This is the beauty of Investing; knowing when to get out of stocks! Holding is also good - until you hit your stop loss (which is very important!!!). Well done, GM! You're a true investor and we all learn from you!

I, for myself, decided NOT to purchase DAL at your recommendation, as I thought it was still not the good time. However, I respect your intention to help your LIONS (roughhhhh) make some bucks... and we do it together. Lots of other stocks got good gains! So big thank you GM!!!

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If anyone who holds Visa I wouldn’t sel for a loss. Everyone is at home buying stuff online. Etc

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Hey Carlos, my thinking also. Hopefully earning won't cause too much of a volatility crush and we can exit with profits!!!. Hoping for the best but got my stop loss in place just in case!!!

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We have full faith in GM's recommendations. A loss here and there is normal.

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I am still holding the VISA trade with a loss. Any lion have an opinion on this one. Hold through earning and take a chance??

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I am holding VISA. best in breed financial. Too big to fail and cash going away imo per govt/fed. I am holding unless someone has a reason to sell. My only thought is if we hold Jan 21 calls when do we need to sell to avoid "sailing over the cliff"?

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Thanks for the reply I am holding 195 Jan152021 calls. I feel the same was as you do. Going to hold on to the position as you VISA is best of breed and e-commerce shoppers use VISA a lot don't see why it should not eventually perform. August might be a shit storm of a month but I'll give into the first week. I believe decay will start to kick in big time by mid August. Any thoughts??

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this is my question too - when does big time decay start? I have so many positions in the red that I bought on suggestion. nothing in green. lost thousands so far a few months in. want to know when to take a loss and close before drastic time decay on others.

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Take a look at this link https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk00R_hr1ukmV6wLFB9aa-b1PQdhQJw%3A1595874573441&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=757&ei=DR0fX7fhGIHHtQbflZfYBA&q=option+decay&oq=Option+decay&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjoECCMQJzoICAAQsQMQgwE6BQgAELEDOgYIABAFEB5QkhJY8iFgwTJoAHAAeACAAWuIAcMIkgEDOC40mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img#imgrc=QNr6e2_ZeQ6tdM

Its a simple graph showing option decay. 30 days prior to expiration is critical, but if your not deep in the money I usually close well before that and take my losses. Any other thought. Greg maybe you want to chime in with what you do. Also would you hold a position like VISA through earnings. Let's hear from the leader of the pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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how much is well before one month? most of mine are jan 21. thanks!

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If we do get a pop or do not get a pop through earnings and by end of this week, I will be closing my position even if it's with a loss.

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i bought on july 15th too and was puzzled by this. i sold it one hr later at 2:30 with a small profit thankfully. but then bought ebay unfortunately which is also just sitting.

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I have three contracts with eBay and I am trying to break even on it. Not sure why it’s stalling..

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same. i am wondering when serious time decay sets in and when to sell for a loss. not sure why any of these were trade alerts...

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I am recovering losses and I might sell off once I feel comfortable with a much lessor loss. We just have to wait it out

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Usually time decay accelerates faster as you get closer to expiration. If you bought the January 2021 calls, it shouldn't be too bad at first. However, if you bought weekly options that expire like August 6, 2020, time value would be decaying very quickly.

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yes most of mine are jan 21. but still, i could be making money elsewhere why they just sit there in the red for years on end.

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I personally will continue holding DAL. The MACD is showing building bullish momentum and as we saw last week it only takes one whimsical tale of a COVID vaccine to cause the stock to soar up 10% in a day. I will exit on the next big move up and happily break even or make 1%

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Hey Greg, are you adding to XLE at all? It's been down a lot too.

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I had been watching DAL also.😢

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It's OK, GM! I believe DAL has a lot of upside. I have a friend that's in the airlines business and says DAL is the only airline that will do better than the rest. I'm long on DAL.

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Greg, this one kills me because i knew it was going to be bad just based on knowing that the Gov/Fed was gonna F up travel with "Covid worse!! More lockdown" bullsheit. But I figured you knew something and also made sense to buy a best of breed airline when beaten down. I'll sadly follow your exit. But to beat a dead horse, this is why we need to hear some insight as to why you buy a certain position, not just buy it.

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Ditto ! It would be great if Greg can offer a quick reason why he buy certain position. I trust Greg’s input 100%

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Greg, I have been following you now for about two months. I want to personally thank you for buying Delta stock. I am a Delta employee and it has been truly sad to see what is happening once again to our industry. I hung thru our bankruptcy back in 2005, and since then we have seen our company come back with a vengeance. That being said, thank you for all your help in the stock market. I love your videos. You are insightful as well as pretty damn funny. And your stock screener is AWESOME!! I have told several of my friends about your site. I will continue to be a loyal "lion"!! P.S. for anyone who is looking, check out the company Veeva Systems, Inc. (VEEV). Its on a tear. They bring cloud technology to big Pharma companies like Moderna.

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Thanks Greg. I hold it too since before you recommended it. Bagholding! lol

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Hey Disney is starting to trouble me. Any thoughts from the Lion pride

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dis made me nervous breakdown. i did not buy back in at this one. another trading alert i follow (dollar vigilente) actually gave a trade alert for a put very low on dis. so i don't know which one to do!

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