! Profit is REAL only when it is REALIZED.

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Greg, maybe we need to hear you discuss how transparency is going to be a major subject in finances for everyone going into the new year 2024. What you buy and sell and what you spend your money on can determine if you’re allowed to have a bank account for transactions or if your bank account should be closed. It’s certainly something important to think about as we move into a new financial reality.

The digital shift .

The big players want us buying groceries online, and doing all digital banking for tracking purposes and more profits for them. We’ll see a lot of merging of businesses and consolidation of banks moving forward.

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I though that taking profit was the whole point of investing. But WTF do I know?

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I've got a good share story about taking profits...

I made 100k on litecoin on paper but never sold because everyone said it's going to the moon. I held onto that litecoin until it went right back to what I paid for it. A good learning experience.

Kinda brings to mind also the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" ha

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And do you still own litecoin or have you sold it?

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Hot Air being sold at 37000 ! Wow ! This is unprecedented, never-ending, perpetual prosperity across USA and the world ! Everyone is drowning in cash buying everything in sight including hot air.

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Checkout bito options. Anyone know of an option play on etherium ?

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By the way I love your financial advice and I been supporting your work every since Feb. of 2020. You have taught me a lot about investing and your macro advice is spot on. You also had a lot to do with with me buying bitcoin by your advice to buy bitcoin in April of 2020, which at the time was $6,400. So I have done that and never sold. I also bought DASH on your recommendation, but that was shit advice. Sold it at a loss and bought more bitcoin. All this to say by buying and holding bitcoin when you originally made the call back in 2020, which I did was a great call on your part. Study what bitcoin is and hold it for a minimum of 5 years and you will be happy as I am.

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Selling bitcoin while maintaining that it is going higher is saying two opposite things at once. You are essentially shorting bitcoin by pulling profit now and putting it into cash. So what you made 100% on this trade, and by your actions you also are guessing that the price of bitcoin is going down by pulling profit. Another 100% move on your bitcoin will only give you a 50% more profit from here. If your conviction is correct that bitcoin is going much higher from here then stay put with your position and be patient. We are all expecting a huge run up with the Blackrock ETF approval in Jan 2024 and the halving in April. So why not hold for 5 more months ( you already held the bitcoin for 11 months if you got it at $17,000) and scoop up all the chips at a much higher price on BTC and stay true to your conviction?

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Ah how about no... I am still LONG Bitcoin, by keeping my initial investment. Pulling profits has absolutely NOTHING to do with going short any asset. Going short is BETTING THE ASSET WILL DROP in price and attempting to capitalize on that drop.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg, your a trader and that is who you are. I am in the health field and don't have the time or interest to watch the markets every tic. so I took you advice and held bitcoin for 4 years now and am very very happy with the investment.

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Have you ever sold any of your Bitcoin there Daniel Claps?

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Yes, I did it for tax harvesting purposes but bought it back at the sell price on the same day.

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Thanks for your response.

I have read and heard that many people that have bought Bitcoin they have tried to sell their Bitcoin but can not sell their Bitcoin....

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Ahh you beat me to it Greg. Anyone reading this who needs to hear it, listen closely to Greg here. Ignore the general "hold it to the moon" talk. I wasn't even trying to do that or be greedy but didn't account for the speed of the crypto market. Summer 2021. Did everything right, lot of research to choose, got in, made 2-3x in a couple of months, took some profits but overall watched it turn into half original investment before taking enough out. It's a DIFFERENT market than what I'd experienced years ago. Also, deciding if you're trading or investing and acting accordingly, and/or separating at least mentally the amounts you work with. Anyway, my two cents, seems like Greg is trying to prevent people from becoming wrecked.

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Maybe he thinks that money can be better used elsewhere, like in stocks.

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I don't... Bitcoin is all I need to retire on. Just look at the 10 year chart.

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Don’t you want at least a little diversification?

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Yes, my IRA is filled with JEPI another Greg call to buy.

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So.... Bitcoin isn’t all you need to retire on then

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Yes it is, How much money do you need when one of your holdings performs so well ie. bitcoin that the money in you IRA ie. JEPI then becomes FU money. My kids can have the IRA money when I'm gone I don't need it it becomes extra. Because Bitcoin has performed so well. Buy and hold bitcoin for you retirement and you will be very happy. That is ALL you need. Not financial advice. Leave that to Greg.

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If u know it is a fraud Why would anyone participate??? If many just got out we could stop Get some balls

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When you get completely out of central bank issued notes/the debt based system, which is THE biggest fraud of all time, please let us all know....

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Thanks Greg! Appreciate you!

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Good move! Initial investment back to deploy elsewhere until bitcoin is oversold

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Greg do you still hold XRP? It has pulled back a lot since winning the court case and it looks stupidly cheap right now. If and when they announce digital currency I think XRP will see a several hundred percent move higher

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Yes. I still own several other crypto's. I only pulled profits from Bitcoin.

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Yea not much else has been rallying alongside Bitcoin. In due time they will

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HEX on PulseChain is now

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Yesterday's podcast a light went off in my dense mind lol. Today after reading that something was clarified. Great Saturday read.

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